There are some things that are so horrible that I can’t even contemplate them. What do we do with the fragments of our dead soldiers? Who wants to think about such things? Well, what we used to do is burn them up and throw them in a landfill in Virginia. The Obama administration put a quick end to that practice, but that doesn’t mean they want to go back and figure out where all those remains wound up. That’s too much work.
Pretending the former administration wasn’t a bunch of war criminals has unexpected costs.
Pretending the former administration wasn’t a bunch of war criminals has unexpected costs.
Unexpected to whom? It was obvious the rot ran deep. But that’s what happens when there is one set of rules for the elite, and a different set for everyone else.
yes, what calvin said. “unexpected to whom”?
But enough. We must look forward, not backward. For if we look backward, there will be accountability. If there is accountability, someone powerful might get hurt or go to jail. And as we all know, accountability and jail is for little people.
I didn’t realize the media ban on soldiers’ remains ran all the way back to Bush 1. I could have sworn that was a new policy from the last Bush admin. And I guess I totally missed the WaPo story from last month when this first came out; the whole idea is news to me. Did you catch the part about using a pet crematorium?
There was an episode during the Bush 1 administration when CNN showed a split screen. On one side was footage of caskets being carried at Dover AFB, and on the other was President Bush engaged in some sort of entertainment – golf, or laughing at a show, I don’t remember exactly.
That’s when the media ban was put into effect “to protect the dignity of the fallen troops.”
That’s how I remember it too, but the story indicated that GHW Bush had a media ban in 1991 too. One assumes there was a lapse in between, but the story doesn’t mention it, instead leaving the impression that it was a continual ban until lifted by PBHO.
So does pretending the same thing about the present administration. Just because they are Democrats doesn’t mean that they are innocent of war crimes. Less guilty? You might say that if you argued that they were forced into set of wars that they did not initiate. But…they have not ended them. All that they have really done is change the tactics that they are using in pursuit of similar goals. Economic imperialism is itself a crime. You could further argue that they believe they must continue on the same path because the whole economic system…and thus the whole society…would collapse if they did not. My answers would be that:
1-It is collapsing anyway, only slower.
2-There is no proof that it would collapse. If the United States were to go on an emergency austerity system as it did in order to meet the demands of W.W II, it would not only survive but in my opinion it would prosper.
We are an overextended, obese culture.
Time for a serious diet.
Bet on it.
P.S. Need I add who I think would be the proper dietician?
I suppose not, but I will anyway.
Bet on it.
Ron Paul also has a halo.
No…but he doesn’t have horns, cloven feet and a tail either.
I don’t think he’s the devil, not at all. I don’t believe in devils anyway. The halo/nimbus just reminds of the many images of politicians depicted that way: e.g. Mr. Bush 2.
Oh man…have you read that page of quotes that I posted last week?
Read some.
Bush 2? He couldn’t even handle Paul’s syntax, let alone the truly revolutionary ideas that are being presented.
A few samples:
Ron Paul is the anti-Bush.
Get your head out of the goddamned media and wake the fuck up.
Barack Obama hasn’t ended the Iraq War?
You’ll have to forgive me, but I’ll take Muqtad’ al Sadr’s opinion on that over yours.
Bet on that.
Awwww man…you really think the “The Iraq War” is separate from all of the other “wars”…overt and covert both…that the U.S. is fighting in the Muslim world? Separate from the rest of its criminal efforts? (I refuse to say “our” anymore regarding this country’s economic imperialism-based military, paramilitary and so-called diplomatic actions in the world. “Its” is as close as I will get.)
If a gang moves its overt operations out of one block in a neighborhood but remains in action over say 80 square blocks, has it “ended” anything at all?
And Muqtada al Sadr? Just another Shi’ite rabble rouser. Head of a smaller and more local rival gang.
You like his look(s)?
You got him.
Just another nasty hustler.
Wake the fuck up.
Yes, Arthur, the Iraq War is a unique action unto itself.
Quit the sloppy thinking. “Dere’s guys wit guns doin sumpthin'” isn’t all a person needs to know about a situation to have a worthwhile opinion.
Nor is the physical appearance of al-Sadr all you need to know to have a worthwhile opinion about the import of his movement.
Wake up yourself.
I disagree.
One image is worth a thousand words.
I just gave you the equivalent of 4000.
Go here to get another few milllion.
I have survived on some of the hardest nighttime streets in the world for well over 40 years because I am street-wise like a motherfucker. I see this guy…I don’t care how he’s dressed or whether he calls himself Muqtada al-Sadr, Joseph H. Smith, Juan Tizol or Joey the Shiv…I am on the alert. Immediately if not sooner.
He is wrong.
Street wrong.
Bet on it.
P.S. While I’m at it…”Dere’s guys wit guns doin sumpthin'” is indeed all a person needs to know about a situation to have a “worthwhile” opinion, if that worthwhile opinion concerns the survival of his or her mortal ass. People who understand such things generally do not care exactly who those “guys” are…death by collateral damage is just as dead as death by non-collateral damage.
What planet do you live on again?