Hi. Did you send us the snow, too? It’s amazing up here on the mountain — large, fluffy flakes & a puffy white cloak on everything. About 2″ so far & still falling. Wow.
I’m off to the local recycling center for free paper shredding day with an entire truckload of Mrs. ID’s old client files. Finally got most of the garage cleaned out. Found out we could underwrite an hour of shredding, so we did it under #2 son’s name as a surprise for him.
Ooh, big fun- I always love getting rid of old paperwork!
We’re off to music circle in a bit, followed by a trip to the fabric store to get buttons for Finny’s new sweater. It’s raining here now, but we’ve been told well get snow tonight. Ugh, it’s too early for that!
Up here we’re looking at 11 – 20″ of wet, heavy snow by tomorrow. Outages are possible. I’m about to bring in firewood & do washing while there’s still hot water. I’m just not ready.
(It’s not me so much as my housemate. She has a hard time with outages.)
Sorry to hear about the early snow out east and hoping all of you out there are toasty warm this morning. Its been clear and crisp here the last few days, although our little village has been covered in a blizzard of tourists. Hope they’re leaving a few bucks behind with the local merchants when they go.
Good morning, Andi!
That looks very similar to the conditions we had up on Le Saleve this weekend. The foliage is dropping – and fast.
Looking forward to a NYC-trip – made it a really long weekend coming up. Off on Wednesday and returning here next Monday.
Thanks, ID!
It shouldn’t be too bad. According to young asklet it was only a couple of inches in the city – all gone now. Upstate is a different story…
The 1% forgets that many of us are actual workers who are accustomed to doing our own cleaning tasks, unlike those who hire unseen underpaid, undocumented workers to do those horribly distasteful tasks for them. I’d like to see just one exec suit with a toilet brush in his/her hand one of these days. Perhaps even better would be a general strike that would leave them buried in their own filth in short order. Thanks for the pix!
Our fall started about two weeks early this year — perhaps because we had a drought this summer for the third year in a row. So normally our woods would probably somewhat similar to yours.
Good morning Andi! Our two big Mulberry trees dropped all their leaves overnight Fri. Greenish-yellow on Fri. and on the ground Sat. morning. Its almost as if they said, ok now, one, two three drop to each other!
Our foliage is thinning out pretty quickly too, although the drought and freak heatwave had already thinned out much of it. There were spots around my region that already looked fall-ish in late July (the 110 degree heat of course felt far less fall-ish at the time). Most of our leaves are simply turning brown this time ’round. The trees just gave up, I guess.
We’re over at Grammy’s house and hoping it comes back on today. I already had taken today as a vacation day….I guess that was a mistake. I’d rather be off on a day when I can enjoy it.
The snow seems to be melting faster than my power is returning.
I sympathize, b2. Been there done that, as you know. Hope you have an alternate heat source or another place to go. Mainly, just stay warm, conserve your energy & remember: nothing lasts forever.
We actually did OK up here — lost power for 2 hrs on Sunday. Amazingly. We didn’t get much snow right here, either — maybe 8″. We should see a little warming this week, so that should help us all.
133 packs of p-butter & cheese crackers doled out. Its fun seeing how much some of the kids have grown and changed since last year. (We get quite a lot of Halloween repeat business.)
Thanks. Just about everything has gone brown now. I expect that most of the leaves will be down by this weekend. I looked out a window and watched leaves fall like raindrops in a downpour this afternoon. It was sort of mesmerizing.
Nice to see you posting more of your photos Jim! Beautiful rich colour. Sad to see the ‘gone’ panel though … not looking forward to the coming very long b&w season.
Yikes. Any word on how long ’til you get reconnected? We’ve been hearing about the snow and prolonged power outages here – sounds awful. (All the gardeners are in shock and despair with the damage to their gardens and ornamental trees that were still fully leafed and now limbless.) Hope you’re staying warm.
