What a nice weekend we’ve been having – Finny is hogging all my time, though. 🙂
Today is climb up the 16 foot stepladder and change all the bulbs in the living room day, followed by more raking of leaves. I could honestly spend a week doing that, I think.
What are you all up to this fine morning? I don’t think we’re going to hit 70 again today,but it should still be in the 60s…
Our leaves are (mostly) done. I’ve got some odds and ends to take care of and grocery shopping. I was hoping to wax the car. Maybe if I had another couple of days…sigh.
It does seem to fly right by, doesn’t it?we went grocery shopping, now Finny is sleeping and we still need to re-attach our mailbox to the post and do hardworking and get a meal plan together for the week. Plus I want to post a knitting diary and do some knitting!
What leaves remain here will have to rot over the winter. There are way too many other chores to take their place. Rain and cooler temps have arrived after a couple of sunny and unseasonably warm days.
After hours and hours of being with family which started on Tuesday (because my sister had a houseful of family in from out-of-town), I am looking forward to a much less noisy week (and even more less noisy because deer gun season is over).
It’s been raining for three solid days here. It’s the first time we’ve a flood warning since June. It’s almost (but not quite) enough to make me miss this summer’s drought.
Glad you got home safely. We’ve had three straight days of almost all-day rain so if you are getting your weather from us, there’s probably more to come.
We had our first snow yesterday which came down furiously and almost blindingly for about 30 minutes (just when we were driving home, lucky us) but then petered out to a few big, wet flakes.
We had our first snow (maybe an inch) yesterday but it will all melt today. It was a weird weather system (went in a circular motion) so I don’t think it is heading for you.
I missed the seasonal changes a lot when I lived in Cuba and Florida, but when there’s an ice storm, I ask myself, what the hell are you doing here? Never satisfied;-)
My mom just bought a place in Florida (again). Her take on the seasons there is that you still have one season where you can’t spend much time outdoors, it’s just called summer there. 🙂
That said, I’m looking forward to going for a visit in spring or fall.
We’ve missed you. If we don’t end up loaning the laptop to FM, we could loan it to you for awhile. Is the email address I have from a couple of years ago still good?
I have to say that you and Andi are a great inspiration for the photographer in me.
For great stretches of time I keep thinking there’s nothing much to take photos of and then here you go proving to me that all I’ve got to do is pay a bit more attention…
Thanks for the compliment on my photo and this one too. I really owe it all to olivia — her photographs made me realize how much there was out there to see.
lol, yes I do! I’ve been using one more than the dslr lately as you know … but I meant that I bought the little Canon Elph just after I started my online life and it was my first camera, and I got a lot of encouragement. 🙂
The “Athens of the Prairie” according to Lady Bird Johnson. Its about 20 minutes from our house. Andi & Jim are a little closer. Much of the city is featured on an architectural tour.
It takes us 20 minutes too — I guess having a straight shot down 46 instead of having to wind through some county roads first equalizes the distance. 🙂
As ID said, it’s a city in the next county over. We lived there for two years before we moved to Brown County and Jim taught in their school system from 1976 till his retirement this year.
The city is very big on modern architecture (there’s a foundation that pays for the architect’s fees) … so much so that they even get architects to design bridges.
Just got a call from Family Man! Apparently he got a new phone and number. I let him know everyone’s thinking of him. He’s got a new place and both he and George are doing well. He sounded happy! He’s working on getting the computer part figured out now.
I talked to him, too. He sounded really good. George was right by him when I called so that was happy news too.
I’m going to send him our old laptop early next week so I hope we will be hearing from him soon. He doesn’t have any way to connect to the internet where he is living but he take the laptop to the library and connect there.
Very cool. Looks more peaceful than my day is likely to be…
I took the old CRV to work yesterday, and it overheated in the rain and dark on the way home….now we have to figure out what the problem is and get it squared away with only one car to get everyone where they need to go today.
Yay! Hump day is over, I work from home tomorrow and Friday (giving more meaning to the term hump day), and we had to replace a radiator hose that had a small leak and get the car tomorrow morning. (Finny was already headed for bed when they called to say it was fixed.)
