James Dobson:
The short version:
In video released Tuesday morning from a secret religious right-wing event titled “One Nation Under God,” Focus on the Family founder James Dobson warned Americans that if they don’t vote right-wing in 2012, they’ll be in “serious trouble” with God.
“I am most concerned about the dift away from Christian principles,” Dobson said at the media embargoed event held in late October. “Are we going to continue to honor God with the holy living that he continues to prescribe to us? If we don’t, we are in serious trouble. And right now, I think we are.”
Yes, Christian principles like right wing terrorist plots, torture, booing a gay member of the Armed Forces, cheering when a person might die because they don’t have health insurance, demonizing [put the name of your preferred minority group here], watching the US Southwest burn while denying the science that explains why record droughts occurred there and making sure Billionaires pay less taxes per capita (or in the case of 30 corporations no taxes at all) than the rest of us.
Trust me, Jesus spoke about all these topics 2000 years ago. You just have to know the “right” way to interpret his teachings.
I would never dift from God’s principles.
I never understood the mentality of us “deserving” what’s going to happen to us due to stuff other people did. For example, the start of the entire Bible lol.
Also, don’t forget, abortion was legal for most of this country’s history. But oh wait, the time it was illegal is when America was most prosperous. It started going downhill ever since Roe v. Wade…evidence for God? You betchya. He’s never vague with his signs; we’re just too blind to notice them.
Way back in Sunday School (fundamentalist!), I seem recall being taught about Jesus whipping the moneylenders out of the Temple (my favorite part) and the Good Samaritan helping the man beaten in the road, and loving thy neighbor (No, not that way, Newt), and blessed are the peacemakers. I guess Communists slipped that stuff into the Bible, huh?
In other words, the devil is a liberal.
Dobson is a moron. God’s not a right-winger, everyone knows He’s a surrealist.
Yeah, whatever. Personally I hope I never drift any closer to these so-called “Christian principles.” I’d hat to wind up looking and sounding like that asshole.