Thanks Olivia. Maybe Friday but nothing definitive yet. We spent time in a shelter last night before coming back to the house. We may have to give in and travel to Long Island to stay with my folks. It’s been in the 20s here at night, not good for the b2 boy, or any of us.
I think these outages are the new normal for our area. Think about what would make it possible for you to live at home comfortably without municipal power & then see if you can’t make adjustments. Otherwise it’ll just be hell every time.
We’ve finally given in and are getting a standby generator installed this month because we lose power so often and have had so many multi-day outages (we are often among the last to get our power back). Since we heat with a wood stove, that wasn’t the issue — it was being tired of kerosene lamps, flashlights, cold showers, and spoiled food.
Glad you have power again! I think I still hold the BT outage record — 7 days, Feb. 2011. Hope it stays that way, too.
Lots of folks around here are getting generators. My housemate is considering doing the same. Our neighbors like the Generac brand; there are lots of options to choose from re fuel/automatic or manual operation, etc.
(Note: I am not a Generac employee, shareholder or actual Generac appliance.)
The arresting officer came by the cell, Samantha Zucker said, to make snide remarks about finding her with a friend in Riverside Park after its 1 a.m. closing.
For instance:
“He was telling me that I needed to get a new boyfriend, that I should get a guy who takes me out to dinner,” Ms. Zucker said. “He mocked me for being from Westchester.”
She was handcuffed. For the next 36 hours, she was moved from a cell in the 26th Precinct station house on West 126th Street to central booking in Lower Manhattan and then — because one of the officers was ending his shift before Ms. Zucker could be photographed for her court appearance, and you didn’t think he was going to take the subway uptown while his partner stayed with her at booking, did you? — she was brought back to Harlem.
Here, in the pointless arrest of Ms. Zucker, is a crime that is not even on the books: the staggering waste of spirit, the squandering of public resources, the follies disguised as crime-fighting.
Such arrests are a drain on the human economy.
Ms. Zucker said that throughout her stay in police station cells, other officers were shocked that she had not been given a chance to have a friend fetch her ID. “The female officers were gossiping that the officer who arrested me had an incredibly short fuse,” she said.
He did not say if a supervisor approved the arrest of Ms. Zucker, which was attributed in court papers to a Police Officer Durrell of the 26th Precinct.[…]
Forecast is for chilly temps and rain and the announcement that November is really here. But at least that means that daylight savings time is almost over.
Sure signs that Fall has fallen — I saw the colorful sunset Wednesday night and the colorful sunrise Thursday morning and when we were walking and got caught in the rain, there wasn’t no canopy to keep most of it off of us.
Good morning – good to be back in NY. Went down to #OWS yesterday afternoon. Tents are back up since the snowy weekend. Now there is hardly space to walk around as they try to organize it better. Some apprehension since there are no permits for them. Mayor 1% (rather 0.00001%) can strike any time. Will try to upload some pics later.
Welcome back from out here as well and looking forward to the photos. #OccupyBloomington, near us, is spawning a branch at the university, #OccupyIU. They are in the process of organizing, with assistance from the older group.
Good morning, Andi.
It’s OK, lots of reading done. Now time to do some laundry. Next, curly is treating me to a (much needed) pedicure. Then heading downtown to meet young asklet after his SAT; we’ll go to OWS (his mother has refused him to go, so far).
Looks like a great day ahead – blue skies, a bit cool, high 30s now, going to 50.
Forecast is for about the same tomorrow, which will be great conditions for the NYC Marathon.
I actually have a 4 mile race up here in the boonies at the same time as the marathon. Somehow I don’t believe that it will draw the same level of attention.
Enjoy that pedicure. And I hope that you get some sleep.
Good morning – he very much enjoyed it. Got himself a t-shirt and had the anarchist’s symbols (the ‘A’ in a circle and the fist) sprayed on. I’m perfectly fine with that – I thought I was an anarchist as well at around his age.
He was impressed by the commitment by so many to stay out as winter approaches.
