I am so happy – it’s Friday and I have the day off. The tree man is coming to clean up the dead limbs and trees, I have a cake in the oven for CBtY’s holiday potluck at school today, and we’re heading up to Princeton to do some Christmas shopping and pizza eating.
Funny you should ask that. Has Andi & Jim ever told you there is a famous race driver of a similar name as yours who lives quite close to them (and me)?
They never told me but I already knew that.
I pretty much have been following that crowd for 40 years.
Although I`ve championed another youngster (from California) since the early 90`s, I`ve always liked my namesake, & he did a helluva job this end of the season. His nickname is Knucklehead Retread.
How do you like that.
Depending upon moisture content, the local clay soils can sometimes be as slippery as that STP the car owners sometimes use in the engines. At other consistencies, it made really good chinking for the log cabins of centuries past. Also good glue to suck the boots right off yer feet at times.
When I hear his name, I think of Knucklehead and that’s so much more interesting than the “famous” guy that I forget all about race driver so it hasn’t ever occurred to me to mention it.
I always enjoy your photos. The sea cave looks like an interesting place to explore. I have a soft spot for ugly little winged critters too. Here’s a similar example from the courthouse in Ellis County, Texas, my father-in-law’s birthplace:
“A series of intricately carves stone faces grace each of the four porch capitals, ranging from the sublime to the grotesque. Legend has it that German itinerant stone carver Harry Herley fell in love with the local girl Mabel Frame, whose grandmother operated the boarding house where he resided while sculpting all the courthouse’s exterior ornamentation. Herley loved Mabel Frame dearly, the myth proclaims, but she did not return his love. The beautiful likenesses of Mabel portrayed on the stone porticoes soon turned into demons. Time and the dwindling love affair are portrayed as one walks around the courthouse.”
She has thighs so muscular they would make a Tour De France cyclist jealous. And the rest of her is so skinny, that a super-model look feel fat next to her. I think she was a greyhound in an earlier life.
I have to keep looking at the calendar to be sure this is late December. We’re getting temps in the upper 40s and low 50s. And lots of rain. Feels more like late October/early November.
That’s one of those things where you enjoy the nice wether, but worry about what it means in the bigger picture for our climate….looking forward to having those mild temps in the run up to the holiday, though.
I think this is the last day I’m going to the office this week. Still have to work, but I’ll do it from home where i can take gift wrapping breaks.
“We are going to pay for this in January”. Well of course you are. The FSM is probably grinning to him or herself right now thinking, “Got em again”.
I hope everyone here has been doing fine. I’m finally out of the house and I’ve moved into a trailer, thanks to a couple of brothers and a sister. Things are looking up for me at the moment. Oh I’d say about 1000 times better. 🙂
I’m going to cut this post short since I’ve got a lot of places to go today.
It has been a long slog getting back. Heck just getting into that trailer was a long slog. Before you ask it, no I don’t know what a slog is, but I do know that they have something to do with travel and distance. 🙂
I’ve been wondering how your weather is up there. It has gotten almost hot down here. I actually turned on the A/C last week for a little while. I think with these jumps in the temp. is the reason I’ve had touches of bronchitis.
Grrr – no wifi in the apartment since last night.
Spent a total of 3.5 hrs today with customer service – first Time Warner (service provider), then router manufacturer (Belkin) to no avail. Router refuses to update firmware. So – spend $40-50 to buy new, or wait 2 weeks for replacement from Belkin (they offered to replace, but I have to return the old one and cover return shipping cost)?
I’d get a new one and if the shipping costs were under $10, go ahead and get the replacement too. That way you’d have an extra if the belkin went out again.
Or clawing your way to the end of the week?
I am so happy – it’s Friday and I have the day off. The tree man is coming to clean up the dead limbs and trees, I have a cake in the oven for CBtY’s holiday potluck at school today, and we’re heading up to Princeton to do some Christmas shopping and pizza eating.
What are you all up to?
Sounds like a full day! I’m at…work. Sigh. But at least it’s Friday.
I’m off to the nut shop for some Christmas gifts. While there, I may sneak in a box of cashews for me;-)
While you`re at the nut shop, can you see if my uncle is there, please.
Happy Holidays
Funny you should ask that. Has Andi & Jim ever told you there is a famous race driver of a similar name as yours who lives quite close to them (and me)?
And Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Can you say who it is?
I wouldn’t want to break anyone’s anonymity here.
I`ve emailed Boran2 in the past about his canvas collection, so he can probably figure it out.
Don’t give me too much credit. 😉
They never told me but I already knew that.
I pretty much have been following that crowd for 40 years.
Although I`ve championed another youngster (from California) since the early 90`s, I`ve always liked my namesake, & he did a helluva job this end of the season. His nickname is Knucklehead Retread.
How do you like that.
The name fits well. If you search YouTube, there’s a tour of the guy’s “ranch” up, if you want to see some of the local wildlife.
I could give him a few tips on driving, especially on icy ground.
Depending upon moisture content, the local clay soils can sometimes be as slippery as that STP the car owners sometimes use in the engines. At other consistencies, it made really good chinking for the log cabins of centuries past. Also good glue to suck the boots right off yer feet at times.
When I hear his name, I think of Knucklehead and that’s so much more interesting than the “famous” guy that I forget all about race driver so it hasn’t ever occurred to me to mention it.
