Or is it here comes the neighborhood???

Just sayin’…


Saaaay…she looks suspiciously like…like a movie star underneath that burqa-ish thing. Why it’s…it’s Angelina Jolie!!! I didn’t know the “Protester” movie was out yet. Oh. It’s just a teaser? Oh. Nevermind.

But…wait a minute!!! Why is a heroic “protester” wearing something that resemble a burqa!!!??? Oh!!! Oh!!! The cognitive dissonance of it all!!! I think I’m gonna faint. At least it’s a woman. Women won’t hurtcha, right? They’re mommies, ain’t they? Phew!!! I guess I’m gonna be OK now.

‘Protester’ named Time’s person of year (AFP)

NEW YORK — Time magazine named the collective “protester” around the world as its person of the year Wednesday, citing the change brought by street demonstrations from Arab countries to New York.

The shared honor for protesters beat the traditional individual contenders, who included Admiral William McCraven, commander of the US mission to kill Al-Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden.

More important than an assassin with an Admiral’s title!!! Someone who took part in one of the most blatant coverups in the history of modern mediafare? Hoooey!!! Thats’a some spicy meatball!!!

And…”McCraven!!!??? Who’s writing this movie? Charles Dickens? Terry Southern? Dr. Strangelove? Henry fucking Kissinger?

In a Freudian slip of the tongue, a spokesman for Time Mag added:

“There’s this contagion of protest,” managing editor Richard Stengel said on NBC television.

Hey! Wait another minute!!! That’s what I said almost six months ago!!! (War + Revolution as Earthbound, Traveling Infections) They are getting so much quicker on the uptake than they used to be.


Definition of CONTAGION:

1a : a contagious disease
  b : the transmission of a disease by direct or indirect contact
  c : a disease-producing agent (as a virus)
2a : poison
  b : contagious influence, quality, or nature
  c : corrupting influence or contact
3a : rapid communication of an influence (as a doctrine or emotional state)
  b : an influence that spreads rapidly

Examples of CONTAGION

a disease that spreads by contagion
People have been warned to keep out of the area to avoid contagion.


Middle English, from Latin contagion-, contagio, from contingere to have contact with, pollute

I can hear the conversation in Mr. Stengel’s office now.

The Real Boss: You said what!!!???

Stengel: Ah’s so sorry, boss. Ah dunno what came ober me. Ah’s never gon’ make a mistake like dat again. Ah promises!!! Pleeze don’ sell me down de ribber to Newstweak or one’a dem udder sad mags. Pleeze !!! Ah’s got chillun t’feed!!! A mortgage t’pay!!! PLEEZE suh!!!

The Real Boss: OK Stengel. Don’t have a cow. We’ll eventually manage to excise it from the public record. If only you were as clever as your father Casey…

Read on for more.
Regarding the fight against greed and murder in government, Mahatma Gandhi famously said “First they laugh at you, then they ignore you, then they fight you. Then you win.”

Perhaps he should have included the phrase “Then they try to co-opt you” somewhere in there.

Time Magazine…the middle of the middle of the middle of the PermaGov-owned and controlled media for over 85 years and part of the CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” disinfo/propaganda system from 1953 on…has tried (and will continue to try) to trivialize the impact of the various dissident movements (from the left and the right) that are happening all over the world. Except of course for those that can be used to promote U.S./PermaGov interests.

Just sayin’…they had to kill Gandhi in order to stop him and his movement. Can you imagine a Mahatma Gandhi-led and/or heavily influenced government becoming a nuclear weapon-armed superpower? Please.

Now they just mediatize movements.

Mediocritize them.

The very first successful “mediocritization”-style destruction of a popular movement? The end of the youth movement in the late ’60s. An “Ah HA!” moment for the controllers. Bet on it.



Got ’em!!!”

Bet on it.

And now they are at it again.

Oh…aren’t they heroic!!! Let’s take ’em home, give ’em a good bath and some dinner. Everything’s gonna be just fine!!! Four more years of Obama and all of our problems will be solved.


Any day now.

Aaaaany day now.

First the compliment and then they slip the knife in.


Just sayin’.

Do not be fooled. If it is in the mainstream media, it is a lie. Decepticon in action.


A Deceptician all bundled up to look like that sweet little e-Trade baby whose real job it is to keep you in a state of blind trust that the stock market isn’t really a total game of three card monte.


Saaaayyyy…didja notice? He looks a lot like baby Shiva, just beginning the process of growing those extra arms.


Just sayin’.

Just sayin’…WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

And of course, the leftinesses will say “Oh. Well. I neither read nor put any stock whatsoever in such middle of the road media!” As they open their NY Times/Washington Post morning read and turn on PBS/NPR for the latest in what is not really happening.

Dig it.

If it is in any way funded by the government, billion dollar so-called “grants” or almost all of corporate America, it is one or another flavor of sheer bullshit.

Bet on it.

I am.

Bet on that as well.

Station WTFU once again signing off the air.