Also see my last comment in the photo diary – QWS has become a history class subject for the seniors at his school.
Both kids love(d) being there.
Very liberal and tolerant environment. About 50/50 mix of UN/diplomatic background and other NY-area families looking for an international type community.
I think we’ll be up about an hour after we go to bed. 😉
I’m actually looking forward to being able to get up earlier without it being such an effort, but not looking forward to how it will impact my evening routine. Less time with the family while they’re awake.
Good morning – unfortunately, my destination today is quite specific. Flying back to Geneva tonight.
But it was a great long weekend with two trips to OWS, NYC Marathon watching and a double birthday celebration yesterday.
And a new cafe!
Time to get up …
and see the new cafe.
Morning everyone.
Nice triple play of fall color up top! We’ve probably got about half the leaves off the trees now.
Gusts of up to 22mph today are going to strip a lot of that color.
Here’s a link to a larger version.
Thanks Jim!
click for larger
for those on the east coast. Lovely day yesterday ended with tons of rain and rapidly falling temps. High today is 20 degrees lower than yesterday’s.
Yep. Today will be near 80, tomorrow – mid 50s.
Maybe the crisp temps will make your fall even better — it’s too late for us as most of the leaves are down now or going brown.
Yep, we got your lousy weather. Take is back please!
No give-backs!
Hi. Did you send us the snow, too? It’s amazing up here on the mountain — large, fluffy flakes & a puffy white cloak on everything. About 2″ so far & still falling. Wow.
We didn’t send it to you. Betty Martin Meyer, our friend in Estes Park, CO, who got 22″ (56 cm) yesterday, did.
Wow again. I’m glad they didn’t send all of it.
Yep, we got snow too. It’s all the F’s fault.
Nuh uh. It’s all Betty’s (or Colorado’s so maybe dada’s too) fault.
I think it’s the fault of Feces on the Family. They’re in Colorado Springs.
Hope everyone’s having a fine day today. Brilliant sunshine here; more snow due this weekend.
Not sure about the snow but I definitely blame them for helping to ruin what was once a pleasant small city. Now it’s an overgrown, smoggy mess.
It’s the corporatist plan for America in microcosm — including those damn national parks!
I’m off to the local recycling center for free paper shredding day with an entire truckload of Mrs. ID’s old client files. Finally got most of the garage cleaned out. Found out we could underwrite an hour of shredding, so we did it under #2 son’s name as a surprise for him.
Ooh, big fun- I always love getting rid of old paperwork!
We’re off to music circle in a bit, followed by a trip to the fabric store to get buttons for Finny’s new sweater. It’s raining here now, but we’ve been told well get snow tonight. Ugh, it’s too early for that!
It really is.
Up here we’re looking at 11 – 20″ of wet, heavy snow by tomorrow. Outages are possible. I’m about to bring in firewood & do washing while there’s still hot water. I’m just not ready.
(It’s not me so much as my housemate. She has a hard time with outages.)
Hope to see y’all later. Enjoy the day!
Hopefully everyone stays safe.
I hope you’re doing better than CG and didn’t get as much snow as predicted.
Hope you get your power back soon and that everybody can keep warm until you do.
Sorry to hear about the early snow out east and hoping all of you out there are toasty warm this morning. Its been clear and crisp here the last few days, although our little village has been covered in a blizzard of tourists. Hope they’re leaving a few bucks behind with the local merchants when they go.
click for larger
Good morning, Andi!
That looks very similar to the conditions we had up on Le Saleve this weekend. The foliage is dropping – and fast.
Looking forward to a NYC-trip – made it a really long weekend coming up. Off on Wednesday and returning here next Monday.
Hi Ask. Hope you a have a good trip and great time back in NYC.
That was taken a couple weeks ago — there’s way more down now. About half our trees are bare and the rest are getting there fast.
Thank you – yes, looking forward to the trip.