I’m envious of the good walk and lack of rain…it’s been raining here for days now. I need a plan for tomorrow to appease the Finny, who is not a fan of rainy days.maybe a walk through the mall so he can stretch out his legs?
We were dry but overcast and cold. And tonight we heading our first low in the teens (it’s only 20 now). But at least today there is supposed to be some sun to make up for the chills.
It was really cold here yesterday, not in the teens, but low enough to be a reminder that it’s December. I really enjoyed our November weather, but it’s made the cold a bit of a shock.
I can’t believe Finny has let me post a series of blog comments this morning. He’s been very, um, labor intensive lately. Guess it’s that approaching second birthday.
What a nice weekend we’ve been having – Finny is hogging all my time, though. 🙂
Today is climb up the 16 foot stepladder and change all the bulbs in the living room day, followed by more raking of leaves. I could honestly spend a week doing that, I think.
What are you all up to this fine morning? I don’t think we’re going to hit 70 again today,but it should still be in the 60s…
Our leaves are (mostly) done. I’ve got some odds and ends to take care of and grocery shopping. I was hoping to wax the car. Maybe if I had another couple of days…sigh.
It does seem to fly right by, doesn’t it?we went grocery shopping, now Finny is sleeping and we still need to re-attach our mailbox to the post and do hardworking and get a meal plan together for the week. Plus I want to post a knitting diary and do some knitting!
What leaves remain here will have to rot over the winter. There are way too many other chores to take their place. Rain and cooler temps have arrived after a couple of sunny and unseasonably warm days.
This is sad news. Just terrible.
Very sad indeed and way too young to leave. My oldest is also 41.
Life is fragile. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for him.
It’s back to work I go….
We got a bunch of big chores out of the way, though. Now I just have to make it a few more weeks to the holiday break.
First Christmas presents I ordered came this weekend, so at least I have a start on that. And I didn’t spend any money on black Friday!
What are you all up to this week?
After hours and hours of being with family which started on Tuesday (because my sister had a houseful of family in from out-of-town), I am looking forward to a much less noisy week (and even more less noisy because deer gun season is over).
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Ha ha ~ Bebo ~ perpetual motion puppy!
Her motto is Why walk when you can run.
I know some boys like that… 🙂
Hope everyone’s week is off to a good start. It’s pouring down rain here – a good day to be in the office.
Unfortunately, Finny hates the rain and will be giving his papa a run for his money today. :/
It’s been raining for three solid days here. It’s the first time we’ve a flood warning since June. It’s almost (but not quite) enough to make me miss this summer’s drought.
The rain changed over to snow this afternoon. It isn’t sticking to the roads. Look out to the east.
Our rain was bad. Driving home was harrowing.
Glad you got home safely. We’ve had three straight days of almost all-day rain so if you are getting your weather from us, there’s probably more to come.
We had our first snow yesterday which came down furiously and almost blindingly for about 30 minutes (just when we were driving home, lucky us) but then petered out to a few big, wet flakes.
Now that is a cool shot!
Sniff begs to differ.
Clearly, Sniff is no art/photo critic.
Hah, he says, you are talking about a dog who has made sitting* a form of high art! 😛
* proof: the Zen Sniff photos at the 40-acres blog
Double batch of baked chicken meatballs in oven. What’s next?
lefse 🙂
and/or mashed potatoes and gravy.
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Perfect pic for today- it stopped raining and got quite chilly here,
Another busy week at work this week…looking forward to today being my last day in the office for the week.
We had our first snow (maybe an inch) yesterday but it will all melt today. It was a weird weather system (went in a circular motion) so I don’t think it is heading for you.
We had our big snow in October, so we’re all ready if an inch comes our wy. 🙂
They got clobbered in northern Indiana. I’m grateful it barely made it down here.
Ya never know. It’s colder here now. Our 60s weather is history.
I hope it missed you — you’ve had share of snow already for this year.
No snow yet, but it is cold enough. These days the weather can change direction on a dime.
Very humpy. Have I mentioned that I don’t miss snow at all?
