Reading about what happened at UC-Davis yesterday doesn’t have the same impact as watching what happened.
It’s an eight-minute video. I don’t expect you to watch the whole thing. It begins with a Davis police officer pepper-spraying a bunch of sitting students. Then the crowd begins to chant “Shame on you” for several minutes as the police haul the victims away. Finally, the crowd begins to chant “You can go” to the police officers. And they retreat, to much applause and revelry.
You might want to know why the police were there in the first place. The thing is, it doesn’t matter why they were there. There’s no excuse for pepper-spraying people who pose no threat to you.
But the answer is that the school administration wanted them to clear a quad of camping equipment.
All they accomplished was a massive international black-eye for their institution. And, I guess, they just radicalized a few dozen bystanders.
And then they wonder why people chant “F–k the police!!” The above video is just one of the many examples why.
Tactically, that is not a helpful chant.
The current classic is:
Another appropriate one:
I know it’s not helpful. I never said it was. I’m just saying stuff like that UC-Davis video is why people do chant such things.
And why Occupy Wall Street spends a lot of time in non-violence training and legal briefings before the police arrive.
the pepper spraying is horrifying, the students’ training is impressive
Now you see why cops were called pigs in the sixties.
That was cruel as shit. He should face charges.
The American university system is also very complicit and has actively engaged in the same class warfare that the very rich have been engaging in with their ridiculous tuition hikes in order to pad their administrator’s ridiculous salaries; have faculty they don’t need (increased adjunct professors, having faculty do the jobs that used to be done by the tenured profs); increasing other services that provide no increased educational value (such as Texas Tech’s leisure pool, and turning dormitories into mini-condos); and a surge in college sports to the point that kids choose schools over the sports instead of the academics. A corrupt institution, indeed. Occupying the universities is a good thing to do.
I especially enjoyed Katha Pollitt’s Nation article on the sports aspect:
Penn State’s Patriarchal Pastimes
I love it, I love her.
University administrators really don’t make that much. Their pay is comparable to public school system administrators at the K-12 level, if not lower in many cases. And neither of those is anywhere comparable to executive management pay for private business sector employment for essentially the same set of skills and time commitment, so I really don’t think we should be conflating public sector executives with private sector executives at all. Their levels of power and capacity to extract wealth from others due to their social position alone is not in any way comparable.
That officer’s demeanor was absolutely chilling. His actions were barbaric, but his demeanor spoke volumes about him. He is a monster in storm trooper’s clothing.
Oh, and a big fat chunk of the country is likely to believe that those hippies deserved it. No matter if they were just sitting there. They fucked up somehow, so they deserved it.
Doomed, I tell ya.
Of course they do. There is another great example yesterday. The top commenter in an anti-OWS article from Murdoch’s NY Compost calls for bashing in hippie skulls. And guess who he works for? The NY Federal Reserve!! We know that because the Compost uses Facebook of all things for their comments and he was stupid enough to post.
See my diary – CLGC Proposal to Undermine OWS and Democracy for $850K
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
The whole world is watching! – thanks to YouTube, for one and citizen journalists.
I can’t even express how much respect and love I have for those kids for just sitting there in the face of that assault. I don’t think I could have done it; just watching it I feel like beating the shit out of that asshole in cop’s clothing.
make sure you watch the end where they surround the cops and tell them that they are giving them a moment of peace so they can leave.
that is fucking amazing. that’s the part that blows my mind.
and it’s why the establishment is so scared.
I am so proud of those kids for keeping their heads and ultimately driving those cops out of there. I don’t think I could have been that brave.
Me too. I have huge respect for every sincle one of these OWS folks. The fascism is really coming out into the open now.
Jerry Brown: first UC-Berkeley Police Department jabbing students with batons. now UC-Davis Police Department gratuitously pepper-spraying peaceful passively resisting protesters with a “quick Henry the Flit” attitude.
Governor, the University of California Police Department system has a huge problem on your watch. Unless you’ve turned into Ronald Reagan, you need to deal with it. And with the Chancellors who ordered it. And with the Board of Regents who tolerates or encourages it.
Or does the Governor of California no longer exercise the power that Ronald Reagan exercised in repressing the protests of the 1960s? Or is it easier to let the dogs loose than to restrain them?
Wow, pretty good letter.
Makes me want to send a text to the Chancellor: “You can go”. My guess is she’s already received this message multiple times. Still, I want to pile on. Does any know her number?
(530) 752-2065 Go get her!
Parts of that letter are quoted, with attribution, in this morning’s CNN story about the pepper spraying, which is their top-left-featured story on the website right now.
Interesting take.
This just in:
@Ghostpickles is a reporter for Citizens Radio, an internet radio service.
Joshua Holland of Alternet had the info last night. I posted it over at TGOS
It certainly brings back the phrase fascist pig. People used to be shocked by that term. Now, not so much.
Last time I stopped in on the tribune we were talking about the precedent set in the Humboldt County environmental protest case where sheriff’s deputies had swabbed the eyes of nonviolent protestors, including a child, with pepper spray.
Next time I stop by I see this…it’s like the Humboldt County sheriff circa 1990’s moved down to Davis. Disgusting.
It’s also disturbing that the UC campus police at so many campuses seem to be run by absolute idiots and populated with sociopaths.
I was at an Ohio school when kent State happened in 1970. They closed us down, the Black Panthers showed up, we marched, we rallied, the National Guard was called into our campus (Bowling Green). I then hitch hiked to CA, hung out in the Haight. Learned alot of life lessons there.
This is eerily WAY too similar to 1970. Back in the day, we had tear gas, not much pepper spray.
If these universities don’t get a grip, we will have another Kent and Jackson State on our hands.
Just sayin’.
Here is a chilling picture of the Cop spraying.
Video from another angle!
You can hear the students choking in this vid.
oh, they accomplished much more than that.
The chancellor’s biggest accomplishment is ensuring they get hit with millions in lawsuits.
Chancellor Katehi also managed to get a poet laureate of the US whacked with a baton, and there’s an open letter from a faculty member calling on her to resign (which also notes that a few faculty members were also beaten by the cops).
I think she’ll end up resigning: so that’s another accomplishment, fucking up her career.
Tonight through peaceful protest, the students exposed the Chancellor’s narrative that she was being held hostage as false. Exactly as the UCPD in riot gear were about to form up. The police withdrew.
They had surrounded the building so as to force her to walk out of the building through two rows of students. Then they got her to meet with one of the students who way pepper sprayed. That student personally showed her the eight-minute video and asked for her resignation.
The Chancellor walked out to her car through two lines of completely silent students seated on the ground. The narrative was a walk of shame. The Chancellor never looked at the students but looked straight ahead the whole time.
These students had one powerful tactical discipline about what they did.
These young men and women make me feel pride. This is the discipline that I wanted to see in other protests. Notice how much more powerful this is over heckling, barraging, and provoking. Sitting down, in silence. A walk of shame; she’s certainly earned it.
Let them know what you think:
And here’s the petition demanding that the Chancellor resign: