One thing we know about Ron Paul is that his supporters will continue to give him money regardless of whether he has much chance of winning the nomination. In the third quarter, he raised $8.3 million, which dwarfed Herman Cain’s $2.8 million total. Rep. Paul spent almost all of that money, and it has begun to pay dividends in Iowa and New Hampshire. Two recent polls show Paul in a strong second place position in Iowa (ahead of Romney in both cases) and his polling average in New Hampshire shows him in second place, as well. It’s a good time to be surging, although it might be a bit misleading to say Paul is experiencing any kind of substantial momentum. He’s seeing a slight uptick in support as Perry and Cain continue to implode.
The candidate with real momentum is disgraced former Speaker Newt Gingrich:
Gingrich, whose campaign seemed to be on life-support just few weeks ago, is now leading in Iowa by double digits, according to a Rasmussen poll released yesterday. He also tied former Mass. Gov. Romney in a nationwide Fox News survey released Wednesday.
“I really see Mitt and I as co-front-runners,” said Gingrich, adding that the nomination battle is “going to come down to Mitt and me.”
“The one consistency is that Mitt has a hard time getting over 24 or 25 percent (in the polls),” he added. “Everyone was looking for the next ‘Not Mitt.’ ”
It’s nice to see that Gingrich has at least a small degree of self-awareness and knows that he’s merely the latest Not Mitt candidate. He could be the last man standing in that role, especially now that Rick Perry’s fundraising has dried up. If that’s the case, then the Iowa Caucuses will come down to a three-way race between Romney (who is barely contesting the state), Gingrich (who is merely a flash in the pan), and Ron Paul who is organizing like hell and has the ability to bring in money regardless of outcomes.
Now, I bring this up because all the other Not Mitt candidates need to win caucuses and primaries if they want to raise enough money to travel the country and pay for an actual national ground game. Also, the other candidates will be responsive to pressure to bow out and get behind the nominee. Ron Paul is going to stay in the race until the convention, piling up as many anti-war anti-fed delegates as he can. And that’s significant because it’s beginning to look like Perry and Cain and Huntsman and Bachmann are going to be knocked out of the race very early on. In a two-way race between Paul and Romney, the media will absolutely shred Paul to pieces. Think Howard Dean on steroids with rocket fuel. But that won’t prevent Paul from piling up a huge percentage of the delegates to the convention. And it will create a real philosophical rift in the party.
In fact, the rift might be so great that Romney will be doomed if he can’t somehow bring the Paulites into the fold. But how could he do that?
The most obvious problem would be the Republican Platform. The Platform is created at the convention. While it’s a non-binding and largely irrelevant document, it can become an ideological Fourth of July, with fireworks distracting from the nominee and the announcement of his running-mate. Having an impact on the Platform is largely what the whole Paul campaign is about. It’s a way to slowly change the GOP from within.
Ron Paul is not going to win the nomination. He’s 76 years-old. He will be opposed by every lever of power in the country, including the military, the media, Wall Street, and 95% of elected Republican officeholders. Ron Paul won’t be the nominee, but he might come in second place. It’s pretty close to a safe bet that he’ll have the second most delegates at the convention. If only there were someone more substantial than Gingrich to throw into the mix, we might get that cherished hope, a brokered convention (with Ron Paul holding aces).
I thought Ron Paul was supposed to be some kind of racist, fascist flake job. A joke.
The joke’s gonna be on all the people who thought that real honesty doesn’t have a chance.
America ain’t dead yet.
It’s just waking up from a little nap.
The primaries are going to be very…interesting.
Everybody else is buying airtime to lie. To signify on their rivals and on Obama. To prevaricate. To hide who they are and what they have done in the past because they are afraid that the voters won’t like what they see if they get too close to the truth(s) of the matter.
But Ron Paul is buying airtime in order to break though a media conspiracy of silence and spread the same message that he has been carrying for 30 years. No lies, no prevarications…just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.
