Powerful Stupid from Michele Bachmann, talking about the Obama administration’s decision to fast track the legal dispute about the individual mandate to the Supreme Court:

I think that it can’t stay there. We have to go with full-scale repeal of Obamacare. Of course were going to be hoping our best for the Court. We have four votes that are against Obamacare. Do we really want to put the one fifth, swing vote, potentially Anthony Kennedy, to say that because of that, we’ll strike down this terrible bill as unconstitutional? I don’t want to go that route. The Supreme Court should not be deciding our laws. That’s the people we elect, that’s who should decide our laws.

Even her assertion that her side of the argument has four votes is highly dubious. All we now for certain is that Clarence Thomas is going to vote against the individual mandate. Beyond that, it’s a matter of whether the other conservative Justices will succumb to peer pressure or follow their own precedents. If they have any integrity, even Roberts, Scalia, and Alito will uphold the government’s right to regulate interstate commerce. As we saw with Bush v. Gore, anything can happen, but that doesn’t make it very likely that the Supreme Court will go all tea-baggy on us.

Also, too, I don’t know why Bachmann has a problem with the Affordable Care Act since the country’s lawmakers were the ones who enacted it. If the Supreme Court shouldn’t be overruling the will of Congress then she should be quite happy about them upholding the law. Or maybe she thinks they should just refuse to hear the case. Actually, I guess she doesn’t think the Supreme Court should hear any cases. They might have to “decide our laws.”