I am having fun watching Republican commentators trying to prepare the rank-and-file for a Romney candidacy. They’ve given up hope for an alternative and they aren’t even pretending that any of the other candidates can possibly cut it as their standard-bearer. Their mantra appears to be, “Ronald Reagan isn’t available this time.” I also give bonus points to Jennifer Rubin for publishing the following in the Washington Post:
[Romney will] need to withstand the burst of negative ads that will come as Herman Cain and Texas Gov. Rick Perry shoot their final wads.
Is that acceptable discourse now?
I’m going to guess she probably should have gone with ‘blow their final wads’, but maybe this way is more apropos with the Hermanator involved.
Is that acceptable discourse now?
If you give her a pass for her racism and bigotry, sure.
If you’re referring to the “shoot their . . .wads” part as perhaps unacceptable, I think she probably meant it in the older traditional meaning which has to do with muskets and other pre-breechloader long guns. Wadding is what you put between the charge and the ball, as well as after the ball, to keep them snug in the far end of the barrel before firing. When you ran out of ball or other shot, you would then sometimes fire wadding as a last, futile gesture. Or she could be a total sleaze.
Haha! Of all the great comments on wad shooting this is the most informative and ultimately the funniest. A four!
Oh Booman, I can’t believe you ever bought into the Newtmentum.
I guessed his campaign would self-destruct again by Thanksgiving, and it turns out I was giving him too much credit by a week. What kind of fucking idiot takes over a million dollars from a GSE, and then expects that not to be an issue in this political environment?
Of course, somebody still has to win South Carolina. If only it was as easy to know how somebody will finally succeed instead of all the ways they’ll fail…
The GOP is stuck with these clowns. The field is so weak the dems don’t even have to break into Mitt doctor’s office to prove Mitt is unfit to be president…the clowns will do it for them.
My mother, born in 1921, used to say “I shot my wad” to indicate exhaustion, prompting an exchange of smirks between my husband and me.
There’s no question that she was unaware of any double meaning to what she was saying.
That’s funny, Alice. My folks are in their late seventies and they use the phrase “I shot my wad” to mean they spend everything they had. In their time, it referred to having a wad of cash, and blowing it all in one place.
Generational gappage, I guess. 😉
To step back one more generation, I can hear my very proper grandparents (born late 1800s) saying something like, “They made their bed and now they’ll have to lie in it.” Certainly nothing stronger than that;-)
Uh, Booman?
Suskindblogging: The Sexism Story
So what she’s saying is that Cain and Perry are dicks?
I know this doesn’t belong here, but I’d love to know your read on the US sending marines to Australia.
Not to mention how this might affect our chilly relations with New Zealand.
Speaking of New Zealand, this may be another part of the world where the Obama administration is repairing relationships: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/11/did-obama-just-mend-the-slow-motion-us-new-
It seems to me the bilateral relationship has recovered after the Reagan era of bashing the Labor party, left-wing issues and creating a nuclear-free zone in the Pacific.
The failure of its Western allies, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, to condemn what could be considered an act of war on New Zealand by France caused a change in foreign and defence policy. New Zealand distanced itself from its traditional ally, the United States, and built relationships with small South Pacific nations, while retaining excellent relations with Australia, and to a lesser extent, the United Kingdom.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
It represents an attempt to pivot U.S. priorities away from the Middle East and towards the Pacific. That’s an immensely complicated subject, that has only grown more controversial with the emergence of fledgling democracies in the Arab World, the new IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear intentions, and Israel’s slow motion crack-up. It seems like an odd time to be turning our attention elsewhere.
In the long-term, I think the Obama administration is correct in placing our interests in the Pacific. And repairing our relationship with New Zealand and strengthening our ties to Australia are positive developments. But it’s also a bit of wishful thinking. We’re going to be heavily involved in the Middle East for the foreseeable future.
U.S. Troops Heading to Australia, Irking China … http://wapo.st/rtds5M