Actor Gary Busey is endorsing Newt Gingrich, at least until Donald Trump enters the race as an independent. Meanwhile, former Delaware senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell has endorsed Mitt Romney, leading the #futureromneyendorsements hashtag to trend on Twitter (if you know what that means). Are there any celebrities or politicians whose endorsement might actually sway you in a competitive primary?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Probably not. Maybe Feingold…maybe.
Well, Gary Busey, for starters.
From the link in the diary, this comment
“Phillip Collector | 10 hours ago
Actually the whole thing is a big misunderstanding. Busey thought he was endorsing a green chick, not Gingrich. Turns out he’s a real big fan of the original Star Trek and thought that green lady was running for president.”
The only person that comes to mind at all for me is Jon Stewart, because I think he’s pretty observant, honest, and he also gets to meet a lot of the politicians and observers without being in a position where he has to kowtow to them. It would have to be someone like that. But even then I’m not sure how much weight I’d give his opinion over my own.
Not so much endorsements. But I do pay attention to which other politicians candidates have helped out with fundraising. It’s a signal that they’re likely to help each other out with their agendas in the future. On that score, I remember being pretty dismayed with Obama’s fundraising for Joe Lieberman in 2006. Hillary Clinton had some discouraging associations on that score, too.
Gary Busey has brain damage. Just sayin’.
I`ve known Gary Abuser the Loser for many years (27).
He`s always had brain damage as long as I`ve known him.
I understand what brain damage is & it should not be made fun of.
I guess “stupid egotistical failure” is a more apt descriptive for him.
I tell him to his face when I see him. He`s a total wimp, & should never have messed with me. Most people here in town shun him.
He`s dirt of the lowest order & I do apologize to dirt for that comment.
Re whoever decided to use that particular photo to accompany the story.
I see assholes.
They are everywhere.
They don’t know they are assholes.
Sometimes, when they mock others they disgrace themselves, revealing their inner, profound assholehood.
It’s horrible.
Help me.
Paul Wellstone, if he were still with us. Al Franken, maybe.
Chomsky. Sanders. Schakowski (unless she votes for SOPA). Maybe Brian Schweitzer. Jon Stewart. Maybe Rachel Maddow. Maybe Boo.