U.S. is one of just 14 countries fo vote against UNESCO membership for Palestine
NEW YORK (AP/France24) – The Obama administration is cutting off funding for the U.N. cultural agency because it approved a Palestinian bid for full membership.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland says Monday’s vote triggers a long-standing congressional restriction on funding to U.N. bodies that recognize Palestine as a state before an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is reached.
Nuland says UNESCO’s decision was “regrettable, premature and undermines our shared goal to a comprehensive, just and lasting peace” between Israelis and Palestinians.
VIDEO: UNESCO Announcement of Voting Result
Not quite ready for a new round of “negotiations” for peace.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Even a cursory reading of a small handful of books (such as Ward Churchill’s “On the Justice of Roosting Chickens” or William Blum’s “Rogue State”) should make it very clear that the US has been on the wrong side of history on this one. The US distinguishes itself yet again as a supporter of Israel’s Apartheid-like system for the Palestinian people.
Juan Cole has just put up an interesting analysis of the costs to the US of its reactions to this UNESCO vote. Carrying water for Israel has been costly to the US and will continue to be down this path of isolation we have taken.
UNESCO Palestine Vote Isolates US Further
I recall reading somewhere that the US was not a member UNESCO for a couple of decades during the 80s aqnd 90s, and only rejoined during the Bush II administration. It appeared to be able to get along without us then, and probably will continue to do so in the future.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Interesting to learn a few things from the history. So perhaps this recent turn against UNESCO is to be expected. But clearly UNESCO survived and it will probably continue to do so on the world’s leadership without the US.
Hateful to see one’s own country, a democracy, put in this position.
Thanks for the update Oui.
MJ Rosenberg just published this further inside look at US-Israeli relations and its ramifications:
UNESCO Fiasco: Dancing to Netanyahu’s Tune
A Dutch Likud Minister Blocks EU Position ME
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Surprised at Sweden. In 1994, Arafat received the Nobel Peace Prize, together with Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, for their negotiations at Oslo. It should not matter than Oslo turned out to be a hoax, a strong spur to settlement activity, but Abbas is now seeking what Oslo never achieved.
2000 more units 1650 in Jerusalem.
Bibi doesn’t need an excuse, but since one was available, I suppose he took advantage of the opportunity. Clinton will come on with her “unhelpful” chastisement, and life (the colonialism) will just continue on as usual.
Rosenberg’s Huffington Post article. There, a commenter makes a startling observation. According to the law that denies US funds to UNESCO because of it’s acceptance of Palestine, the US would stop paying any dues to the UN if Obama, Clinton, et al., have an epiphany and finally decide to vote yes on the matter in the Security Council. Maybe this would also apply to a yes vote in the General Assembly. It probably would! A lot of vermin is steadily creeping out of the US woodwork. Anyway don’t worry, an attack on Iran has again jumped to the top slot.