I think I would miss snow — I like it (as long as I’m not driving in it and it doesn’t pile up into double-digit inches).
I missed the seasonal changes a lot when I lived in Cuba and Florida, but when there’s an ice storm, I ask myself, what the hell are you doing here? Never satisfied;-)
We have seasons, they’re just longer and milder than up north. Except summer, which is hellish.
Hmmm, hellish summers that are even worse than the ones we have here … yep, sticking with snow.
My mom just bought a place in Florida (again). Her take on the seasons there is that you still have one season where you can’t spend much time outdoors, it’s just called summer there. 🙂
That said, I’m looking forward to going for a visit in spring or fall.
I do remember the surf fishing was pretty nifty in December when the Bluefish and Pompano were migrating down the coast.
another mesmerizing shot, the more I look at it the more details I see. You’ve got a great eye for the elements of nature.
Love this image, Andi. Beautiful!
We’ve had frost here lately too — no real snow yet, though the skies hang heavy every day.
Life’s demands expand & dial-up service has gotten really, really awful, ergo I’m a bit of a stranger lately. Good to see you, though!
Note: I could travel to an internet cafe’ for free wifi if I had a laptop. Hint! Hint! 🙂
We’ve missed you. If we don’t end up loaning the laptop to FM, we could loan it to you for awhile. Is the email address I have from a couple of years ago still good?
How nice of you to take me seriously!
The proper email address is jswitzlerCATlocalnetDOGcom.
Hope it works out for us all!
Always nice to get a welcome howdy-do from you after my strange absences. Thank you!
I hope your dial-up is better on Friday — it’s Friday Foto Flogging this week (theme is Random) and we’d love to see you (and your pics) there.
Glad I asked about the email address because that isn’t what I had.
Thanks for the reminder! As for ‘random’ — that describes our internet service here pretty well.
Has anyone heard from FamilyMan lately?
I think I’m going to get started on my holiday gift preparations this weekend.
Nope, he’s MIA.
Perhaps he’s still got computer problems.
I sent him email a couple of months ago and didn’t get any answer. 🙁
His niece posted his phone number on his FB page last fall – second post down (nothing posted since 2010).
Last comment here was 3/28/11.
I decided to leave a message for his niece and she just answered it.
He is okay but has no computer. He does have a cell phone number which she will give me after she get home.
Glad he is ok. Please tell we miss his slackerly presence around here if you happen to connect with him.
Thanks for calling- keep us posted, and let him know he’s been missed.
I didn’t call — I’m way too big a chicken for that — I left her a message on Facebook.
I haven’t got the number yet but it might be the same one that ask mentioned so I might not need it.
I might be able to help him out with a very old laptop. I’m not sure how to contact him at this point.
We’ve got one too — it’s an old mac ibook so very small and thus easy to ship.
That’s what I’ve got, but it’s a larger one (clamshell ibook) running 10.2.
I’ll check with olivia later this weekend and see if she got him and then we can see what we can figure out.
I’ve got his number too — I’ll try giving him a call tomorrow.
I don’t want to overwhelm with calls so I’ll let you do it first then.
Well, the number I had for him has been d/c. 🙁 I tried calling a couple of times today. So … hopefully his niece will respond on fb.
I hope that he’s okay. Thanks for trying.
His niece said he was okay (see my comments above).
Brain freeze because I had read that. Thanks.
Nicely frosted ferns;-)
I have to say that you and Andi are a great inspiration for the photographer in me.
For great stretches of time I keep thinking there’s nothing much to take photos of and then here you go proving to me that all I’ve got to do is pay a bit more attention…
Thanks for the compliment on my photo and this one too. I really owe it all to olivia — her photographs made me realize how much there was out there to see.
Thanks, NDD.
Andi’s right. It’s Olivia’s fault. 🙂
Aw, you two. The help you both gave me when I started out is immeasurable. I didn’t even own a camera when we met.
In the best of worlds, we’re all each other’s students. Cameras have nothing to do with vision.
