Or is it here comes the neighborhood???
Just sayin’…
Saaaay…she looks suspiciously like…like a movie star underneath that burqa-ish thing. Why it’s…it’s Angelina Jolie!!! I didn’t know the “Protester” movie was out yet. Oh. It’s just a teaser? Oh. Nevermind.
But…wait a minute!!! Why is a heroic “protester” wearing something that resemble a burqa!!!??? Oh!!! Oh!!! The cognitive dissonance of it all!!! I think I’m gonna faint. At least it’s a woman. Women won’t hurtcha, right? They’re mommies, ain’t they? Phew!!! I guess I’m gonna be OK now.
‘Protester’ named Time’s person of year (AFP)
NEW YORK — Time magazine named the collective “protester” around the world as its person of the year Wednesday, citing the change brought by street demonstrations from Arab countries to New York.
The shared honor for protesters beat the traditional individual contenders, who included Admiral William McCraven, commander of the US mission to kill Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden.
More important than an assassin with an Admiral’s title!!! Someone who took part in one of the most blatant coverups in the history of modern mediafare? Hoooey!!! Thats’a some spicy meatball!!!
And…”McCraven!!!??? Who’s writing this movie? Charles Dickens? Terry Southern? Dr. Strangelove? Henry fucking Kissinger?
In a Freudian slip of the tongue, a spokesman for Time Mag added:
“There’s this contagion of protest,” managing editor Richard Stengel said on NBC television.
Hey! Wait another minute!!! That’s what I said almost six months ago!!! (War + Revolution as Earthbound, Traveling Infections) They are getting so much quicker on the uptake than they used to be.
1a : a contagious disease
b : the transmission of a disease by direct or indirect contact
c : a disease-producing agent (as a virus)
2a : poison
b : contagious influence, quality, or nature
c : corrupting influence or contact
3a : rapid communication of an influence (as a doctrine or emotional state)
b : an influence that spreads rapidlyExamples of CONTAGION
a disease that spreads by contagion
People have been warned to keep out of the area to avoid contagion.Origin of CONTAGION
Middle English, from Latin contagion-, contagio, from contingere to have contact with, pollute
I can hear the conversation in Mr. Stengel’s office now.
The Real Boss: You said what!!!???
Stengel: Ah’s so sorry, boss. Ah dunno what came ober me. Ah’s never gon’ make a mistake like dat again. Ah promises!!! Pleeze don’ sell me down de ribber to Newstweak or one’a dem udder sad mags. Pleeze !!! Ah’s got chillun t’feed!!! A mortgage t’pay!!! PLEEZE suh!!!
The Real Boss: OK Stengel. Don’t have a cow. We’ll eventually manage to excise it from the public record. If only you were as clever as your father Casey…
Read on for more.
Regarding the fight against greed and murder in government, Mahatma Gandhi famously said “First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you. Then you win.”
Perhaps he should have included the phrase “Then they try to co-opt you” somewhere in there.
Time Magazine…the middle of the middle of the middle of the PermaGov-owned and controlled media for over 85 years and part of the CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” disinfo/propaganda system from 1953 on…has tried (and will continue to try) to trivialize the impact of the various dissident movements (from the left and the right) that are happening all over the world. Except of course for those that can be used to promote U.S./PermaGov interests.
Just sayin’…they had to kill Gandhi in order to stop him and his movement. Can you imagine a Mahatma Gandhi-led and/or heavily influenced government becoming a nuclear weapon-armed superpower? Please.
Now they just mediatize movements.
Mediocritize them.
The very first successful “mediocritization”-style destruction of a popular movement? The end of the youth movement in the late ’60s. An “Ah HA!” moment for the controllers. Bet on it.
“Got ’em!!!”
Bet on it.
And now they are at it again.
Oh…aren’t they heroic!!! Let’s take ’em home, give ’em a good bath and some dinner. Everything’s gonna be just fine!!! Four more years of Obama and all of our problems will be solved.
Any day now.
Aaaaany day now.
First the compliment and then they slip the knife in.
Just sayin’.
Do not be fooled. If it is in the mainstream media, it is a lie. Decepticon in action.
A Deceptician all bundled up to look like that sweet little e-Trade baby whose real job it is to keep you in a state of blind trust that the stock market isn’t really a total game of three card monte.
Saaaayyyy…didja notice? He looks a lot like baby Shiva, just beginning the process of growing those extra arms.
Just sayin’.
Just sayin’…WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
And of course, the leftinesses will say “Oh. Well. I neither read nor put any stock whatsoever in such middle of the road media!” As they open their NY Times/Washington Post morning read and turn on PBS/NPR for the latest in what is not really happening.
Dig it.
