I am temporarily tired of writing about how much Washington sucks. What we need are recipes for Thanksgiving dinner and dessert, and for using leftovers. Here’s our recipe for cranberry sauce:

1 lb. cranberries
2.5 cups of sugar
1 cup water
1.5 cups of pear
1 cup of apple
5 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
.5 cup of celery
1 cup of raisins
1 cup slivered almonds

Put the cranberries, sugar, and water in a pot and cook on medium heat until the cranberries grow plump and the skins pop. Add the rest of the ingredients except the slivered almonds. Cook until it has the consistency of jelly. Add the almonds. This recipe will fill about five 12 oz. jars.

Our family keeps asking us to bring this to Thanksgiving, so it must be good.

What are some of your favorite dishes?