I said it three months ago.
Valdez Is Coming. (Only He’s Looking A Lot Like Ron Paul)
Yes it is.
Did I say he wasn’t a joke? Did I say he wasn’t a racist? Did I, especially, say he wasn’t a flake? No.
But with money and a commitment to stay in to the end and with a solid base of core supporters, he’s very likely to wind up with more delegates than anyone not named Willard.
Gingrich doesn’t have any more staying power than the others who have been at the top. The question is whether he can stay strong long enough to win Iowa. If he does, he’ll at least be in the race for a little while.
But, really, the discussion I’d like to have is not about Paul winning, which strikes me as highly unlikely. I want to talk about his potential to have an impact on the race, both in how he can shake up the Republican Party and in how he can create havoc for their messaging against Obama.
“…the media will absolutely shred Paul to pieces?”
Booman…I don’t think that “the media” can shred this kind of truth to pieces. Not when the candidate is as straighforward as is Ron Paul, and not during a time when more and more Americans are waking up to the fact that “the media” are totally full of shit. They succeeded in taking Howard Dean down because he didn’t stand up to them when they “ARRRGHED” him. Do you really think that they would get the same result from Ron Paul? I think not. He’d shrug them off like the lame parasites that they are and keep on going straight ahead, just as he has been doing for 30+ years.
Ron Paul vs. Chris “Tweety Bird” Mathews? The great stoneface Brian Williams? Kutie Katy Couric? That weak little media hustler George Stephanopoulos? The short guy w/the oh so well trimmed white beard? Wolf Blitzer?
A serious set of mismatches. Paul will truth ’em all to death. These media characters have been overexposed. Their weaknesses are right out there in Hi Def for all to see. They mostly look like they should be having a $200 a plate brunch party in one of DC’s hotspots, complete with double Bloody Marys and eggs benedict on truffle toast. Ron Paul looks like he just left the corner diner on the way to work. He’ll put on his political hardhat and take ’em all on if they are foolish enough to confront him, just as he has taken on the bloated fools who are running for preznit in the Republican party.
The Tea Party and Occupy movements are just the tips of the societal iceberg towards which the PermaGov Titanic is now not only heading but picking up steam as it goes. I have found it very interesting that so many Occupy people have said that they have had private talks with cops who are totally sympathetic to their cause, and I also find it interesting that Ron Paul has a huge lead in fundraising from members of the military. You really don’t get much straighter American-style than cops and military people. The middle of the middle. The defenders of the status quo…willing to put their mortal asses on the line to keep things as they are.
Suddenly even those people are wavering in their belief in the system as it stands. Too many lies and too much theft for too long.
I wonder who else is getting a little…impatient…with things as they are going.
Valdez is halfway there already.
Dude, Bill White is out of jail now and happy to talk to the press, I’m sure.
You really have no idea who you are getting in bed with, do you?
You think Ron Paul is a truth-teller? You think he’s some kind of tough guy? You think he stands a chance against the Pentagon, the intelligence community, Karl Rove’s operation, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of shock jocks, and the cheerleading from the deluded left?
I thought if you understood anything, you understood the ways that the powerful can destroy anything unorthodox that threatens their position. But you don’t even understand the White Power movement in this country and how it operates. You don’t understand what Ron Paul signifies.
Bill White!!!???
Aw man…that’s some low shit. Really.
Sorry. That’s way beneath you.
It’s exactly the same as some rightwing fool saying that Barack Obama is a closet black supremacist and then using a notoriously criminal name in the same sentence. Please. If you are going to argue, try to make some line-level sense while you are about it.
As for the rest?
Tough enough to survive and to do so while maintaining his position and integrity in a governmental system that is now totally built on lies. Tough enough to keep a campaign schedule that would break most men half his age. Yeah, I think that he is a tough guy.
Lemme ask you an important question, Booman.
Have you given up hope?
