I’ve got nothing today. What’s on your mind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Oh, and:
Also, this is moderately humorous.
I need the Bengals to lose so I’m rooting for Cleveland – cognitive dissonance ad infinitum
Don’t do it!
A couple years ago, I rooted for the Yankees because something something something Devil Rays…and then the Rays won anyway, and I’d been rooting for the Yankees for nothing.
For nothing! Think about how that would feel. You’d have to live with yourself.
Just don’t do it man. This is the type of out-smarting yourself that made people vote for Nader.
This. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/26/justice/california-sirhan-rfk/index.html?hpt=hp_t3
of Giancana and Roselli during Congressional Investigation on attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I ordered Moby-Dick as an e-book from Amazon today.
Amazon readers give Moby-Dick four stars. Out of five.
They don’t give Moby-Dick five stars.
They give it four.
Do they give any book 5?
Out of curiosity, I went and looked it up, and in fairness most of the critical reviews were of the formatting of the Kindle release (complaints include numerous typos, lack of the notes in the original, lack of table of contents, etc.), and of the narration of the audio release. That’s hardly an indictment of Melville.
There were a handful of folks convinced Melville couldn’t write, but then, that was true when he was alive, too.
It would really be best NOT to order from Amazon. They are republican, they have bad policies on H-1Bs, and if you order from Powell’s thru the link on the frog-pond site, Boo gets a commission. Do that enough and he won’t need to bug us for direct contributions.
Friends don’t let friends patronize Amazon.
I can’t argue with the substance of your comment, but I would point out that Moby Dick (and many other classics) are available for free as e-books from Amazon.
I guess that still counts as patronizing, but at least they’re not getting any direct profit from it.
OK, get free stuff from them. But, you gotta think strategically. You can get free books from the library too. Amazon has also opposed the imposition of reasonable and fair online sales tax – they might have come around on that, to be fair.
I no longer patronize Amazon. I patronize Powell’s and Barnes & Noble (we have a local B&N, which employs actual people in my town).
I generally get all my books from the library. But when I travel, Amazon is very convenient – I don’t have to try to find a bookstore with books in English, and I can download whatever I want to my phone. I loved finding out that they had free shit.
That aside, I do agree that people should be more discerning with where they spend their money. Being conscientious regarding where you put your dollars is the most powerful statement you can make in our society, bigger than voting.
There are numerous other sources for ebooks that have same pricing and free offers as Amazon. I’ve been using Barnes and Noble Nook on my android phone and my daughters IPad.
I am part of the “Cancel Amazon” campaign.
From the website:
Other than the total debunking of the “progressive” zombie lie about Obama/DHS “coordinating” ows crackdowns?
Nothing except for being mad that the only game currently on here in Seattle is seachickens/redskins.
Back to Skyrim!
I feel your pain.
I doubt the game is good, but at least it is close. And Lynch is having a great game. I know because my Fantasy opponent is playing him.
When you’ve got double-digit penalties and Rex Grossman (!) is shredding your defense, you’re not going to win many games.
Ran across this useful little internet gadget recently.
Very handy when I’m trying to concentrate on something in a house full of kids
Armando is responding to your response over on the Daily Kos front page: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/11/27/1040046/-Youre-doing-it-wrong!-The-annoying-friendly-critiq
he loves to lavish me with attention.
That is so weak.
“I don’t understand what this criticism means. (He actually says this, explicitly: he doesn’t know what your terminology means). Therefore, I’m going to conclude that it has no meaning, and then complain that you issued a criticism without any meaning.”
The “I don’t understand what you’re saying; you must be really stupid!” school of argumentation.
This deserves a ‘like’ finger.
Isn’t that just amazing! He admits he doesn’t know what it means but he also decides he is going to make assumptions about what it means “I can only assume his “advice” was directed at the Occupy movement”.
Wow, what complete lack of honesty and humility.
In Booman’s first post about Chait’s article there was no mention of OWS at all and while one could easily presume it may have been part of Booman’s thinking at the time it wasn’t even close to the scope of what Booman was addressing.
Anyway, he has a “fan base” at DK and 99% of the readers of his posts aren’t going to look into the original Chait article or Booman’s interesting response. They will completely miss the context and evolution of the discussion.
It’s the typical thing over there. “WE get to criticize all we want, even make shit up! But NO-ONE CAN EVER CRITICIZE US OR ELSE THEIR REPUBLICANTROLLOBAMALOVINGPROGRESSIVEHATERZ”.
It’s their religion. That’s the problem with religion – it isn’t susceptible to actual thought.
two days worth of delco gigs, I’m exhausted.
we wanted to go see you yesterday but we couldn’t swing it.
nice pun!
@cabingirl below: we’ll be at the M-Room the third sunday in December. also, Jack’s Twin Bar on the 16, and the record collector on the 17th, but those are both NJ gigs. We’re hoping to play a brunch at McShea’s in Narberth too.
Are you doing another brunch gig anytime soon? We’ve been tied up with transporting a teenager to work lately, but want to come see you.
At Rumproast, there’s a post about the brain injury Strange has suffered.
I hope this link works. He needs help. A few dollars would mean a lot.