I don’t know whether to be more disturbed that Sasha and Malia’s elitist Quaker school served them Teriyaki Marinated Chicken Strips on Pearl Harbor Day, or that they think it’s appropriate to feed Garlic Roasted Edamame to red-blooded Americans. Either way, these Quakers are a menace. People spend good money to send their kids to Sidwell Friends School, and this is the unpatriotic, fifth-column, sissified thanks that they get?
I’m just grateful that there are vigilant reporters who make sure to check Sidwell’s menu on all important anniversaries so that this kind of treasonous indoctrination doesn’t pass unnoticed.
Obviously they should have just renamed a few of the menu items to avoid this manufactured controversy (and possibly start another).
Asian Mushroom Cloud Soup
Vegetable Blast Fried Rice
Ill Fortune Cookies
From that news site’s “About” page:
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
I’ll bet all those revered names honed their investigative journalism chops doing stories exactly like this one.
I’d also bet a lot this “scoop” came about because someone on the air staff at WUSA sends their kid(s) to Sidwell. And I will say, they know their audience. The comments are truly depressing.
Have you ever seen the comment section on most news sites? They are fetid swamps. Drudgico was the worst of the worse before they made you comment using Facebook.
Oh I don’t know, maybe Trump is the right one to moderate a Rep debate.
They should have served them pizza. It’s a vegetable. And besides, the Italians were on our side in WWII, right?
Well, yes. Actually, the Italians were on our side in World War Two. But only after we kicked their asses and people like Bob Dole were heinously injured.
You know what’s next: James O’Keefe goes to Sidwell Friends posing as a caterer.
Well .. one of his minions visited Eric Boehlert the other day dressed as a Verizon repair man.