The man President Obama called a carnival-barker is going to moderate a Republican debate on December 27, 2011, a mere week before the Iowa Caucuses. That’s right, Newsmax is teaming up with the Birther-in-Chief and Ion Television to host a debate between Republican candidates for the presidency of the United States. So far, no candidates have indicated whether or not they will show up for what will surely be the nadir of Western Civilization.

This debate, should it actually come off, will be the World Cup for the reality-challenged. Among news sites, only The Onion is less fact-based than NewsMax, and it has the virtue of being hilarious which NewsMax does not. As for The Donald, he is presently the most ridiculous man in America not currently serving in Congress.

December 27th will be the first day most people have ever watched or heard of Ion Television, which appears to do nothing but air reruns of rejected network shows and the unfunny riffs of TBS-reject, George Lopez.

I hear Herman Cain’s wife is pissed and she wants her husband to drop out of the race, but how can he pass on an opportunity like this?

Right now Mitt Romney’s campaign is huddling trying to figure any conceivable way they can avoid being seen at this debate. Perhaps they can devise a cloaking device.

Every time we think this circus can’t get stupider and more depressing, we get let down.