Just a quick one:
From CNN.
Stakes couldn’t be higher in last debate before Iowa caucuses
Thursday’s Republican presidential debate in Iowa will be the final episode in one of the most popular reality television series of 2011.
The GOP presidential race has been defined by more than a dozen debates that have been watched by millions of television viewers.
The debates have forced some candidates to falter — most clearly Texas Gov. Rick Perry — while propelling at least one, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, to the cusp of his party’s nomination.
Thursday’s showdown in Sioux City will be last one before the Iowa caucuses kick off the nomination fight in less than three weeks.
“…one of the most popular reality television series of 2011.”
And there it is in a nutshell.
Read on for more if you so desire.
I have never succeeded In watching any contemporary reality shows for more than about 3 minutes with the exceptions of “The Ultimate Fighter”…forgive me, I studied martial arts plus these guys remind me of my musician friends on any number of levels…and one truly disgusting cable episode of “Big Brother” where I sat dumbfounded for a couple of hours at the ugliness of the whole scene.
But the recipe remains pretty much the same. Assemble a cast of both more and less talented people…the kinds of talent do not much matter (talented backbiters, talented performers, talented survivalists, etc.)…put them under some kind of pressure and then watch them flail away at each other until one “wins.”
Sarah Palin was the first true reality show-influenced national pol, but four short years later that is exactly what we are getting now with the Ratpub debates.
In a shallow kind of way.
Now…in almost all of these reality shows, you have to know that the fix is at least somewhat in. They can’t be having some plain jane singer winning just because she can actually sing unless she is so plain jane…like that poor English woman from last year, Susan Boyle…that they can use her as some sort of joke hustle. It’s all about sales.
Skip to the primaries and apply the same principles.
Now…the interesting part here is that an MSM major player like CNN feels free to point this out! It’s like a master sleight of hand artist actually showing you “how he’s doing it” and still managing to fool you…using the explanation as a diversion itself.
Just sayin’…
The media really does think that we are a bunch of cud-chewing fools.
And by and large they have been proven to be correct.
Just sayin’.