Sometime soon, most likely in mid-October, the Senate will take-up the American Jobs Act. As is the case with all contentious Senate business, this will involve a motion to invoke ‘cloture’, which is a fancy word that means that the Senate agrees to end debate over an issue and have an up or down simple-majority vote. The Democratic Caucus has 53 members, which means that, once cloture is successfully invoked, they can pass the bill if they remain united. Of course, the Democrats are not exactly united. Sen. Mary Landrieu if Louisiana opposes any reduction in subsidies for Big Oil. Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia thinks raising taxes on anyone, even several years from now, is a dumb idea. And, even if the Senate were to pass some version of the American Jobs Act, it would still have to be merged with whatever bill John Boehner’s House of Representatives produced (assuming they produced anything at all).
It”s a very tall order to pass anything through our divided Congress, but the administration is serious about giving it an honest try. And there are some small signs of hope. After the president gave a speech calling for a half trillion dollars in stimulus funded by rich people paying their fair share, Boehner and Cantor said his plan “merits consideration.”
The Republicans can read the polls, and they know that they exhausted the electorate’s patience during the debate over the debt ceiling. That’s why they stopped obstructing the FAA extension. It’s also why the House Republicans did not attach anti-choice and anti-environment riders to their Continuing Resolution bill. The Republican leadership realizes that the public sees them as unproductive, overly ideological, and thoroughly unreasonable. They are very worried about how the public will react if they simply refuse to produce a jobs bill.
The American Jobs Act will prevent more teacher lay-offs and it focuses on infrastructure which will put construction workers back to work. Even Rep. Paul Ryan has conceded that infrastructure projects will create jobs. The proposed payroll holiday will give the average family approximately 1,500 extra dollars to spend, and the bill also has provisions for hiring veterans that will be hard to oppose. The bill has been carefully crafted so that includes many provisions that poll very well with the public, and Republican senators will not be very enthusiastic about simply killing the bill with a filibuster. This is especially true because they can pass the buck to the House where Boehner can take the blame for either killing it or stripping out some of its more popular provisions.
Boehner and Cantor probably know that they can’t simply kill the bill or they will lose the House. So, they’ll probably try to pass something that can be melded with a Senate bill. I should put an emphasis on ‘try’ because the House leadership has only theoretical control over their own caucus.
Here’s what I do know. The president is going all-in to try to pass a jobs bill. Progressive groups have signed on to help him with the push. He will be traveling the country for the next month to make the case for his bill. He hasn’t put this much effort into anything since the Affordable Care Act. We can sit on the sidelines or we can help the president make his case.
So, my advice is to get involved. Make the case to your friends and family through your social networks. Go find out what is going on in your community and volunteer to help. The Republicans have no good options on this. They can either get blamed for intransigence or they can give the president a win and actually do something that helps create some jobs. We have to make sure they pay the maximum price if they do the wrong thing.
And after that then can we try eating some snow cones in hell?
Not a chance.
The bill itself doesn’t have a chance. Its purpose is transparently political, Booman.
You make my case yourself.
All of that needs to happen for the bill to survive in any useful form whatsoever? A perfect storm of coincidences? More magical leftiness thinking. Ain’t happening, Booman. Ain’t happening.
You also state that:
Come on, man!!! Are you really credulous enough to believe that shit after watching the Boehner/Cantor-driven debt reduction circus only a few weeks ago?
Does a leopard change his spots or a possum change his smell?
Ain’t happening.
Not in this universe it ain’t.
Bet on it.
The only possbile good that pushing this bill could do would be to further inform the American public of the real aims of the Ratpub right, and even that result would depend on the cooperation of the media. If the fix is in for another Obama term the media will cooperate. If it’s not…they won’t.
Simple as that.
way to miss the point entirely.
Indeed. Loathe as I am to contest the lyric stylings of Arthur Gilroy, I think the point is to find seven GOP senators capable of voting for cloture. Collins, Hutchinson, Lugar, Murkowski, Snowe come to mind. Are there any others?
We will see if I missed the point, Booman. I think that your “point” was wrong from the getgo myself, that that you are mistaking a political maneuver for a practical, realistic effort to produce change.
Obama has only smoke and mirrors with which he can now play. He possesses almost no more real power because he wasted what power he originally had in vacillation and compromise.
My bet is that the bill will be compromised into almost total uselessness.
Obama can chant “Pass this bill” as often as he wishes to do so, but since he himself has so often passed the buck for over three years no one fears him anymore. All the DemRats really fear is the distinct possibility that they will lose the house, the senate and the presidency, and the Rats seem to be totally fearless. They just plow straight ahead with only an occasional feint to keep the opposition off balance.
And this approach is working, Booman. On the evidence of the sea change in public opinion over the past three years vis à vis Obama and the Dems, it is working like a motherfucker.
P.S. “The buck stops here?”
Not in this administration it doesn’t.
It’s more like “‘Round and ’round and ’round it goes. Where the buck stops, nobody knows.”
Like dat, Booman.
Like dat.
Deal wid it.
Geezus, time to BUY A CLUE, AG.
In Washington, they PLAY POLITICS. Thank GAWD Obama is finally playing politics. The WHOLE point is to get the Repukeliscum to actually oppose something good for normal Americans.
Are you paying attention?
Yes dataguy, I am most certainly paying attention,. Booman asked us to “Help the President Pass His Jobs Bill.” Booman is treating the move as if it is a serous attempt to pass a bill rather than a better-late-than-never (but not much better) ploy to make the RatPublicans look bad.