That’s what this statement is saying to me.
Too big to fail. Too big to oppose.
I am sure that the following oft-considered question could be quite adequately answered by the sentiments implied in your statement.
By giving up in the face of the Gestapo, the S.S. and the work of the Goebbels propaganda apparatus. That’s how.
You also testify to the importance of Ron Paul’s message when you say that his enemies will include “the Pentagon, the intelligence community, Karl Rove’s operation, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of shock jocks.”
With enemies like that, who needs any other endorsements?
Do you think that nobody “stands a chance” against a coalition like that?
Whew!!! Good thing Obama didn’t have to worry about the Pentagon/Intelligence people (on the evidence of his three years of total co-operation with them on all levels) or we’d have Sarah Palin as vice-preznit now.
So…you throw Ron Paul under a number of far-right buses with no factual proof of his personal involvement with the drivers of those buses except by unverified inference (like Bill White’s in the first link…I mean even his fellow whackers don’t believe him, as evidenced in the second link) and the occasional brushes with almost every kind of whack job that are part and parcel of being a professional politician. And then you essentially say that Barack Obama successfully rose to power because the real, truly dangerous enemies of freedom…not these far-right, far-white gnats but rather the PermaGov with its military and intelligence apparatuses and its media…permitted him to win.
Which they did, of course.
So you are essentially giving up all hope of turning the direction of this country around in favor of…of what, Booman? A kinder, gentler surveillance state?
Ongoing assassinations?
Permanent war?
The success of economic imperialism?
The continuation of a patently false media system?
It’s going to fail, Booman.
MLK was right.
All you are doing is postponing the inevitable.
Until when, exactly?
Ahhhh…that is the question.
Not long, I think.
Less than a decade.
Another ten years like the previous ten years and the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Sooner, more than likely.
Or…the entire over-populated world will fall into the same sort of control system that our man Obama Skynet is complicit in setting up and the idea of “freedom” of any kind will be lost to humanity.
I’m making my choice. With my eyes wide open. You?
I just came back from a failed revolutionary state…the old kind of revolution, Communist/Socialist. Venezuela. Last year I was in Cuba. Over the past 30 years I have a fair amount of time in other failed old-style revolutionary states…Russia, some previously Iron Curtained countries. Enough time to really get a feel for the cultures.
They are one and all broken, Booman. They were not broken by the opposition of capitalist countries, either. They broke because they simply do not work. Kleptocracy finally takes over every time. And now capitalism…the current near-fascist version where the state and the corporations are essentially one… is finding itself on the verge of breaking as well. The knee-jerk left…of which I was once a part…is still operating on old, proven-to-be-false-by-history theories and memes.
Left, right, center.
Communist, socialist, capitalist.
So when someone tries to totally break the no longer working mold…which is what Ron Paul is attempting to do…the mainstream leftiness reaction is to call him a representative of the left’s longtime enemies.
It’s not about Nazis and Communists anymore, Booman. Not about “left” and “right” and not about “white” and “black” either. Wake the fuck up. A new paradigm…driven by overpopulation and global warming/global pollution as much as anything else…is coming to the fore. When I first started writing on leftiness blogs I used the idea that “Them injuns got repeatin’ rifles, now!!” to illustrate the impossibility of maintaining the same economic imperialist status quo that had held for almost all of the previous 100 years or so. Ron Paul is advocating the end to economic imperialism and a return to self-sufficiency, and what he is proposing is the best plan that I have heard so far for the survival of the America that my several hundred years of living and dying, working class ancestors tried to establish.
We have a pan-racial system in place now, and nothing except a massive set of pogroms is ever going to change that. Do you really believe that Ron Paul wants to set up a whites-only or seriously white-supremacist America? Really? Then he would indeed be just another crazy old man.
But it does not appear that he is any kind of crazy old man. His answers to questions are invariably quite reasonable and quite sane as well.
Check him out.