Um, so you don’t count your p&s as a camera? 😛
lol, yes I do! I’ve been using one more than the dslr lately as you know … but I meant that I bought the little Canon Elph just after I started my online life and it was my first camera, and I got a lot of encouragement. 🙂
‘Tis the season.
Home from the The Nutcracker Ballet with Mrs. ID and the two littlest grandkids (and pretty well pooped out).
Sound like a really fun thing to do with the young’uns.
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Niiiiice! What is that structure?
It’s the Second Street Bridge in Columbus, IN.
From a recent trip? It looks pretty cool.
The “Athens of the Prairie” according to Lady Bird Johnson. Its about 20 minutes from our house. Andi & Jim are a little closer. Much of the city is featured on an architectural tour.
Thanks ID! I’ve got to read that piece when the photos aren’t blocked.
It takes us 20 minutes too — I guess having a straight shot down 46 instead of having to wind through some county roads first equalizes the distance. 🙂
As ID said, it’s a city in the next county over. We lived there for two years before we moved to Brown County and Jim taught in their school system from 1976 till his retirement this year.
The city is very big on modern architecture (there’s a foundation that pays for the architect’s fees) … so much so that they even get architects to design bridges.
Here’s another cool bridge that’s the “gateway” to town.
Just got a call from Family Man! Apparently he got a new phone and number. I let him know everyone’s thinking of him. He’s got a new place and both he and George are doing well. He sounded happy! He’s working on getting the computer part figured out now.
Glad he is ok and also that you guys finally wormed a couple of pond shots out of him before he moved;-)
I talked to him, too. He sounded really good. George was right by him when I called so that was happy news too.
I’m going to send him our old laptop early next week so I hope we will be hearing from him soon. He doesn’t have any way to connect to the internet where he is living but he take the laptop to the library and connect there.
Very good news!
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Very cool. Looks more peaceful than my day is likely to be…
I took the old CRV to work yesterday, and it overheated in the rain and dark on the way home….now we have to figure out what the problem is and get it squared away with only one car to get everyone where they need to go today.
Hopefully this isn’t the end of old Henry Honda…
Hope your day was more peaceful than you expected it to be and that the Honda was in better shape than you thought.
Yay! Hump day is over, I work from home tomorrow and Friday (giving more meaning to the term hump day), and we had to replace a radiator hose that had a small leak and get the car tomorrow morning. (Finny was already headed for bed when they called to say it was fixed.)
How was your day?
I think we need a new cafe….
Well sounds like the crazy day ended up pretty good.
We had a good day here, got a lot done, had a good walk, and it wasn’t raining.
I’m envious of the good walk and lack of rain…it’s been raining here for days now. I need a plan for tomorrow to appease the Finny, who is not a fan of rainy days.maybe a walk through the mall so he can stretch out his legs?
Did you get in touch with FM?
Yep. We’re going to send him the laptop and hopefully he will be back online soon.
I guess that’s an advantage of dogs over kids — they don’t care if they get wet so we just walked through all that endless rain.
Do they rainsuits for toddlers?
They do make rain gear for toddlers- I had some nice ems and Patagonia stuff when my big boys were little. I’ll have to go shopping…ergh.
They have rain gear for dogs and horses, too!
Tomorrow’s the day for the December Flog. The theme is Random.
Click here to see and share photos for the theme of Random.
We’re off to a cool but dry Friday. Waves to all!
We were dry but overcast and cold. And tonight we heading our first low in the teens (it’s only 20 now). But at least today there is supposed to be some sun to make up for the chills.
Second day in a row for temps down in the teens. Guess this is payback for that unusually warm November.
It was really cold here yesterday, not in the teens, but low enough to be a reminder that it’s December. I really enjoyed our November weather, but it’s made the cold a bit of a shock.
I can’t believe Finny has let me post a series of blog comments this morning. He’s been very, um, labor intensive lately. Guess it’s that approaching second birthday.
We’re starting a warmup today. No more lows in the teens for the rest of the week and even some highs in the 50s (!) by week’s end.
If Finny continues to be cooperative, a new cafe would be nice. 🙂
Ooh, we really need a new cafe…