UPDATE – VIDEO of Pakistan’s concerns and demand for CIA retreat from Shamsi airbase.
Nato air attack on Pakistani troops was self-defence, says senior western official
(Guardian) – An attack by Nato aircraft on Pakistani troops that allegedly killed as many as 28 soldiers and looks set to further poison relations between the US and Pakistan was an act of self-defence, a senior western official has claimed. Afghan intelligence say the US-Afghan force was conducting operations against suspected Taliban training camps in the area.
According to the Kabul-based official, a joint US-Afghan force operating in the mountainous Afghan frontier province of Kunar was the first to come under attack in the early hours of Saturday morning, forcing them to return fire. The high death toll from an incident between two supposed allies suggests Nato helicopters and jets strafed Pakistani positions with heavy weapons.
A spokesman for Nato’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said it was “highly likely” that aircraft which had been called into the area to provide “close air support” to troops on the ground was responsible for causing casualties among the Pakistani soldiers.
For their part, a statement by the Pakistani military claimed that it was they who were attacked first, forcing them to respond to Nato’s “aggression with all available weapons”. According to Pakistani officials the 40 or so soldiers stationed at the outposts were asleep at the time of the attack. Government officials said the two border posts that were attacked had recently been established to try to stop insurgents who use bases in Afghanistan to attack Pakistan from crossing the border and launching attacks.
The vagueness of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is one potential, and relatively innocent, explanation for the incident. Drawn up by the British Raj in 1893, there is little agreement on where the so-called Durand Line actually falls, meaning troops from either side of the border can wander into the neighbouring country without realising it.
But a more troubling explanation would be that insurgents in the area were operating under the nose of Pakistani security forces. Many Afghan officials believe Pakistan helps the Taliban with cross-border operations.
Edrees Momand of the Afghan Border Police said that a US-Afghan force in the area near the Pakistani outposts detained several militants on Saturday morning.
“I am not aware of the casualties on the other side of the border but those we have detained aren’t Afghan Taliban,” he said, implying they may have been Pakistani or other foreign national Taliban operating in Afghanistan.
US blames Pakistan agency in Kabul attack
ISLAMABAD (The Independent) Sept. 22, 2011 – Mullen said Pakistan’s government has chosen to “use violent extremism as an instrument of policy,” adding that “by exporting violence, they have eroded their internal security and their position in the region. They have undermined their international credibility and threatened their economic well-being.”
Testifying alongside Mullen, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta also decried Pakistani support for the Haqqani network, and he said Pakistani authorities have been told in unequivocal terms that the US will not tolerate a continuation of the group’s cross-border attacks. Panetta said the message was delivered recently by new CIA Director David Petraeus in a meeting with the head of the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI.
“They must take steps to prevent the safe haven that the Haqqanis are using,” Panetta said. “We simply cannot allow these kinds of terrorists to be able to go into Afghanistan, attack our forces and then return to Pakistan for safe haven.”
Haqqani network accused in 19-hour siege of the US embassy in Kabul – Oct. 2011
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
We are are playing with fire here. With WW III-level fire.
Let this tension remain unresolved and then see an Israeli/British attack on Iran and all hell is going to break loose.
Pakistan government has requested the US stop all CIA activities on its soil. However, the Shamsi airbase in Balochistan was used by the CIA for highly secret drone strikes inside Pakistan. This airstrip is operated under the auspiciën of the Unite Arab Emirates. The original lease in 1992 was to facilitate hunting falcon trips for the Houbara Bustard, a rare bird some Arabs believe has aphrodisiac properties.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
An earlier comment from my diary – Bin Laden Documents and Hardship Inside Al-Qaeda.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."