The returns are coming in from Kentucky and it was a big night for the Democrats. Governor Steve Beshear was easily reelected. Democrats also won the races for Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Auditor. The only thing they lost was the race for Agriculture Commissioner, apparently because we had a terrible candidate who admitted he knew nothing about agriculture and decided to insult the people of eastern Kentucky. It’s good to know that the Democratic Party isn’t dead in the Bluegrass State. When Rand Paul actually got elected to a six-year term in the Senate, I began to have my doubts.

I’ll update this thread as more news pours in.

Update [2011-11-8 20:45:23 by BooMan]: It’s early, but it looks like Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) is getting his ass kicked.

Update [2011-11-8 21:16:17 by BooMan]: Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter cruising to reelection with 73% of the vote.

Update [2011-11-8 21:26:23 by BooMan]: This is what happens when a Tea Bagging congressman tries to dupe a smart progressive woman.

Comedy gold.

Update [2011-11-8 21:58:54 by BooMan]: Maine slaps down their governor and reinstates election-day voter registration.

Update [2011-11-8 22:19:6 by BooMan]: Virginia elects first openly gay state senator.

Update [2011-11-8 22:36:42 by BooMan]: The AP says that the anti-choice nutters in Mississippi have lost, big time!!

Update [2011-11-8 22:51:36 by BooMan]: Democrats wipe the floor with Republicans in Connecticut. I feel sad for Joe Lieberman, who can’t enjoy the moment.