If it is in any way funded by the government, billion dollar so-called “grants” or almost all of corporate America, it is one or another flavor of sheer bullshit.
Bet on it.
I am.
Bet on that as well.
Station WTFU once again signing off the air.
The protester is a jihadist or the jihadist is a terrorist. Which would mean that the terrorist really isn’t a terrorist but a protester and the protester really is a terrorist. Oh my, however you want it. Who knows? So we must move the ‘war on terror’ to the ‘homeland’. I guess the whole thing comes down to that. It’s time magazine guys, once it might announce the ultimate truth and declare itself the ragmag of the year despite its pretentions.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“I don’t like them fellas who drive in two runs and let in three.”- CS
Kinda your point about Time, right?
Kinda my point about this administration, too.
Bet on it.
While we’re at it, I want to recommend the following to all who are interested in deconstructing (and thus better understanding) the semantics of the Empire and its media.
Noam Chomsky’s recent speech at the 25th anniversary of FAIR. (Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting)
The Chomsky speech to which I refer is brilliant. It is being run on LINK TV…go to their website for the schedule…but since LINK TV is about as popular with mainstream media carriers as Noam Chomsky is with the mainstream media, most of us cannot receive the station. (Direct TV be praised!!!) However, it is downloadable in torrent form from a number of downloaders. I downloaded it from OneBigTorrent.com. Slow but steady. Do a search for…Chomsky + “25th anniversary” + speech + FAIR + download…for a number of available sites. Worth the wait. He has never been better. Clear, cogent, gently humorous but right on point. An hour long and never boring. Quite amazing.
This day is through!!!
From 2007:
Here’s the difference, Booman.
Noam Chomsky and any number of other good, intelligent, well-meaning people have been speaking on these matters for about 60 years now. The evils of economic imperialism, the reasons for the impending economic crisis that has finally come upon us, the utter falsity of the media’s various disinformation campaigns…
60 years.
And they have had almost no impact upon the policies of our national government.
None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
They have become intellectual icons of the impotence of the left.
Because they didn’t get into the trenches. It’s too messy down there.
There has not been a candidate with a real chance at winning the presidency in all of that time who was opposed to our internationalism, our reliance on militarily supported economic imperialism to bogart the joint of the world. Not one.
And now there is one. Ron Paul.
I do not much care what anybody thinks “might” happen to the society, the culture and the economy if he wins, because the idea of pulling our troops out of the foreign lands in which they stand guard over our ongoing tactics of murder and theft is so totally revolutionary that no one knows what will happen. Further, a number of the things that Ron Paul wants to do will not happen because of the same kind of politics that stops almost everything else from happening in Washington. He won’t be elected King or Supreme Leader, he’ll just be another president kicking it around with a couple of packs of rival hustlers each looking for a payday.
He’s the first one, Booman!!! Everybody made a big fuss about Barack Obama being the first brownish president. Hell man, that ain’t shit compared with being the first president who thinks that violence is not an acceptable or even useful means of international communication and commerce.
For all of Noam Chomsky’s understanding regarding how the world works, he is always the scholar standing outside. Always the observer. Who gets shit done? People like Ron Paul.
We shall see.
Soon enough.
The next part of the tale will be written in Iowa.
Obama obviously doesn’t give a shit what Chomsky says. Why should Ron Paul? In fact, I’ll betcha that Ron Paul actually pays more attention to him than does the Obama/Clinton alliance.
Old as he is, it appears to me that Ron Paul’s still open to learning something, which is more than i can say for most pols.
I’m not sure Ron Paul has learned anything in his entire political career. But, whatever.
First of all, I’m old enough to have known guys who fought at the Battle of Peleliu and at Iwo Jima and against Rommel in Libya up into Anzio. The US isn’t just some imperialist oppressor. When we got done beating real imperial aggressors, we still a had a big fat nuclear armed Soviet Union to contend with. You want to talk about assholes?
We built the post-war infrastructure that should rightly be used against Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld today. The Nazis didn’t do that. The Soviets pulled out of it long enough to get us a Korean War.
I don’t support the whole scam the Dulles Bros. foisted on us, but their counterparts weren’t angels, Arthur.
There’s a reason we play in the big boy sandbox, and that’s because we don’t want to be the ones getting trampled. Everything we got right, Ron Paul wants to undo. That’s Chomsky’s point, and that is what you ignore. Your plan would leave us with nothing. We’d still have the things that both Paul and Chomsky hate, but nothing that Chomsky likes.
You write:
It is now, Booman.
All over the globe.
You cite Noam Chomsky in opposition to Ron Paul. Listen to that link that I poted. “U.S. oppression” is its entre subject. U.S. oppression and tactics that it uses to achieve its ends by international political and military means plus an obedient media to lull the American sheeple to sleep so that they won’t rebel in shame.
