Today is World AIDS Day. The day comes with a mixed message; encouraging reductions in the number of deaths and new infections from the HIV virus, while funding for the efforts are reduced in a difficult world economy.
You will probably (maybe I should say ‘hopefully’) find articles on the subject in most media today, with all the latest issues and statistics – here are some.
I simply wanted to share a poem/rap written by the daughter of a colleague a few years ago when she was 9.
All of us have human rights!
Doesn’t matter black or white
Doesn’t matter HIV
We’re all the same
You and me!
So fight for rights and
Fight for health
For equal sex
And equal wealth!
Against the man who hits his wife
Against the loss of human life!
It’s more than hospitals
More than pills,
It’s all about
Our social ills.
Let’s work together
Shake it up!
Let’s change the world
Wake it up!
Human rights and HIV
Let’s rock together
You and me!
The ultimate objective:
Happy World AIDS Day to everyone
Hmm – I need some coding help. Neither < center></center> nor < div align=center > did the trick when I tried to center the poem. What is the proper code?
you needed quotes around “center.”
That’s an impressive poem for a nine year-old.
According to the mother, this was the only bit which required parental input:
For equal sex
And equal wealth!
Definitely. If she was writing like that at nine, I hope to have the privilege of reading her writings once she’s had a chance to truly hone her craft. Impressive.