And…check yourself out while you are at it. You are working on memes that are already well out of date. There is a sea-change in operation here, Booman. When the aims and ideas of so-called leftish Occupy movements and equally so-called rightish ones like the Tea Party and the Libertarians begin to overlap and blend the way that they are today, we are in Alice In Wonderland territory, biting on mushrooms that do wondrously strange things to our position in the world. Alice got larger or smaller when she took bites out of her mushroom but we are getting rightier or leftier with every newsbite that we ingest.
Left and right are breaking down.
What’s going to come out of the experience?
I dunno.
But I do know that we are no longer in the Alice world of old.
The new is already upon us.
Take a bite or two yourself.
You be bettah off.
Bet on it.
you know what’s sadder than fighting for your country as you have known it your whole life?
Hoping some half-baked Austian School Stormfront David Duke Republican is going to fix things when his own party can’t stand him and wouldn’t follow him for one city block before they threw him in the Potomac.
Besides the nonsensical name calling…again, prove it…the rest of it sounds like another endorsement.
What if someone threw a political party and no one came? What if they threw two political parties and no one came?
Hope springs eternal… even in the fall. Either the American Fall (Like the Arab Spring…which also isn’t working out all that well, seems like.) or the fall of America. I’m not sure. We shall soon see, though. Bet on it.
“If only there were someone more substantial than Gingrich to throw into the mix, we might get that cherished hope, a brokered convention (with Ron Paul holding aces).”
As a Ron Paul supporter since 2007, I agree with most of your assessment. The Media will try to shred him to pieces the minute he wins in Iowa. Nevertheless, I suggest that as progressives, you should rejoice that there is a growing anti-war, anti-corporatism, pro-civil liberties wing in the GOP. As progressives, why not support this wing? Register temporarily as Republicans in your state, and vote for Paul in your primary/caucus. You can switch back to Democrats afterward.
Think of it. You can do nothing more to annoy the GOP establishment than vote for Paul. You will ensure a longer and more agonizing GOP campaign, where Mit Romney’s weaknesses will be laid naked before the world, leaving Obama with an easy kill in November. Much more importantly, you will empower the anti-war wing of the GOP, thus making a future Iraq debacle less likely. Think of it as payback for Rush Limbaugh’s operation Chaos backk in ’08 (Rush HATES Ron Paul, btw)
What’s the worst that can happen? If Ron Paul actually wins the nomination, you get to replay LBJ vs Goldwater, right? For progressives, I see nothing but win-win here.
How has Ron Paul earned the right to the anti-corporatism banner?
What he takes away with one hand, he giveth ten-fold over with the other.
Just ask yourself, if he is so good for corporations, why aren’t they giving him any money?
In my view, opposing multi-trillion bailouts of banks, opposing hot money rushing into bubbles due to Federal Reserve loose money policies and opposing the generally cozy partnership between corporations and government give him some serious anti-corporatist cred. Certainly more than any other Republican candidate. Granted, Ron Paul is not a progressive and does not pretend to be.
But why not do something to end massive military spending and wars abroad? (which should be opposed even if they are “cheap.”) You will then have more money to spend here at home. Ron Paul wont be president forever, or at all, if your prediction is correct.
Mind you, I’m not asking you vote for Paul vs Obama, just Paul vs the other GOP candidates. You have nothing to loose, and something potentially to gain.
Corporations don’t like to waste money donating to fringe candidates. You might as well ask why Gary Johnson isn’t getting corporate donations. If Ron Paul looks like he’s going to win the nomination, he’ll find a lot of new friends.
As for him being anti-corporatist, I don’t see it. His Randian dreamworld would be a free-for-all for corporate rape of the consumer and the world’s resources.
We’d all live in Deadwood.
Ron Paul has been elected to congress a dozen time. I didn’t see much corporate cash go his way back then. They spent plenty on his opponents, though.
