Not really a diary. A Very Merry Undiary, perhaps?
Today my daughter turns 17. You might recall, she’s been a “Hell Raiser” since she was 8 and questioned the killing of “Iraqi Kids”. I’ve forgotten how to do all these cool little diary techniques but there are past diaries and posts and I know that many of you put Danni in your hearts and minds and remember her. But I still know how to share when I feel I have something to say.
Some people think my daughter does what she does because of me or her Dad. When in reality it was she who changed our world… simply by being in it.
Today she turns 17. She’s been marching for Peace for 10 damn years now.
Here’s my birthday message to her today at a hockey chat… but as Danni and I gear for the Occupy Portland tomorrow, I wanted to share this with you. You have marched with us many times. You have witnessed this movement that has taken so long to reach this point and who knows where it will go.
Tonight Danni, sadly, knows to gather bandanas to soak in water and place into baggies in case there’s spraying. Extra bottles of water to share with the homeless and to use to clean out our eyes or others. She knows not to run if panicked. She knows how to simply walk off the street into a store. She knows where to meet me and how to get home alone if we are seperated. She’s got the cameras and peace bag ready.
I wish she didn’t have to know these things.
Happy 17th Birthday, Danni!
The Poet, The Peace Marcher, The Procrastinator, The Princess, The Punk, The Powerful and The Pool Pix Pick Champion.
We scream and fight because we are so much alike you and I. We scream and fight because we are so very different. Yet we come together on the important stuff and have each other’s backs. We don’t question that at all. If I were to pass away tomorrow, I would know that you would continue to support peace and human rights. That you would always cherish reading and the arts. That you would continue to grow and learn. That you would continue to be curious and always question authority. That you would become your own person and not be like someone else. Not even like me. I know that even now, in just the beginning of your life, you have the tools to move forward and to be a beautiful, loving, compassionate, empowered person. Today may be your birthday but it is you who are a gift to so many you haven’t even met yet.
Continue to write your own lyrics while you are on this planet. And as Dylan sang, “know your song well before you start singin’ it”
Well, happy birthday to a very special young woman, then. π
Thanks Durito!
Here’s a message I just got via email from CodePinkPDX. Danni has done many signs and helped with many creative ideas for them.
“Happy Birthday Danni. Thank you for your commitment to peace and justice. May you see both in your lifetime.”
Damn I’m too sentimental right now LOL. I have to get my occupying face on soon. π
Happy birthday to your lovely young daughter, and it is great to see you posting around here again DJ. I remember when I first starting hanging around the Frog Pond it was the voices of you and the other strong women here that really drew me in and taught me so much.
I’m still learning and still pretty much a freaking coward who needs to decomporess after ‘outtings’ π
Danni is the one who now gets the peace bag together. Because I run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off beforehand. She’s more composed. But tonight we shall eat CAKE! Tomorrow.. probably rained on pizza or soggy pita bread.
You are definitely not a coward, DJ.
Like John Wayne said, courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyway.
Keep on rocking π
Keep on rocking and as long as I have my cocktail shaker… I’ll keep on shaking, too. π
My husband informed me that his favorite western movie dude, John Wayne, was in real life a real prickasaurus right wing asshat.
Thanks for sharing ((((((DJ))))))
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wow. Got an hankies there, Oui? π See what I mean… that was just 5 years ago. But it’s so long for her.
Here’s a fairly recent one from the Peace Rally War Annivesary & Solidarity March with Wisconsin – we JUST learned that we had started bombing Libya while marching to end the wars in Iraq… can see it on her face. We have robbed ALL of our children of so much.
She helped piece together each letter onto the banner in back “End the wars foreign and domestic” with the help of CodePink and a gentleman from Veterans for Peace.
These two put together the above banner:

Her sign was one that was many wanted to photograph. People wanted to start to not like it but then had to sigh and realize that as long as our kid’s education and future are paying for these wars… they have a right to carry a sign that called the President out. Many even changed their mind and agreed with her. One old man came up to her and asked to shake her hand for having the courage to carry one of two signs that called out the POTUS for continuing the wars. The other one? It was held by a little boy.
Just one of the many photographers asking her for a picture.
Happy Birthday Danni! Janet thanks so much for this diary. Amazing pictures and memories. A diary of the present and hope for the future.
And dammit, janet I miss your diaries.
Dammit, I miss you too π
Moms get sentimental around birthdays, and older. But right now there is so much spinning around in the air.
I’ll be taking some photos and video of Occupy Portland tomorrow. I’ve promised the Mothership over at DK that I’d share my thoughts there. I think I can post it here, too (?)
That would be great. Hope the OP protest will stay peaceful with no cop interference. Probably redundant but you and Danni take care.
Happy Birthday to you both!
Stay safe tomorrow & post when you can.
Happy Birthday Danni, and my very best to the both of you in the OWS campaign.
Happy birthday to Danni!
Wonderful to see such a young activist in action.
Happy Birthday beautiful girl, thanks for all you do.
DJanet, your inspiring presence has been missed around here. It’s so good that you’re back.
Be careful out there.
Happy birthday, Danni!
Thanks for the family update, Janet!
I have simply the greatest marching news!
“We have an announcement!
Tomorrow [Sunday] we march! We march with the mayor’s office, the Portland police department and the Portland marathon chief officers! The mayor’s office graciously invited us to join the race, behind the runners at 2:30PM. We follow them from the Rose Quarter, over the Broadway Bridge, along Naito Parkway, West on SW Jefferson to SW 4th to the occupied Chapman Park/camp/headquarters.
Together the city will join together in celebration of John Lennon’s birthday, singing the infamous song, ‘Imagine.’
‘Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you will join us, and the World will live as One.’ “
SO awesome!!
Wayne and I are going to go march in this together. Hopefully will march alongside BOHICA (Veteran’s for Peace and DK friend) finaly found my stinking charger for the non shakey camcorder I got recently after a friend whined about my shakey videos π don’t know if it will be charged in time. Was going to do a dairy of the camp from yesterday but gotta put on my marching shoes. … and some arnica on my pulled calf muscle. LOL
Danni and I went yesterday to the campsite and hung out. But no diary time today. Gotta get out and IMAGINE.
Imagine.. marching with the damn police and mayor’s peeps and behind the maraton runners.
Amazing! Hope all goes well and thanks for the update. Indiana R’s are firing up right-to-work again, so we are firing up the union folks in response. Many more marches to come around the midwestern state capitals & another WI recall petition, this time for the Koch’s resident guv.