Was the town loaded with shoppers yesterday?
I agree, judging from his photos, our KNUCKLEHEAD seems a lot more interesting than the “retread”.
Yep, lots of “peeps” in town yesterday, as my uncle used to say. Haven’t been out today yet, but our street is parked to the max.
We’re enjoying the final hours of an overnight visit with the 2 smaller of the 3 Granddems.
Here are a few.
Dark Anger
(Note the little bugs on it)
(Orange Ball Anemone)
I always enjoy your photos. The sea cave looks like an interesting place to explore. I have a soft spot for ugly little winged critters too. Here’s a similar example from the courthouse in Ellis County, Texas, my father-in-law’s birthplace:
“A series of intricately carves stone faces grace each of the four porch capitals, ranging from the sublime to the grotesque. Legend has it that German itinerant stone carver Harry Herley fell in love with the local girl Mabel Frame, whose grandmother operated the boarding house where he resided while sculpting all the courthouse’s exterior ornamentation. Herley loved Mabel Frame dearly, the myth proclaims, but she did not return his love. The beautiful likenesses of Mabel portrayed on the stone porticoes soon turned into demons. Time and the dwindling love affair are portrayed as one walks around the courthouse.”
Very cool legend.
I went to the linked story & on from there.
Like I said — way more interesting.
I just love that photo ~ the amazing, tree-climbing Bebo!
She has thighs so muscular they would make a Tour De France cyclist jealous. And the rest of her is so skinny, that a super-model look feel fat next to her. I think she was a greyhound in an earlier life.
Bleh – jet lag. Up since 3.30.
But it’s good to be back in NY.
Welcome back. Hope you recover quickly.
Thanks, Andi. It doesn’t really matter, I have 2 full weeks and a couple of days to enjoy here, not only the customary long weekend.
Yea, for long vacations.
Says he in retirement bliss…
Were Family Man here, he would probably prescribe some heavy slacking.
Just in time for those holiday crowds. 😉
I’ll try to stay clear. Not much shopping to do,
How great that it’s such a long stay. Enjoy, enjoy.
A walk in a park.
click for larger
I have to keep looking at the calendar to be sure this is late December. We’re getting temps in the upper 40s and low 50s. And lots of rain. Feels more like late October/early November.
That’s one of those things where you enjoy the nice wether, but worry about what it means in the bigger picture for our climate….looking forward to having those mild temps in the run up to the holiday, though.
I think this is the last day I’m going to the office this week. Still have to work, but I’ll do it from home where i can take gift wrapping breaks.
Yeah, in the back of my mind I keep thinking “we are going to pay for this in January”.
Happy almost done working at the office this week.
Morning Andi and everyone!
“We are going to pay for this in January”. Well of course you are. The FSM is probably grinning to him or herself right now thinking, “Got em again”.
I hope everyone here has been doing fine. I’m finally out of the house and I’ve moved into a trailer, thanks to a couple of brothers and a sister. Things are looking up for me at the moment. Oh I’d say about 1000 times better. 🙂
I’m going to cut this post short since I’ve got a lot of places to go today.
Take care,
Howdy, howdy, FM. Glad to see you made it online — now don’t work too hard doing your online visiting as that would be very unslackerly. 🙂
Morning again Andi,
It has been a long slog getting back. Heck just getting into that trailer was a long slog. Before you ask it, no I don’t know what a slog is, but I do know that they have something to do with travel and distance. 🙂
I’ve been wondering how your weather is up there. It has gotten almost hot down here. I actually turned on the A/C last week for a little while. I think with these jumps in the temp. is the reason I’ve had touches of bronchitis.
We’ve been having mostly warm (for December) weather with suddenly drops of really cold temps that last a day or two.
Well as long as you’re in a slog mood, I sure hope you slog on over to your blog and give us a new post really soon.
P.S. you might want to change your email address in your signature since that one isn’t good anymore.
Yay FM! Good to “see” you back on these pages! Glad you’re getting settled in some new digs.
Nice to finally see you around these parts. 🙂
Glad things are looking up for you – you’ve been missed around here.
…I better get back to work before my overlords find out where I’ve been…
Good to see you. I’d been wondering about how you were doing.
Hay FM! Good to see you!
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. Lookee who made an appearance…. 🙂
We’re getting it as well. It’ll be in the 50s here tomorrow. It was actually colder during parts of October. Strange.
It’s sandal weather today. Yay!
Grrr – no wifi in the apartment since last night.
Spent a total of 3.5 hrs today with customer service – first Time Warner (service provider), then router manufacturer (Belkin) to no avail. Router refuses to update firmware. So – spend $40-50 to buy new, or wait 2 weeks for replacement from Belkin (they offered to replace, but I have to return the old one and cover return shipping cost)?
I’d get a new one and if the shipping costs were under $10, go ahead and get the replacement too. That way you’d have an extra if the belkin went out again.
Sorry ask. I know that feeling all too well.
…Have a happy
Chanuka,Chaukah,Chanukkah,Hanukah,Hanukkah,Hanuka,Hanukka,Khanukkah, latkes.click for larger
Nice snonorah!
Anything involving potatoes, especially fried, is good just about anytime of the year and I have the pear shape to attest…