Your fall is way ahead of us, then. Le Saleve is up at around 4,000 feet. Colors still abound at lower elevations and in the city parks.
Hi ask! Have a smooth trip and an enjoyable mini vacation. Hopefully, all the snow will be gone by Wed. and power restored out east.
Thanks, ID!
It shouldn’t be too bad. According to young asklet it was only a couple of inches in the city – all gone now. Upstate is a different story…
And – looking forward to a visit to #OWS.
Yes – sympathies to boran2 and wilderness wench. #OWS should be interesting. Some photos, perhaps?
Yes, especially up in ww’s area – I believe they got a lot. Saw reports in NYT this morning of areas that got 30″ ++.
I’ll try to remember camera. Here are a couple of shots taken by curly’s neighbor last Thursday:
As is evident in this image, #OWS is anti-semitic; surely, people wearing tefillin are nazi-spawn…
Those DFHs – unsanitary conditions all around.
The 1% forgets that many of us are actual workers who are accustomed to doing our own cleaning tasks, unlike those who hire unseen underpaid, undocumented workers to do those horribly distasteful tasks for them. I’d like to see just one exec suit with a toilet brush in his/her hand one of these days. Perhaps even better would be a general strike that would leave them buried in their own filth in short order. Thanks for the pix!
Our fall started about two weeks early this year — perhaps because we had a drought this summer for the third year in a row. So normally our woods would probably somewhat similar to yours.
Sounds like a nice weekend just passed and a nicer one yet to come!
Hi CG, you got that right.
Hope you guys soon get all services back.
Good morning Andi! Our two big Mulberry trees dropped all their leaves overnight Fri. Greenish-yellow on Fri. and on the ground Sat. morning. Its almost as if they said, ok now, one, two three drop to each other!
One more big windy day and I think we’ll hit mostly bare but right now the oaks are still holding a lot of leaves.
Our foliage is thinning out pretty quickly too, although the drought and freak heatwave had already thinned out much of it. There were spots around my region that already looked fall-ish in late July (the 110 degree heat of course felt far less fall-ish at the time). Most of our leaves are simply turning brown this time ’round. The trees just gave up, I guess.
With our third drought summer in a row, I was expecting something similar. Instead this has been on the most spectacular falls in our 32 years here.
Just caught this picture! (Too busy turning the lights on & pinching myself). I think it’s one of your best autumn shots ever. Really great.
Just caught your comment! Thanks (and thanks to the weather gods for leaving you with power
We’re over at Grammy’s house and hoping it comes back on today. I already had taken today as a vacation day….I guess that was a mistake. I’d rather be off on a day when I can enjoy it.
The snow seems to be melting faster than my power is returning.
Hope your power is back on soon! Meanwhile, I’ll bet Granny is enjoying the Finny visit.
And Granny is probably hoping it doesn’t (or at least that you forget to take Finny with you when you go home).
No power here. The snowstorm took away power and our landline. Sleeping with temps in the 20s is getting old, as well as cold showers. Sigh.
I sympathize, b2. Been there done that, as you know. Hope you have an alternate heat source or another place to go. Mainly, just stay warm, conserve your energy & remember: nothing lasts forever.
We actually did OK up here — lost power for 2 hrs on Sunday. Amazingly. We didn’t get much snow right here, either — maybe 8″. We should see a little warming this week, so that should help us all.
Congrats on remaining powerful, ww ~ sorry b2.
Oooh … scary!
Did you get lots of trick-or-treaters?
Not having any kids come on Halloween is the one of the very few things I miss by living out here.
133 packs of p-butter & cheese crackers doled out. Its fun seeing how much some of the kids have grown and changed since last year. (We get quite a lot of Halloween repeat business.)
BTW, Mrs. ID bought the shoes yesterday, I suspect to match the pumpkin, although she won’t own up to it.
Going! Going!! Gone!!!
click for larger
Well, not quite, but almost. All 3 beech trees were taken today within 100 feet of each other.
Nice pics!
