Make your own electricity. Make all of the electricity you use. This is something every camp can do. It’s the right thing to do, it can be fun, it can be effective, and it would be excellent propaganda.

The way to make it fun of course is to make it some kind of event–a ceremony or a contest. For example, how much electricity do you need to hold a meeting? Not a gigantic amount, but you might at least want some light. So before the meeting you get everyone together and you hold a little ceremony to power up.

Or if you’re going to need a PA system, presumably that means there are going to be more than enough people there to power it. So again, you hold a ceremony. Big cheer when the light turns green.

Not to forget, of course, the daily Charging of the Devices.

You’d start with a bunch of bicycle generators, of course, but it isn’t hard to make electricity. It’s really just a question of getting a bunch of people together and making something spin. The ingenuity of engineering types can be harnessed to come up with all kinds of creative solutions.

So you could make it a contest. Two teams compete to see which can charge up a battery first.

And you can extend the concept from there. How about robot brawls? The concept of robot brawls is familiar, so how about just adding the element that each team has to power its own robot?