Public schools are bad. Public school teachers are thugs and liberal elitists who want to destroy your faith and replace it with stupid lying scientific “theories” like evolution, climate change and the Big Bang.

Private schools are so much better. Especially Private Christian schools. That’s what all the conservative fundamentalist Christians I know tell me. So riddle me this: How did a 75 year old math teacher at a Christian school in Schaumburg, Illinois get away with masturbating in front of his students for 10 years?

A teacher at a northwest suburban Christian school has been charged with with sexual exploitation of a child for allegedly masturbating during class, a practice authorities believe may have happened several times in the last decade. […]

Police interviewed several who said that on Friday, while seated behind his podium, LaDuke unzipped and lowered his pants, then and masturbated while students were present in the classroom. […]

Investigators believe this behavior occurred multiple times per year over the course of 10 years or longer while LaDuke was teaching at Schaumburg Christian.

Ten years? Ten years this good Christian soldier has been doing this in his classrooms in front of the kids he taught? You can’t tell me school officials didn’t learn about his “eccentric behavior” before now. I won’t believe you. Hell, Penn State and the history of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church have taught us that much. They always know.

Now imagine if this happened in a public school. There would be a feeding frenzy on Fox news about how evil public schools and unionized teachers are destroying our society. Oh wait, they already do that on a regular basis, don’t they?

In other discussions on Fox News, cuts in teachers’ salaries were compared to those of Wall Street executives. Megyn Kelly argued teachers don’t deserve as much money because they “don’t work as much.”

Just read Fox “reporter” John Stossel to see why public schools and teacher unions are the scum of the earth:

Unions: Good for bad teachers, bad for kids
Posted by John Stossel | November 06, 2011

A just-retired public school principal writes me after my special:

You nailed the problems and issues in today’s public education… with the current teacher unions, textbook companies, and especially teacher TENURE… teacher “tenure” is all but stopping 21st Century educational reform all over the United States.

Tenure is bad. Some teachers are more effective than others – yet the union frowns on giving the best teachers extra pay for excellence. They even frown on paying lousy teachers less. They snarl at the idea of ever firing a teacher. Public school teachers typically get tenure once they’ve taught for about 3 years. After that, the union and civil service protection make it just about impossible to fire them. They basically have a job for life.

In Patterson, NJ, it’s ex-police detective Jim Smith’s job to investigate claims against bad teachers and to try to go through the union-created, insane process of trying to fire REALLY bad ones. He says it’s so hard to fire anyone that it took years to fire a teacher who hit kids. “It took me four years and $283,000. $127,000 in legal fees plus what it cost to have a substitute fill in, all the while he’s sitting home having popcorn,” said Smith.

Well, let me just say, I never heard of a public school that allowed a sexual deviant to masturbate in front of his class for ten years. In fact, I do see stories of tenured teachers fired all the time for offenses like posting comments about her students on Facebook — in Paterson NJ — where Stossel claims its so hard to do!

Or the Biology teacher who was fired for taking a second job on a fishing boat where she wore a bikini! Imagine that, a public school teacher taking a second job to make ends meet.

Or the teacher fired for having political bumpers sticker on her car, one which denounced her view that children were over-medicated because of the practices of Big Pharma.

The story has created a huge row with many of Ms Ausburn’s students leaving comments on websites in support.

Other commentators attacked the school for clamping down on freedom of speech.

Fireofgrace wrote: ‘It’s very sad that even in our “enlightened” society, our rights can still be flagrantly violated.

‘Tarah was not teaching her beliefs in her classroom, but rather voicing them aloud on her automobile. I mistakenly believed that we were allowed to do that in this country.’ […]

[A]mong those backing the decision to fire Ms Ausburn was [anon commenter] who said: ‘Sorry kids, but I would have fired her too. You can’t tell me that a teacher who plasters her Prius with left-wing, socialistic propaganda, won’t express their ideologically progressive views in the classroom.’

Because holding socialistic left-wing, progressive political beliefs justify firing a teacher. Masturbation by a good Christian Math teacher at a private school on the other hand …