Thanks. Just about everything has gone brown now. I expect that most of the leaves will be down by this weekend. I looked out a window and watched leaves fall like raindrops in a downpour this afternoon. It was sort of mesmerizing.
Nice to see you posting more of your photos Jim! Beautiful rich colour. Sad to see the ‘gone’ panel though … not looking forward to the coming very long b&w season.
Thanks, Olivia. It won’t be long before we’re working with the subtle shades of brown and gray.
Beautiful photos!
good morning, all. catching up a bit. Enjoying the foliage pictures! Very sorry to hear about loss of power, boran2!!!
Cool shots! Sadly, still no power/heat here. This is getting old.
Yikes. Any word on how long ’til you get reconnected? We’ve been hearing about the snow and prolonged power outages here – sounds awful. (All the gardeners are in shock and despair with the damage to their gardens and ornamental trees that were still fully leafed and now limbless.) Hope you’re staying warm.
Thanks Olivia. Maybe Friday but nothing definitive yet. We spent time in a shelter last night before coming back to the house. We may have to give in and travel to Long Island to stay with my folks. It’s been in the 20s here at night, not good for the b2 boy, or any of us.
I hope you get out to Long Island, b2. Why rough it if you don’t have to?
I think these outages are the new normal for our area. Think about what would make it possible for you to live at home comfortably without municipal power & then see if you can’t make adjustments. Otherwise it’ll just be hell every time.
Power back 4:30 this morning. What a cold 4 days it has been.
glad to hear the power’s back. We spent 9 days without it in December of 02, and it convinced me I would have made a very shitty pioneer woman.
We’re actually thinking about getting a generator. This happens with some regularity but usually not for this length of time.
We’ve finally given in and are getting a standby generator installed this month because we lose power so often and have had so many multi-day outages (we are often among the last to get our power back). Since we heat with a wood stove, that wasn’t the issue — it was being tired of kerosene lamps, flashlights, cold showers, and spoiled food.
Glad you have power again! I think I still hold the BT outage record — 7 days, Feb. 2011. Hope it stays that way, too.
Lots of folks around here are getting generators. My housemate is considering doing the same. Our neighbors like the Generac brand; there are lots of options to choose from re fuel/automatic or manual operation, etc.
(Note: I am not a Generac employee, shareholder or actual Generac appliance.)
Keep your eyes open — there may be used generators available shortly from the NYPD. Cash only.
Yuck on the no power. We know that one all too well.
Ahhh – life of, or is it in the bucolic.
Really lovely shots, Jim. They show the passing of time in a beautiful way.
I hope your retirement (in the country that’s often ‘retirement’) allows you a lot more time to take pictures! And postum!
Good morning.
Finally departure day. Looking forward to a few days in NYC and visiting #OWS.
Guess I should write a diary, but to busy getting ready at the office before heading for the airport:
Just read curly’s e-mail where she told me her niece was the subject of a NYT-article.
Dismal Tale of Arrest for Tiniest of Crimes
Just noticed – the article is by Jim Dwyer – two Pulitzers, one individual and one as part of a team.
His concluding statement in the article (in reference to the arresting officer):
No doubt he was hearing things: the unspoken truth about his unspeakable actions.
Always loved his columns in Newsday and NY Daily News.
I’m really surprised — and very glad — to see such a pointed story in the Times.
Have a safe journey and wonderful trip.
Wow, that is incredibly messed up.
Hope your journey is quick and uneventful!
click for larger
Cool shot!
Forecast is for chilly temps and rain and the announcement that November is really here. But at least that means that daylight savings time is almost over.
But I hate coming out of work at 5:00 only to be met by…darkness.
I’m dreading that part. Finny will be ready for bed earlier too, which has its pluses and minuses.
The rain has arrived in town after a nice display of red sky at sunrise.
Sure signs that Fall has fallen — I saw the colorful sunset Wednesday night and the colorful sunrise Thursday morning and when we were walking and got caught in the rain, there wasn’t no canopy to keep most of it off of us.
