The man President Obama called a carnival-barker is going to moderate a Republican debate on December 27, 2011, a mere week before the Iowa Caucuses. That’s right, Newsmax is teaming up with the Birther-in-Chief and Ion Television to host a debate between Republican candidates for the presidency of the United States. So far, no candidates have indicated whether or not they will show up for what will surely be the nadir of Western Civilization.
This debate, should it actually come off, will be the World Cup for the reality-challenged. Among news sites, only The Onion is less fact-based than NewsMax, and it has the virtue of being hilarious which NewsMax does not. As for The Donald, he is presently the most ridiculous man in America not currently serving in Congress.
December 27th will be the first day most people have ever watched or heard of Ion Television, which appears to do nothing but air reruns of rejected network shows and the unfunny riffs of TBS-reject, George Lopez.
I hear Herman Cain’s wife is pissed and she wants her husband to drop out of the race, but how can he pass on an opportunity like this?
Right now Mitt Romney’s campaign is huddling trying to figure any conceivable way they can avoid being seen at this debate. Perhaps they can devise a cloaking device.
Every time we think this circus can’t get stupider and more depressing, we get let down.
Well Rove, DeLay, Murdoch, Limbaugh, Kochs and your ilk the fruits of your labor are coming home to roost.
I fully expect Cain to show up. With a black eye.
If Cain shows up, another woman may step forward.
I have other plans that day. Camper Van Beethoven and Cracker are doing a Cali tour and they’ll be in my neighborhood on 12/27. Much easier on the ears.
I didn’t realize they were doing a fall tour…Off to look for the tour dates!
It’s West Coast only, I think.
Nope, I was wrong. Looks like they’re going back East in early 2012. 🙂
Don’t fret, BooMan. The brighter the light that shines on the far right id of the Republican party, the more it destroys their electoral viability. This debate sounds horribly unwatchable, but how can it be a bad thing to force the GOP candidates to spout their craziest statements yet a week before Iowa?
Damn, that’s some fine snark. I hope Huntsman hangs in there, even though his chances against the weaponized crazy are nil.
(I wouldn’t vote for him, of course, but at least the fact that he’s a candidate isn’t embarrassing to me as an American.)
Yet more material for SNL skits.
And the Jon The Crusher and Stephen The Hun tag team on Comedy Central.
this. is. AWESOME.
it’s like they’re TRYING to throw the race. it’s so awesome. hell, I may even WATCH this one!
I hope it comes down to a fight between Pigface Threewives and Max Headroom.
I’m wondering why Bill Clinton stooped to doing a Newsmax interview recently:
To shiv Newt, it looks like. In the interview Clinton focuses on both Newt’s so-called “humane” approach to immigration, and to his Social Security privatization schemes. Clinton “praises” Newt on this issues, but really he’s just bringing them up because they’re toxic to Newt in one way or another: on immigration, to the GOP base, and on SS, to seniors.
Newt has to be among the top 5 or 10 people Clinton hates most.
“To shiv Newt”!!!!! This comment made my day.
I completely and vehemently disagree. The Onion is a lot more fact-based than NewsMax.
I suppose we could grab two articles at random and make a comparison.
How about this one:,14309/
I’ll play! Although these two articles from “The Onion” aren’t chosen at random; they’re about the inauguration and election (respectively) of our two most recent presidents:,464/,6439/
Someone else will have to brave the swamps of the Newsmax archives, but I wager it’ll be hard to find two more accurate articles than these.
Does anyone believe that this debate will actually happen?
Or as one wag called it, Cirque de Toupee.
The debate should consist of the candidates standing in line to “present” (the term Birthers use) their birth certificates to Trump where he can put his stamp of approval on them.