I wish Joe Lieberman would just leave already. He’s done enough damage. Now he’s teaming up with Tom Coburn, of all people, to recommend steep cuts in Medicare. This is a guy who thought we should expand Medicare eligibility until he heard that Anthony Weiner thought it was a good idea. I feel like Lieberman long ago decided that his job in life is to piss off liberals. He’s pretty good at it, too.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
He’s been pissed off since ’04. Why ’04? Because he wasn’t anointed the Democratic nominee. He’s been a PITA ever since.
It really does come down to that, doesn’t it?
It’s all tied up with the Iraq War. Its supporters made it such a part of their identity, that being rejected for it is something they take so personally.
And people seriously think he wouldn’t have torpedoed the health care act if we didn’t coddle him? I think that was one of Obama’s best early decisions.
And where was he going to go? Have you ever managed people?
The same place he’s going now: into retirement. He would have caucused with the Republicans. Make no mistake about it. He’s a vindictive fuck with a massive ego. He could be Jamie Dimon (who was a lifelong Democrat, and is now rooting for Mitt Romney).
Well, at least he helped on the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell repeal. And according to the congressional website he votes with the dem caucus about 75% of the time, on average. But he is a grandstanding pompous dick with horrible ideas about most things (exceptions gays and the environment). We can do a lot better in that state, I think. It will be a relief when he gets out of the senate. Of course, he will probably still be a tlaking heasd for many years to come. Oy vey.
spell check: talking head
Yes I used to think Joe was a reasoned guy. Didn’t always agree with him, but thought he we honorable and reasoned and just sometimes came to a different conclusion when forced to make the call. Pretty much what you want a Senator to do.
But these are weird times. And weird times makes for weird politics and politicians. Joe is exhibit A. He’s become about as weird and relevant as Ron Paul.
What we need now more than anything are leaders who will break the story and make a new one. Joe is lost IMO
there’s never been any confusion where LIEbermans’ loyalties lie vis-à-vis healthcare issues, has there?
can’t wait for this asshole to be gone
My current working theory is that giant puppets drove the man completely insane. Once he retires from the Senate he’s going to find an island and become either a James Bond villain or possibly Superman’s Greatest Foe. Because that’s the kind of downward spiral he’s been on since Iraq turned sour and people started mocking him with giant paper mache puppets.
nonynony, your theory is about as good as any. My own is that there’s certain kind of sanctimonious, holier-than-thou politician who, as he ages (and it’s almost always a he), becomes increasingly sanctimonious and increasingly reactionary. (With Lieberman, I first remember noticing that strain of his personality back in the 1990s when Arthur Levitt, then SEC chairman, was testifying before some committee Lieberman was on.)
I love Tom Coburn. He makes the liberal argument for us: “the other thing that’s missing in this debate is us neighbors helping people who need our help.” So let’s imagine Coburn’s ideal: we all pitch in to help our neighbors in a transparent and efficient way. And the most efficient way of doing that is to have everyone in the same risk pool, contributing to and withdrawing from the same centralized fund or funds. Those funds will be administered in a transparent and efficient way by people we elect to do so and who are accountable to the rest of us. Gosh, that sounds an awful lot like MY ideal, too. Because “us as neighbors” is just another way of saying “We The People.”