Wet dog + wood stove ~ an odoriferous rural phenomenon.
Very true but not true here yet — it’s too warm to start using the wood stove.
Good morning – good to be back in NY. Went down to #OWS yesterday afternoon. Tents are back up since the snowy weekend. Now there is hardly space to walk around as they try to organize it better. Some apprehension since there are no permits for them. Mayor 1% (rather 0.00001%) can strike any time. Will try to upload some pics later.
Welcome back, ask! Looking forward to the photos!
Thanks b2, still uploading to host, but should be complete in a few.
Welcome back from out here as well and looking forward to the photos. #OccupyBloomington, near us, is spawning a branch at the university, #OccupyIU. They are in the process of organizing, with assistance from the older group.
Great! I recently found out there is an Occupy Geneva as well. Will check it out next week.
Pictures are up in diary just posted.
There are Occupy movements springing up all over the place. For once in my lifetime I actually feel somewhat hopeful.
Good morning – damned jet lag, up since 4.30.
Bummer — though I guess on the good side, it’s more time to enjoy being in New York.
Good morning, Andi.
It’s OK, lots of reading done. Now time to do some laundry. Next, curly is treating me to a (much needed) pedicure. Then heading downtown to meet young asklet after his SAT; we’ll go to OWS (his mother has refused him to go, so far).
Looks like a great day ahead – blue skies, a bit cool, high 30s now, going to 50.
Forecast is for about the same tomorrow, which will be great conditions for the NYC Marathon.
I actually have a 4 mile race up here in the boonies at the same time as the marathon. Somehow I don’t believe that it will draw the same level of attention.
Enjoy that pedicure. And I hope that you get some sleep.
And good luck at tomorrows race. Do you have a specific goal in terms of finish time?
No, no specific goal. I’m happy just to have run the entire route. It’s to benefit the Hudson Valley SCPA.
Just remember to step up your pace if you hear, “Release the hounds!”
Heh ~ for that extra incentive, Pamplona, maybe?
From about.com:
“Question: Where should I stand to see the Pamplona Running of the Bulls?”
Answer (mine): Anywhere but in front of the bulls.
Hope your busy day has moved along smoothly, ask.
Just back in. Amazingly, everything accomplished.
asklet had a bit of a ‘scare’, he forgot his permit slip and was almost denied entry to his SAT – it eventually worked out.
You wouldn’t think that would be a big problem — at least I don’t remember any great crush of people trying to sneak into my SATs. 🙂
What did he think of OWS?
Good morning – he very much enjoyed it. Got himself a t-shirt and had the anarchist’s symbols (the ‘A’ in a circle and the fist) sprayed on. I’m perfectly fine with that – I thought I was an anarchist as well at around his age.
He was impressed by the commitment by so many to stay out as winter approaches.
Also see my last comment in the photo diary – QWS has become a history class subject for the seniors at his school.
That’s a pretty cool school. 🙂
Both kids love(d) being there.
Very liberal and tolerant environment. About 50/50 mix of UN/diplomatic background and other NY-area families looking for an international type community.
Is it an International Baccalaureate program?
Yes it is. The original one.
Scroll down in link and see links for details.
Heh. If we lived in the city, Finny and I could have had a visit with you this morning. 🙂
(CG, too lazy to log in)
LOL. Then, how is tomorrow going to work out, time change and all?
I think we’ll be up about an hour after we go to bed. 😉
I’m actually looking forward to being able to get up earlier without it being such an effort, but not looking forward to how it will impact my evening routine. Less time with the family while they’re awake.
click for larger
Good morning – unfortunately, my destination today is quite specific. Flying back to Geneva tonight.
But it was a great long weekend with two trips to OWS, NYC Marathon watching and a double birthday celebration yesterday.
What a shame your stay was so short … but I hope the day stretches out as long as possible before you have to go to the airport.