I mean…let’s get real here. The Rats have “made themselves look bad” since the Clinton sexcapades. What has Obama done with a situation that was prime for political exploitation?
He has failed, that is what he has done.
After 8 years of the G. W. Butch administration’s total incompetence and rampant criminality, the Democrats rode into Washington with a real mandate for change. Three years later they have been reduced to parsing the decimal points of polls and playing little legislative games in an attempt to squeak through the next election w/out losing both the senate and the presidency. Do you think things will be any better if Obama wins next year?
I don’t.
Do you think that things will be much worse if the mainstream Republicans win? I do, but this system does not necessarily present an “either/or” choice. Ron Paul might win the Republican nomination; Obama might ether lose the nomination or drop out, and/or a practical and serious third party challenge might appear.
I am through “helping” this president, dataguy.
He has either failed us or betrayed us, I am not sure which. Probably the former. Either way, I personally am through with him. If the far right gains control of his country I will stay and fight. By any means necessary. My people have been here since the early 1600s on one side…running from the Medici…and on the other side they fled the British during the mid-19th century troubles in Ireland after one of them as was assassinated. I’m not giving up, but neither will I be a willing collaborator.
Bet on it.
You don’t need a clue. You need an instruction manual, printed in big letters. What Obama is doing is putting it to the Repukeliescum. There is no way in hell that ANYTHING Obama proposed would be passed. So, he is simply changing the conversation.
However, his attempt at changing the conversation requires a full out effort by Democrats. And that is what Booman is asking for. Working with Obama to push the Repukeliscum into a more democratic position.
You actually think that this is a conversation that they are having up there in Trillion Dollar Land? Foolish dataguy!! It is a war to the death, sir. Nothing more and nothing less. Foreigners or Americans, Dems or ratPubs, it makes no difference to the controllers. They will decimate whomever and whatever stands in their way if they must in order to win.
You do not “have conversations” with heartless murderers, dataguy. You either beat them, die, submit or run like hell.
Obama has submitted. Everything else is merely an attempt to save face.
Bet on it.
And he will fail with this move as well. He may manage to get re-elected as president, but it will be four more years of failure.
I am through with it, dataguy.
You want to dance with this guy through four more years of disappoinments?
Feel free.
Not me, though.
I’ll take to the hills first.
Bet on it.
Can you describe a ‘non-political’ strategy that might be used to save this country?
No, but I can describe an approach that might work.
A political approach.
Novel, but it has its possibilities.
Tell the American people the truth instead of trying to tap-dance and juke around the opposition to that truth.
Harry Truman described the idea very well.
Ron Paul is doing it, and he ain’t over yet.
Not nearly.
He is telling his truth and damn the torpedoes. You don’t like it, don’t vote for him. End of story.
“Politics” does not always have to be a synonym for lying and prevaricating, triangle. Once in a while something else happens. We have become too accepting of the daly rigamarole as it is reported by the corporate-owned mass media, to used to accepting the lies as “the way things work.”
They do not work that way. Not very well, anyway. At least not on the evidence of where this country has gone over the past 50 years they don’t.
And yet here we are listening to a president who makes speech after speech that is only about 10% “truth” and 90% reconstituted bullshit. Listening to him now is like going to one of those semi-upscale fast food joints like Quizno’s and thinking that the food is somehow healthier than most fast food because it looks a little better, is a little more complicated and costs more. It’s just McDonald’s dressed up a little and it’ll kill ya just as quickly.
Foolish Americans! And foolish leftinesses as well.
Wake the fuck up.
P.S. Say!!! I have an idea!!! Obama can step down and open a fast food chain called “Quisling’s” He’ll make a fortune!!!
What’s that you say?
He’s already made a fortune?
Yore freind,
I think your timeline for action is missing the stupid super committee. I don’t think the President gets any significant tax raises (or tax code simplification or whatever) out of congress, not that it matters. Then it becomes a winning election issue, plus the Bush tax cuts formally expire in a year.
I think the super committee has to cobble together “excess savings” from pensions or whatever and apply it to a stripped down jobs act before the house could conceivably pass anything.
So I think that narrow window between Thanksgiving and the first GOP primaries is where something will happen, regardless of the intensity of public pressure beforehand.
I’m not putting much hope in anything passing both houses but I wrote a supportive letter about it to the Oklahoman (daily in OKC) anyway. And, surprisingly, they published it yesterday without editing it beyond recognition.
I don’t have any illusions about this bill passing, but I’m glad to see the President going about it the way he has. If he keeps up the pressure by addressing the American people directly (if Dems had any clout in the media it wouldn’t be necessary) then the Reepubs are in a no-win situation. It’s just possible a bill of some sort will pass under those circumstances, and if President Obama stays strong and on target then he might even be in a position to bully through a version that hasn’t been compromised beyond usefulness.
Nothing about our current Congress inspires hope, but it seems to me that the President at least is doing the very best he can under the circumstances, and that’s encouraging to see.
The bill won’t pas. It just won’t. But that’s no reason to stop campaigning on it. It shows people whose side each party is on. I remember in 2000 when the Bush/Gore race was going on and economic times were GREAT. People who I knew from work who intended to vote for Bush told me that “Oh, both parties are the same anyway. It’s time for something different. What could possibly go wrong?”
Yeah, they were tired of the drama of the Clinton administration. But they really didn’t believe that there would be any difference with the Republican oilmen in charge. And these were technology people saying this. I couldn’t help but shake my head, baffled as to why anyone in our field would vote against someone like AL Gore. Just. Wow. But Al Gore asked for it by not defining the difference between the parties and their agendas.