Well, lookey here!! My brother has a big new article for us to read. As is his wont, he is telling us that we don’t understand population growth.
The U.N. now projects that over the next 40 years, more than half (58 percent) of the world’s population growth will come from increases in the number of people over 60, while only 6 percent will come from people under 30. Indeed, the U.N. projects that by 2025, the population of children under 5, already in steep decline in most developed countries, will be falling globally — and that’s even after assuming a substantial rebound in birth rates in the developing world. A gray tsunami will be sweeping the planet.
So, have some kids.
Or, you know, tell us what’s on your mind this evening.
Since I’m too old for more kids, I’ll join up with the Gray Panthers instead. We should finally be able to overwhelm The Stupid in just a few years from sheer force of numbers.
I’m a bit of a tv addict (keeps my mind off the fucked up nature of politics) so I’ve been hype all week about the new Fall season starting last week and the next couple of weeks.
I’ve watched a couple of new shows that I’m gonna try to continue watching. Revenge on ABC had a great pilot. If you’re already a conspiracy theorist about big brother watching our every move, then do yourselves a favor and don’t watch Person of Interest on CBC (just kiddin’ it looks pretty interesting actually).
I’ve also watched a couple of new shows that are just not worth my time…buh bye Charlie’s Angels.
As for returning shows, there are a lot I’m looking forward to, but the most anticipated one for me is Fringe on Fox, this show became my new X-Files like obsession since season 1 and it was gifted a 4th and probably final season, so I plan to enjoy it.
That show “Pan AM” that starts tomorrow on ABC looks pretty good from the promos. I suspect it will be something like Mad Men but of the airline industry in the sixties and moving forward.
But of course, since it’s on ABC (Disney,) it could really suck as well. We shall see. I’ve added it to the DVR’s schedule of shows to to record.
so wish I had teevee,, would never do anything if I had it though. for that reason can’t allow it in the house. very curious about the fall shows.
Sounds like a good thing to me. Ecosystems are already strained by all those diapers and juice boxes going into landfills.
It’s very unlikely we’ll follow the population growth curves projected by the UN. They don’t factor in the Limits to Growth, and the fact that we’ve been tracking their business as usual scenario very closely and seem to be hitting economic limits as the scenario described.
So maybe we’ll get to 8 billion but then population will turn around…
Doesn’t your brother also believe we’re on an unsustainable path when it comes to consumption?
I’m sure he does.
Is your brother the same Phillip Longman that wrote “Best Care Anywhere” about the VA health care system? Great book! Looking forward to your possible appearances on The Ed Show…you will give us a heads-up?
One and the same
Is it a family of writers? What does Andrew do? Who is their inspiration? Did one of their parents write? And why hasn’t Martin been published yet, or has he? He’s a great writer.
Andrew teaches people/companies how to think critically and solve problems.
My family is heavily skewed towards academics.
My paternal grandfather set up the first real art history department in Canada before taking a job at the University of Iowa.
My maternal grandfather was the head of the hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
His son was a professor in the Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Department at the University of Buffalo.
His daughter (my mother) taught Head Start at its inception and then became the director of the University League Nursery School at Princeton.
My father taught briefly as adjunct professor of Marketing at UNC-Chapel Hill. One of his brothers was a professor of theatre at the University of Georgia, and his other brother is still a professor at Columbia University in New York City.
Basically, explaining complicated shit to people is what our gene pool is all about.
You need to write a book or two or three. You’re a wise man. Find a good literary agent.
This creation of my Uncle Stan looks pretty cool.
If you just want to go based on statistics, the obvious solution is that we need to stop having so many 60 year old babies.
I am fascinated by how effective the media blackout of the “Occupy Wall St.” protest has been. Two liberal family members who are pretty well informed (one who works at a newspaper!) were surprised to find out tonight that this is happening. They had heard nothing at all about it. No clue.
Anybody else finding this?
Yup. The only TV source to cover it (that I’m aware of) is the Dillon Ratigan show on MSNBC and I think the New York Daily News has been on it. But, for example, the New York Times has only covered it briefly in one of their online blogs. I don’t think they’ve given it any attention in print.
That’s really pathetic but it reminds me of the non-existent coverage ANYWHERE of the FCC’s Media Ownership hearings some years back. This was a really big deal and people were absolutely furious. You might have found a little about it in your local alt-weekly paper or on some blog or Bill Moyers’ show on PBS but that was about it.
Big corporations stick together. Always.