Afghan officials: Fire from Pakistan led to attack
ISLAMABAD (CTpost/AP) — Afghan troops and coalition forces came under fire from the direction of two Pakistan army border posts, prompting them to call in NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, Afghan officials said Sunday. The account challenges Islamabad’s claims that the attacks, which have plunged U.S.-Pakistan ties to new lows, were unprovoked.
It also pointed to a possible explanation for the incident Saturday on the Pakistani side of the border. NATO officials have complained that insurgents fire from across the poorly defined frontier, often from positions close to Pakistani soldiers, who have been accused of tolerating or supporting them.
Around 300 trucks carrying supplies to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan were backed up at the Torkham border crossing in the northwest Khyber tribal area, the same crossing that was closed last year, as well as Chaman in southwestern Baluchistan province
Militants inside Pakistan periodically attack the slow-moving convoys, and took advantage last year when the trucks were waiting for days to enter Afghanistan, torching 150.
“We are worried,” said driver Saeed Khan, speaking by telephone from the border terminal in Torkham. “This area is always vulnerable to attacks. Sometimes rockets are lobbed at us. Sometimes we are targeted by bombs.”
Some drivers said paramilitary troops had been deployed to protect their convoys since the closures, but others were left without any additional protection. Even those who did receive troops did not feel safe.
“If there is an attack, what can five or six troops do?” said Niamatullah Khan, a fuel truck driver who was parked with 35 other vehicles at a restaurant about 125 miles (200 kilometers) from Chaman.
Taliban sets convoy ablaze near Khyber Pass
BBC documentary – Secret Pakistan and Double Cross of US Leaders plus more VIDEOS
and the reality of war.
Gotta hand it to the BBC folks. Their propaganda is so much more stylish than that of the U.S. If the runup to the invasion of Iraq had been produced by a master filmaker like Martin Scorsese instead of the White House/CIA-owned hacks who sewed it together like a jury rigged stage set, it would have resembled this BBC masterpiece.
But remember…do not surrender your disbelief no matter how well the story is told. Not when the story kills civilians on a massive level. The truth of the matter is that two gangs are now in an extended fight. The Hatfields and the McCoys. The Al Capones and the Bugs Morans. The Hell’s Angels and the Outlaws. The Democrats and the Republicans. Like dat.
When civilians…and that’s you and me, podna, bet on it…are caught in the middle of a conflict of this sort they are simply considered collateral damage. Collateral daamge whether they are hurt physically or economically and in terms of quality of life.
This one is now rapidly metastasizing into the largest gang fight since WWII. Bigger than Korea. Broader than Vietnam/SE Asia. More violent by far than the Cold War. Both sides are very powerful…nuclear powerful. Anyone who does anything except try to solve the problem in a non-military manner is acting on behalf of criminals.
When gang activity turns a neighborhood or town into a continual war zone, there exists at least the chance that one can relocate. But once this thing hits the nuclear level…ain’t gonna be nowhere to hide.
Every time that you see pro-war propaganda…from any side…brand it.
And support your local anti-war sherriff.
War is a racket.
I am more and more seeing Ron Paul’s run as a breathtaking chase. He resembles some kind of wise and agile prey being pursued by numerous predators through a heavily mined area. It bumps up on the miraculous that he has survived as a viable candidate as long as he has.
Maybe there is a God.
And maybe It doesn’t want this country to fail.
That’s what the founders believed.
We shall see.
Good lets go home.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
With friends like Pakistan…
Meanwhile, the little (former) dictator P. Musharraf, lives comfortably in his villa in Pakistan– paid for by U.S. tax dollars, errrr, I mean aid money.
What a load this whole thing is.
It’s getting worse and worse, yet Obama and our “representatives” in Congress continue to give the more or less rogue pentagon free reign. They continue to funnel billions in “aid” money to these dicks.
“I don’t feel the change yet”.
Velma Hart