Let’s be clear on what happened. Joe Paterno was told by an eye witness that a child was RAPED in his locker room shower the previous day. What did Joe Pa do? He called the Athletic Director. The proper response is ‘Wait a second, let me call the police’. Then Joe sat back and allowed a cover up to proceed, and later (in 2007) allowed the child rapist to bring other children to his practices 


After Joe turned a blind eye to child rape, the rapist preyed on children for another NINE years. All those children can thank Joe Pa.

The rape took place in his locker room
He was told the next day
He did not call the police
He allowed the rapist to attend his practices with other children

Joe Paterno is an aider and abater of child molesters. There is not much difference between him and the rapist.

And please, no ‘But he reported it’. Calling your ostensible boss is NOT ‘reporting it’.

Calling the cops is ‘reporting it’.
