Let’s just assume for a moment that Newt Gingrich is going to be the Republicans’ nominee for president. Is it a good thing that, when it comes to the Palestinians, he is “at odds with the opinion of all but the most extreme elements of Israeli society.” He’s so extreme in his hatred of the Palestinians that he makes even right-wing Israelis uncomfortable. I don’t think it does much political harm to Gingrich to be so radically anti-Palestinian. It probably helps him in both the primaries and the general election. But it’s not a good thing for America. It’s probably not even a good thing for Israel.
It’s somewhat dangerous to have a prominent candidate making such incendiary comments. But to have a nominee of one major party saying these things? Well, for a comparison, think about how Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s more provocative statements are exaggerated and used as a constant justification for using aggression against his country. Ahmadinejad doesn’t even have any power over Iran’s military, and yet his rhetoric is quite effectively used to scare the crap out of people. There are consequences when someone with Gingrich’s prominence acts as hateful and batshit crazy as the the Iranian president.
You mean like “bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran” ?
It’s how republicans, and their electorate, is.
Despite “progressive” lies about Obama being a warmonger.
Remember Bush talked trash with Ahmadinejad for 8 years and accomplished nothing beyond ignoring Iran’s nuke program.
Right. The same with North Korea. And I remember a lot of sabre rattling against China in the months before 9/11.
The problem is, these guys are always looking for someone to go to war with. It might not be Iran, but it will be somebody.
It seems the Democrats are going out of their way to try to lose.
Noah Rothman, Politicology: Occupy Wall Street Banned From Democratic National Convention
It’s not a done deal yet, but did the Democratic Party learn nothing from the way Richard J. Daley handled demonstrators in 1968.
I don’t know if this is the idiot Charlotte City Council or whether it is being driven from Chicago or DC, but this is absolutely not the way to handle protests at a convention.
You don’t discourage folks who are protesting the limitations on Constitutional rights by passing bullshit ordinances that take more of those rights away.
If this is the way it goes down, meet President Gingrich. Unless Tampa is more chaotic. (In Tampa, the TPD has purchased at least one APC).
“think about how Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s more provocative statements are exaggerated and used as a constant justification for using aggression against his country”
There’s much more to that than is Politically Correct
http://opitslinkfest.blogspot.com/2011/12/11-december-blogs-im-following.html#uds-search-results “NPT TRAP”
is one ; “Ahmadinejad Quotations” another
Systematic misrepresentation is used to pervert the non English speaking leader’s words to contradictory nonsense. You see, he not only promotes nuclear disarmament, but criticizes Israel on the treatment of Palestinians as replicating the sufferings of the Holocaust in Europe upon innocents.
CASMII will flesh out the narrative.
It probably helps him in both the primaries and the general election. But it’s not a good thing for America. It’s probably not even a good thing for Israel.
It helps in the general election? Says who? In case you haven’t noticed, the Democrats in DC are far to the right of America on the issue of Israel. AIPAC has way, way more influence than their meager numbers would indicate.
Says JUAN COLE: Washington Actions on Palestine don’t Differ from Gingrich’s Words
Who can disagree. But here’s his view of the Gingrich blunder on Palestinians, which may top his earlier notion to appoint John Bolton as Secretary of State if he wins the nomination and presidency.
Sorry. I ended up quoting the whole piece, with permission of course.
It would provide an opening for rethinking the US policy with Israel if there was another point of view. If only…
And I know where you can cut $3 billion from the deficit.
Gingrich is pandering to the Republican Jewish Coalition. At the same time they are trying to put pressure on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, chair of the Democratic National Committee.
This strategy is not going to work any more than any of the other stupidly evil republican schemes.
But it does explain a lot of the dog-whistling that’s been going on this week, like Mitt Romney calling Obama an “appeaser” in fron to the Republic Jewish Coalition.
“At the Republican Jewish Coalition forum, Jews commemorate the miracle of incredibly religious Christian presidential candidates fighting over who loves Jews more.”
So, according to Newt, the palestinians are “an invented people”. Sounds a bit, mm, ARTIFICIAL.
But corporations are perfectly okay as people. Gotcha.
Who cares whether Gingrich’s ignorant statement is good or bad for either the US or for Israel. Everyone’s so worried about US-ians being killed or Israelis coming under fire. For crying out loud, they’re the oppressers in this clusterfuck. They’re not the victims. Not by a long stretch. The victims are the Palestinians. Good business stealing other peoples land, houses, orchards, whatever. Good democracy that encourges a client state to behave that way. Today Juan Cole hit the nail on the head: Gingrich says what US policy expresses by its actions but not its words—the Palestinian nation is a nonentity that has to be sacrificed to Israeli lust and voraciousness. And Hillary Clinton is still bouncing around in her new punk persona stating that if Iran gets nuclear weapons the region would become destabilized without recognizing that her Israeli masters have completely destablizied the region by its nasy, sadistic behavior, including nuclear weapons. That’s what Gingrich was saying, Go Israel. Clinton would not have the guts. Nor would her boss Obama.
Palestine for the Palestinians.
Thank you! I couldn’t care less whether Gingrich flapping is fat, ingorant mouth is bad for the U.S. or Israel. LET it be bad for the world’s biggest bullies to have the rantings of the front runner for the presidential candidacy be bad for America, and LET all the pandering to Israel and AIPAC be bad for Israel. They’re not the victims here, and they’re not the ones whose very existence is being denied.
Arthur Gilroy helpfully published a clinical description of sociopaths in a recent comment about Newt Gingrich: http://www.mcafee.cc/Bin/sb.html
You’re talking about this:
Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
Read the whole thing. Newt meets almost all of them.
What’s the big uproar about? Gingrich was only parrotting the tired old standard line we’ve been hearing from Zionists/Israelis/AIPAC’ers since before Israel became a state.
It’s a big deal that that Zionist/Likudnik line is now being spoken by the frontrunner for a major American party’s presidential nomination.
Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Gore, Dole, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Mondale, Carter, Ford, Nixon…none of them spoke like this.