So…ya say that Ron Paul is unelectable right wing flake, eh? And that my recent piece here (Ron Paul: Was the al-Awlaki assassination unconstitutional?) is somehow way off the mark?
Ok Bunkies and Bunkettes…how’s about someone who was an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, became famous as a co-founder of Reaganomics and was also an editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service?
Insider enough for ya?
Paul Craig Roberts in Counterpunch.
Assassinating Awlaki – The Day America Died
Read on.
I dare ya.
Assassinating Awlaki
The Day America Died
September 30, 2011 was the day America was assassinated.
Some of us have watched this day approach and have warned of its coming, only to be greeted with boos and hisses from “patriots” who have come to regard the US Constitution as a device that coddles criminals and terrorists and gets in the way of the President who needs to act to keep us safe.
In our book, “The Tyranny of Good Intentions,” Lawrence Stratton and I showed that long before 9/11 US law had ceased to be a shield of the people and had been turned into a weapon in the hands of the government. The event known as 9/11 was used to raise the executive branch above the law. As long as the President sanctions an illegal act, executive branch employees are no longer accountable to the law that prohibits the illegal act. On the president’s authority, the executive branch can violate US laws against spying on Americans without warrants, indefinite detention, and torture and suffer no consequences.
Many expected President Obama to re-establish the accountability of government to law. Instead, he went further than Bush/Cheney and asserted the unconstitutional power not only to hold American citizens indefinitely in prison without bringing charges, but also to take their lives without convicting them in a court of law. Obama asserts that the US Constitution notwithstanding, he has the authority to assassinate US citizens, who he deems to be a “threat,” without due process of law.
In other words, any American citizen who is moved into the threat category has no rights and can be executed without trial or evidence.
On September 30 Obama used this asserted new power of the president and had two American citizens, Anwar Awlaki and Samir Khan murdered. Khan was a wacky character associated with Inspire Magazine and does not readily come to mind as a serious threat.
Awlaki was a moderate American Muslim cleric who served as an advisor to the US government after 9/11 on ways to counter Muslim extremism. Awlaki was gradually radicalized by Washington’s use of lies to justify military attacks on Muslim countries. He became a critic of the US government and told Muslims that they did not have to passively accept American aggression and had the right to resist and to fight back. As a result Awlaki was demonized and became a threat.
All we know that Awlaki did was to give sermons critical of Washington’s indiscriminate assaults on Muslim peoples. Washington’s argument is that his sermons might have had an influence on some who are accused of attempting terrorist acts, thus making Awlaki responsible for the attempts.
Obama’s assertion that Awlaki was some kind of high-level Al Qaeda operative is merely an assertion. Jason Ditz on concluded that the reason Awlaki was murdered rather than brought to trial is that the US government had no real evidence that Awlaki was an Al Qaeda operative.
Having murdered its critic, the Obama Regime is working hard to posthumously promote Awlaki to a leadership position in Al Qaeda. The presstitutes and the worshippers of America’s First Black President have fallen in line and regurgitated the assertions that Awlaki was a high-level dangerous Al Qaeda terrorist. If Al Qaeda sees value in Awlaki as a martyr, the organization will give credence to these claims. However, so far no one has provided any evidence. Keep in mind that all we know about Awlaki is what Washington claims and that the US has been at war for a decade based on false claims.
It is possible that Awlaki was assassinated because he was an effective critic of the US government. Police states do not originate fully fledged. Initially, they justify their illegal acts by demonizing their targets and in this way create the precedents for unaccountable power. Once the government equates critics with giving “aid and comfort” to terrorists, as they are doing with antiwar activists and Assange, or with terrorism itself, as Obama did with Awlaki, it will only be a short step to bringing accusations against Glenn Greenwald and the ACLU.
The Obama Regime, like the Bush/Cheney Regime, is a regime that does not want to be constrained by law. And neither will its successor. Those fighting to uphold the rule of law, humanity’s greatest achievement, will find themselves lumped together with the regime’s opponents and be treated as such.
This great danger that hovers over America is unrecognized by the majority of the people. When Obama announced before a military gathering his success in assassinating an American citizen, cheers erupted. The Obama regime and the media played the event as a repeat of the (claimed) killing of Osama bin Laden. Two “enemies of the people” have been triumphantly dispatched. That the President of the United States was proudly proclaiming to a cheering audience sworn to defend the Constitution that he was a murderer and that he had also assassinated the US Constitution is extraordinary evidence that Americans are incapable of recognizing the threat to their liberty.