And at this point, it’s hard to say Ron Paul has “no” chance. You can say he is a very long shot, but not zero.
And he’s not antimilitary either. He wants to bring the troops back home to deal with our own southern border. Just a Pat Buchanan Paleocon.
Gary Johnson and Paul share many of the same views, but they’re quite different on areas that matter enough to differ between Pat Buchanan types, and actual libertarians.
Those differences also amount to why I could see myself voting Johnson, and why I could never vote for Paul.
His five biggest contributors are:
US Army
US Navy
US Air Force
Obama’s contributors:
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
I’ll take Google and Microsoft over them ANY DAY! Also the Army and Navy as organizations didn’t contribute anything to Ron Paul (or any candidate, presumably) Individual soldiers and sailors have. That’s hardly something to be ashamed of though.
“You think he stands a chance against the Pentagon, the intelligence community, Karl Rove’s operation, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of shock jocks, and the cheerleading from the deluded left?”
Why are the Pentagon, Intel community, Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh so dead set against such a good friend of the corporate world? Why would the Left cheerlead for him? Why are progressives such as yourself on the side of the state apparatus and against a left that shares your goals of a more equal and just society?
Once again, though, I’m not asking anyone here to support Paul over Obama. Just to support Paul over the rest of the GOP field.
I don’t have a problem with that. Hell, nominating Ron Paul would be a good thing for the GOP. Not from an electoral standpoint necessarily but at least a move towards sanity on a few levels.
I like Ron Paul.. I just don’t like his more zealous followers trying to shove him down our throats at every opportunity. See Gilroy’s condescending schtick.
Now that Paul’s actually taking running for President seriously and not merely wasting all those campaign donations maybe he’ll get somewhere.
Debates between Obama and Paul would be very interesting.
I can’t imagine Ron Paul winning the nomination, but I think it would be a positive thing if he did. He’d be able to enunciate conservative views against government involvement in the economy, and it would give Obama an opportunity to argue the case for the more progressive side, something I know he’d do extremely effectively. It would probably be good to have such an open debate (and I believe progressive values would benefit by such). And it would certainly be interesting to see Obama have to defend his foreign policy from a Republican candidate criticizing him from the left.
That sounds like a great debate. Why not vote for Paul in your state primary/caucus so that that debate might take place? Change your party affiliation and then change back the next day. Once again, you’ll annoy the GOP establishment and the right wing machine as well as enhance the power of the anti-war right in the GOP.
And then in the general election you can support Obama and replay LBJ vs Goldwater. I’m not seeing a down side from the progressive POV.
As the Rep insiders have already demonstrated, the impact of minority rule has developed into a powerful form of leverage. There’s no reason to think that Paul won’t leverage his 2nd place strength into actually dominating the conversation at the convention.
Since Mitt, as the crown prince of the GOP is a serial waffler and Paul is an ornery old mule who, as you say, holds all the aces, the GOP spine will be irreparably fractured.
Too bad Newt the intellectual giant doesn’t know the difference between I and me: “I really see Mitt and I as co-front-runners,” said Gingrich.
Most likely outcome involving Ron Paul.
Gingrich-Paul 2012
Romney-Paul 2012
Both have the air of Gore-Lieberman about them. Pandering to a constituency.
I do not think that Paul would consent to a Gingrich run, and if he considered running with Romney he would have to have one hell of a lot of iron-clad promises.
Not likely.
He’s in it for the long haul, Tarheel. He’d rather take the chance of breaking the whole thing down by running as a third party candidate than stand by and let the PermaGov candidates okey-doke the system once again.
That’s what I am seeing, anyway.
I hope you’re right because what he will break is the Republican Party. Ron Paul running as a third party candidate ensures a victory by Barack Obama. And it will sap the Republican down-ticket races.