You are living in the past, Booman. Everthing is different now.
You write:
We are getting trampled, Booman. Don’t you get it? The whole culture has been trampled by all of the lying. In the times of which you speak there weren’t that many lies necessary. The Nazis and the Imperial Japanese were indeed some bad juju. But then the feds just kept replaying the same game, against “opponents” that had nothing to do with anything but our desire to control the world for our own benefit. The U.S.R.? It was a paper tiger. Inefficient, bogged down in rep tape, drunk as hell…the truth came out in Afghanistan. Vietnam? Please. Iraq? Panama? Etc., etc., etc. etc., etc.
And you are still talking about Rommel and Iwo Jima?
Get real.
We have lied ourself into a trap. Billions of people worldwide hate us enough to die for their various causes. Our own government is in up to its armpits in surveillance of its own citizens because the lies piled upon lies piled upon lies piled upon lies are finally becoming too top-heavy for even the greatest propaganda machine ever to be invented to be able to continue to prop them up.
Gotta start somewhere, sometime Booman.
Like every other junkie.
One day clean at a time.
But the first day is the hardest. If you don’t start, you can’t get there. Ron Paul is offering a start. Not a guarantee, just a start. First you have to own up to your problem.
And our problem is economic imperialism.
Sorry brother, but there it is.
All of the current rot in this system?
It all stems from that one thing.
American exceptionalism.
We get more. Or else.
But…we cannot any longer back up that “or else.”
Not really.
Sure, we can kill or ruin the lives of any number of Iraqis. But look around you. How’re we doing? Better? I don’t think so.
Karma is the real deal, Booman. It’s not “mystical,” it’s simply the the collected wisdom and observation of the best of the best of us over thousands of years. The chickens always come home to roost eventually, and America is now turning into a shit-filled henhouse.
Gotta clean up, baby.
Gotta clean up.
Soon, before it’s too fucking late.
Obama’s not going to do that. He’s playing the old game with new tools is all. The Republicans…w/the exception of Ron Paul…want to play the old game the old way. Only Paul is suggesting the obvious, that we simply stop playing that game and then try to figure out how to deal with the consequences.
Makes sense to me…
We’ll see if it maks sense to enough Americans.
I suggest you wait around for someone less foolish on the other 98% of things that concern mankind.
We are running out of time, Booman. Survival is first.
quit with the chicken little bullcrap.
you wanna panic about something, panic about the planet cooking off all higher life forms. Ron Paul would be awesome about addressing that.
panic about the political gridlock created by Ron Paul’s party that makes us vulnerable to every kind of surprise that requires quick and sane action.
You sound ridiculous pimping for a 76 year-old Ayn Rand-blinded fool.
Again…it could be that I am “ridiculous.” I was told much the same thing when I supported Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama because I did not believe that he had the experience or political chops to effectively fight the right wing in DC.
I am simply a pragmatist, actually. There was no anti-war movement available then and I wished to find a way to at least perserve some sort of “centrist” government through a term or two. And…on the evidence of the last 3 years…I was right.
Obama began capitulating to the right wing from the minute that he took office. He lost the House in two years and he now stands a good chance of losing the Senate this year despite the rosy prognostications of Dem analysts like yourself who profess to see a silk lining in the cloudy, foolish series of Republican debates and the proliferation of idiot-level candidates like Trump, Palin, Santorum, Perry, Bachmann, Cain, et al. Meanwhile he has ramped up the surveillance state to an incredible degree…ostensibly to combat “terrorism”, which is entirely a product of the following policy…and continues the single most damaging long-term policy in which the United States has ever involved itself, the world-wide, overt and covert military support of the economic imperialism, a policy that is itself responsible for the unemployment and general lack of self-sufficiency that is easily observed in this country today. The culture is in ruins (It really is, Booman.); the country’s infrastructure is falling apart at the seams; there is massive unemployment (And perhaps even more threatening, massive underemployment as well. [Census data: Half of U.S. poor or low income]), and an astounding number of Americans no longer believe that any form of available government has the slightest interest in their own wellbeing.
Chicken Little or the economic imperialist chickens finally coming home to roost after a 60+ year flight?
I’ll take the latter, myself, on the evidence of my own eyes, ears, heart and mind.
Your results apparently differ. So it goes. I personally suggest that you turn off the TV; stop reading the papers; put a serious limit on your internet time (meanwhile trying during that time to spend more of it than is apparently your present habit away from the leftiness, preaching-to-the-choir sites) and go out into the world and look, Booman. It has been so long since you were free of the effects of the hypnomedia that it would take you months to recover. But it would be worth the effort.
Bet on it.