By popular request (and in response to the chillier weather), the return of the Knitapalooza diary series…  

First, a few finished objects:

I know a few of you have seen pictures of the sweater I made for CBtY already, but I thought I should show you the modeled version as well (click all pictures to embiggen):

I’ve also finished a little sweater for Mr. Finny, using Madeleinetosh superwash sport weight yarn in the Well Water colorway.  Here’s the “in-progress” picture:


Here he is, showing off the completed sweater.  See how much he loves it? πŸ˜‰


I also finished up a few other smaller projects since the last Knitapalooza.  This is the LOVe shawlette designed by Anne Hanson of Knitspot; The shot below is of the scarf size while blocking.  When you knit lace patterns, the finished item tends to look like a big blob until you wash it and pin it out to the desired size, opening up all the lacework so the pattern is fully visible.  I love this step in the process, even though it takes quite a bit of time to thread the wires through the lace to pin out the points, because the change is so dramatic.


The picture below is of the final piece, draped over Booman.  I used Madelinetosh Pashmina yarn (a yummy mix of wool, silk, and cashmere) in the colorway Baltic.  My only regret is that I didn’t do the largest size; I think I might have to make another one of these to fix that oversight.  πŸ™‚


I love Anne Hanson’s patterns so much (they’re very well written and detailed), that I treated myself to a pattern-only subscription to her fall “club”.  Each month, I get a new pattern; the club also has a yarn option where you receive the yarn (hand dyed in an exclusive color) for the project.  I loved the October yarn Fourth of July from Briar Rose so much that I traded someone for a hank of it, and made BooMan a new hat for frosty morning blogging:


The matching scarf is currently on the needles:

And that’s all for this week (although I do have plenty more to show you next week…)