You see, I don’t see a full third-party slate of candidates. The Congress since Newt Gingrich has been the power that corporations have used to run the government. With respect to that, the President is almost irrelevant. It’s most likely what Barack Obama did not expect and certainly a slew of his supporters didn’t either. To break the Permagov, you have to take both Houses of Congress with veto-proof majorities. Then the President doesn’t matter as much.
Ron Paul is not going to do that.
Any change is going to come from a change in the character of the Congress, not for the President. And Ron Paul is going to be less persuasive of any Congress than Barack Obama has been of this current Congress.
All Ron Paul can be in the coming election year is a spoiler. And at 76, his long run is running out.
Could be…
We shall see, soon enough.
That would be great, honestly. GO RON GO. I put that into a lot of Ron Paul sites. The best thing in the world for 2012 would be a lunatic fascist like Ron Paul running 3rd Party.
Go RON GOOOOO!!! RUN 3rd party!!
One danger of Ron Paul is that he is creating a fanbase that will attach itself to his son, Rand, who is young enough to run for president sometime in the next two decades.
Ron Paul is a racist.
He promotes raw milk. That means that he is insane.
He is probably opposed to vaccination.
He is 76.
And yet, supposedly intelligent people back him. He is really an intelligence test – if you like him, you are a total moron. Truly.
Yes. Please hurl insults at us. It is truly a sign of your superior intellect.
RE: Raw milk, why do care if other people willingly choose raw milk? No one is forcing you to drink it. Non one is forcing you to smoke or drink alcohol or take drugs. Your health is your responsibility.
As for vaccinations, again, why can’t I choose which vaccinations I want and which ones I don’t? When it comes to abortion, you’re all like “a woman has the right over her own body.” But when it comes to vaccinations, it seems my body is owned by the government.
Also, you might want to look into a possible association between mass vaccinations and the prevalence of auto-immune diseases. (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc)
As for “Racist” you might want to talk to the guy who thinks it is cool to have flying robots kill people all over the globe. Namely our current president.
He is supposedly a physician. He swore an oath to “first do no harm”. He promotes raw milk. He is violating his oath. if you can’t understand that, you are not very intelligent. Raw milk is a danger to public health.
Really? You hate Ron Paul because of raw milk? Of all the problems facing this nation, the biggest is raw milk? The war in Iraq? Possible war in Iran? End of the bill of rights? Loss of Habeas Corpus? All trivial compared to the possibility that someone of their own free will might choose to drink raw milk. Wow.
Now I understand why you truly hate Ron Paul. You know perfectly well that many on the left will think that perhaps raw milk might not be the biggest issue of the day. That maybe those aforementioned issues are more important. That maybe they will notice that Obama has been on the wrong side of everyone of them from the beginning and they will abandon him in droves.
I hope you have a counterargument rather than an insult, but I doubt it.
You are either a total moron or deliberately obtuse, although it could be both. The Raw Milk issue is the tell. It demonstrates that he is both a failed physician, a menace to society, and someone who puts libertarian lunacy ahead of anything else. Any sensible person would understand that. Since you are Pauliton, you are not in the group of sensible persons, so it needs a clear and well-articulated response.
That’s not an insult, BTW. It’s simply the truth. As Nicholson said, you can’t handle the truth.
I could not possibly insult you any more than you insult yourself by saying that you are a Ron Paul backer. You publicly announce that you are an idiot.
Interesting take. Suppose Paul does get to write the platform in exchange for putting the Mittster over the top. What would the Paulites want? Here are some of the sane ideas he’s advocated:
These are things I’d love to see in the Democratic platform — not to mention acted upon by the Obama Administration.
We know that Mitt can flip to any of these viewpoints. It boggles my mind to imagine RoboMit challenging Obama on these points in a televised debate. The networks will not cut to NCIS halfway through.
Irony is not dead. Our society… that’s still questionable. But we have to give props to the GOP for elevating the 2012 race to previously unimaginable heights of entertainment value.
More than ever, better to be stuck in the 60s than living in the 2010s.