Emotionally, the people have accepted the new powers of the president. If the president can have American citizens assassinated, there is no big deal about torturing them. Amnesty International has sent out an alert that the US Senate is poised to pass legislation that would keep Guantanamo Prison open indefinitely and that Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) might introduce a provision that would legalize “enhanced interrogation techniques,” an euphemism for torture.
Instead of seeing the danger, most Americans will merely conclude that the government is getting tough on terrorists, and it will meet with their approval. Smiling with satisfaction over the demise of their enemies, Americans are being led down the garden path to rule by government unrestrained by law and armed with the weapons of the medieval dungeon.
A brutal disposition now infects the US military. The leaked video of US soldiers delighting, as their words and actions reveal, in their murder from the air of civilians and news service camera men walking innocently along a city street shows soldiers and officers devoid of humanity and military discipline. Excited by the thrill of murder, our troops repeated their crime when a father with two small children stopped to give aid to the wounded and were machine-gunned.
So many instances: the rape of a young girl and murder of her entire family; innocent civilians murdered and AK-47s placed by their side as “evidence” of insurgency; the enjoyment experienced not only by high school dropouts from torturing they-knew-not- who in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, but also by educated CIA operatives and Ph.D. psychologists. And no one held accountable for these crimes except two lowly soldiers prominently featured in some of the torture photographs.
What do Americans think will be their fate now that the “war on terror” has destroyed the protection once afforded them by the US Constitution? If Awlaki really needed to be assassinated, why did not President Obama protect American citizens from the precedent that their deaths can be ordered without due process of law by first stripping Awlaki of his US citizenship? If the government can strip Awlaki of his life, it certainly can strip him of citizenship. The implication is hard to avoid that the executive branch desires the power to terminate citizens without due process of law.
Governments escape the accountability of law in stages. Washington understands that its justifications for its wars are contrived and indefensible. President Obama even went so far as to declare that the military assault that he authorized on Libya without consulting Congress was not a war, and, therefore, he could ignore the War Powers Resolution of 1973, a federal law intended to check the power of the President to commit the US to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress.
War critics are beginning to have an audience. The government cannot begin its silencing of critics by bringing charges against US Representatives Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. It begins with antiwar protestors, who are elevated into “antiwar activists,” perhaps a step below “domestic extremists.” Washington begins with citizens who are demonized Muslim clerics radicalized by Washington’s wars on Muslims. In this way, Washington establishes the precedent that war protestors give encouragement and, thus, aid, to terrorists. It establishes the precedent that those Americans deemed a threat are not protected by law. This is the slippery slope on which we now find ourselves.
Voting has no effect. President “Change” is worse than Bush/Cheney. As Jonathan Turley suggests, Obama is “the most disastrous president in our history.” Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who stands up for the Constitution, but the majority of Americans are too unconcerned with the Constitution to appreciate him.
To expect salvation from an election is delusional. All you can do, if you are young enough, is to leave the country. The only future for Americans is a nightmare.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, and professor of economics in six universities. His latest book, HOW THE ECONOMY WAS LOST, was published by CounterPunch/AK Press. He can be reached at:
Wake the fuck up.
OK, alla you Chicken Littles and little chuckleheads.
Wake the fuck up.
The sky is falling.
Wake the fuck up!!!
Before it’s too late.
The Crime of Making Americans Aware of Their Own History by William Blum.
Naaaaaahhhhh…it can’t be our fault!!!
Wake the fuck up.
Stop attacking Muslims and Muslims will stop attacking us.
And which presidential candidate is saying that this is exactly what he will do if elected?
Ron Paul.
Duh squared!!!
You maybe think he wouldn’t try to stand up to his promises?
He has been very consistent for well over 30 years.
Bet on it.
Discussions of constitutionality are usually pretty subjective. 60% of Supreme Court decisions are not unanimous, so even at the level of highest court in the land they can argue (and do) until they’re blue in the face but still end up writing dissenting opinions.
Basically what all of these arguments boil down to is that something that we mostly agree was morally questionable (or outright wrong) may also be legally defensible.
And so in politics calling something unconstitutional is, except in the most obvious of cases, just one more way to divide sides on either side of a line. This is why I tend to appreciate BooMan’s analysis, such as his piece from the front page a couple days ago. It doesn’t focus on whether or not it was constitutional but rather on the implications of the action itself and what possible remedies we can pursue through the system.
