A major political party was willing and advocated turning over the 2nd
in command of our govt (under an aged and infirm President) to a person
who obviously was not of the caliber necessary for the job.  Her, many,
many faults were present for all to see, but the GOP leadership and
large portions of its base just did not care.

“Damn the country, its good for us and may extent our time in power.”

And the same people are picking the next round of GOP hopefuls.  Rick
Perry?  Cain?  Bachmann? Santorum?  The sane ones (Huntsman, etc..) have
dropped out or wouldn’t join  the freak show.  Romney has trouble
appealing to the mainstream of his party, and he is far outside the
national consensus.

Until the GOP begins to take its responsibility for governing seriously,
they are no longer up to the role they have assumed.  Like the old
Communist Party of the Soviet Union, they have the priorities
(as shown in the current economic mess)   of “Party
First, nation last.”  Their time is over.  Time for a new political party to replace it.