The Subway Dwellers

Studiously reading their well-written lies,
The subway dwelling NY Times
Shield their well-shod eyes from the truth of the matter.

Ain’t many white peoples down in here.
Ain’t you noticed?
Shouldn’t you move to Cucamonga or Humbert?
Somewhere you’re not so badly outnumbered?

But they don’t hear the beat.
Too busy smelling tomorrow’s fresh meat.
At which high priced joint should we eat?
Oh, those politicians!!!
Lookit them shoes!!!
All those statisticians!!!
Lookit them queues!!!
They don’t hear the beat
Of the thousands of earbuds that lie at their feet.

And then they get off.
There’s money to be made, don’tcha know.

The rest of us continue to da Bronx or Brooklyn,
There to continue our survivalist crooklin’.

Gotta eat, baby.
Gotta eat.