Whether the system will actually allow such remedies to go through is obviously a much larger issue, and one that is really the root of most of the debate on this site and others. I don’t want to speak to that, I just wanted to point out the observation that calling something constitutional or unconstitutional is really kind of an irrelevant discussion in this and most cases.
Until quite recently I would have agreed with you on this point, emjw. Constitutional palaver has been the stock and trade of some of the most empty-headed, reactionary right-wingers in America for decades.
“Let’s go back to the old ways!!!! It wuz better then.”
Better for whom has of course always been the question.
But recently I have begun to consider this question from another angle. Given that this country’s history is far from perfect…and very far from blameless for the current state of the world as well…the fact remains that this nation has successfully provided enormous upward social and economic mobility for literally millions of human beings of all races, religions and cultures who came here in dire need of help, in need of relief from all sorts of negative situations in which they had found themselves in almost every country on the globe.
Why has the United States been so blessed with this capability? It’s not simply because of its vast natural resources…Asia, Europe, Russia and all of South America and Africa have equivalent potential riches. Nor is it about its relative lack of population during the beginnings of its upward climb in the hierarchy of nations.
So…why then?
The single thing that sets it apart from its neighbors is its form of government, and that government is based on…Tah dah!!!…the Constitution as it was written by its founders and as it has been amended over the subsequent years.
It flat out works, emjw. It works!
Dvine intervention?
Sheer luck?
I dunno, myself.
On a day-to-day basis the functioning of this government has often looked to many intelligent observers…myself included…as if it is a totally incoherent system. Increasingly so over the past 50+ years, and increasingly seriously so over the last decade.
But if one examines it in the long view, this has worked better than any form of government that has existed since its inception.
And now it is in danger of collapsing of its own weight.
During that 50+ years of which I speak, the Constitution that defines this system has been amended, bypassed by the use of political trickery and just plain disobeyed on a seriously large scale. Every time this has happened the powers that have wished to “make changes” have argued that those changes would be for the good of the country. They have been good arguments, many of them, made by well-meaning people…the whole Civil Rights movement and the various pieces of legislation that supposedly ensured its success are one of many instances of this kind of occurrence…but upon examination of the real results of such actions (examination of the state of the nation as a whole as well as of the parts of the society that they were supposed to help) the only conclusion that can be reached is the following.
They did not work.
Short term?
Yes, to some varying degrees.
But long term? Taking the large view of how the nation is faring today?
Not so damned well, emjw.
Not so damned well.
Sorry, but there it is.
The society and the moral culture that upheld that society for centuries is now in tatters.
What to do, what to do?
One possible solution is to go back to the basics.
Go back to the Constitution of the United States of America that has “worked”…again, taking the long view, comparing this country to the other countries on the planet…very well for over 200 years.
And who is speaking about this in a practical and intelligent manner on the national stage today?
Not President Obama, who has made…or permitted, at the very least…as many if not more end runs around the constitution than any president in living memory.
Not Rick Perry, not the empty Romney suit and any of the other Ratpublican flavors of the day, week, month of year.
None of ’em.
Only Ron Paul, emjw.
Only Ron Paul.
All alone, and being rewarded with attacks and non-personing from the media for his trouble….a media that is owned lock, stock and smoking barrel by corporate forces to which the constitution is just an obstacle in the way of their ever-mounting profits at the expense of the people that said constitution is supposed to protect.
Maybe it’s time to get back to basics, emjw.
Could we be in worse shape than we are now in this regard?
I think not, myself.
And y’know what?
So do a whole lot of other people.
I find it quite interesting that in the last several weeks of Counterpunch…arguably the best, most consistently reasonable without being weak so-called “leftist” publication in the nation today…Ron Paul has been getting a great deal of positive attention.
Apparently not.
Right, left or center…many people are beginning to think that he is just some kind of right.
Myself included.
Don’t like that?
Convince me otherwise, and do not try to do it by painting him as a right-wing flake, a racist or a corporate tool…the three most often used arguments against his candidacy from the left.
He’s not.
Check him out.
Listen to what he is saying, and also watch the way he is saying it, the response from regular, walking-the-street working people and the absolutely obvious falseness of the acts of of his debate opponents.
He’s the real deal, emjw.
The real deal.
Bet on it.
I am.
P.S. Come to think of it, that might be a good slogan for his campaign. First we had the New Deal. That worked out pretty well, riht. Now? It’s time for the Real Deal.
Maybe that will work as well.
Let us pray.