Yup. No one gives a crap about the Palins anymore. They used to be a spectacle. Now their brand of stupid has gone mainstream. We don’t need to watch the Palins to see what kind of car wreck will result. Our whole country is now a car wreck, and the Republican debates provide all shocking and depressing entertainment we require to convince us that there are worse people in the world than ourselves. Sarah and her gang of idiots are now totally superfluous in every way. And no one wants to read their foolish books.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Um…how ’bout those Giants?
Yeah, they beat Vick to a pulp. Very satisfying.
I still think if Romney gets the Nom, Palin will go Perot and step back in as an independent.
Otherwsie, sure, she’s Done.
From your lips to god’s ears. Much as I’d like her to play Nader to Romney’s Gore, I don’t think she’d ever risk getting sh*t-canned from Fox News, which is what would happen the second she pulled something like that.
Maybe the msm fell out of love with her.
Oh, and, thank you John McCain for bringing her on the national stage.
SNL’s opening skit with the Republican debate was pretty funny last night.
I was deeeeefinitely ROTFLMAO, LMAO. Just amazing. In fact, this incarnation of SNL has some remarkable folks. They are doing some funny stuff.
Sarah Palin is a joke. I have better thinks to do than worry about Sarah Palin.
Right now I”m watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition where Michelle Obama makes a cameo. The family they are building a house for is the Marshall family. Barbara Marshall is a 15 years military veteran who once out of the service opened “Jubilee House” as a haven for homeless female veterans in Fayateville, NC.
I don’t usually watch the show, but I did because of FLOTUS. already tearing up and it’s not even halfway over.
Well one thing to keep in mind, both of these books were known out of the gate to not be Palin fluffers.
Her cult is not going to spend their money on those two books. The rest of the world, outside of the cult, is done with Palin.