David Brooks is still a moron. His “Two Moons” analogy is stupid. What we have is one party that is trying to govern responsibly and one party that has cracked up on the rocks and gone plumb crazy. We have one party that relies on studies, statistics, scientific consensus, and expert testimony, and one party that relies on Fox News, hate radio, and paid hacks. This isn’t an amicable disagreement. People hate Congress, first and foremost, because they can’t get anything done. And the reason they can’t anything done is because of the Republicans have gone insane. People hate Congress because whenever they do get something done, it’s a better deal for the pharmaceutical industry or the banks or the insurers than it is for the people. And that’s also the Republicans’ fault because they nominated the judges who turned corporations into people and money into free speech. And the Republicans won’t agree to anything that corporations are not demanding.

So, David Brooks can go shove it.

Plus, there is plenty of internal disagreement within the Democratic Party. It’s what we’re best known for and it hasn’t gone away.