A lot is being made of the memo (pdf) that Clark Lytle Geduldig & Cranford sent to the American Bankers Association. As a business pitch it’s not too bad. But what’s really telling is how it is assumed that the American Bankers Association automatically would like to see Republicans maintain and increase their control over Washington. It’s something to keep in mind when you’re reading Glenn Greenwald’s interpretation of events. Greenwald is very concerned that the SEIU, the Democratic Party, and other leftist groups are trying to co-opt the #Occupy movement. Yet, I don’t see where he is concerned that right-leaning groups and lobbying firms are trying to figure out ways to destroy it.

I don’t know what he really expects the Democrats to do. Should they distance themselves from the #Occupy movement? Should they make no effort to see their point of view or to incorporate some of their message? Isn’t it bad enough that Democratic mayors are clashing with leftists in the streets? It doesn’t seem like the relationship is too cozy to me.

But this all gets back to the main bone of contention. Whether it’s Wikileaks or the #Occupy protests, they may embarrass the Establishment, but they will do little more unless people get involved in the political process. It has to eventually get translated. Maybe the time is still premature; it probably is. Yet, somewhere on the horizon the change people are seeking will have to take shape as a push for political outcomes, whether that be elections or legislation.

The right is clear that the #Occupy movement is a mortal enemy. The Democrats want to tap into the movement’s energy. What does the #Occupy movement want? That is the only thing that’s not clear. I hope the Democrats do co-opt the message of the 99%. That would be such a big improvement over the crap we’ve been getting for the last twenty years.