Today, I need to travel, shop, and rest. So, you won’t see me around too much. I did watch the debate last night and Michele Bachmann frightened me. It’s a good thing she’s not going to be our next president. What were your impressions? I thought Newt got beat up a little. Oh, and then there is Congress. How are they coming in wrapping up their business?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I only caught the second half so I didn’t see the dogpile on Newt. Actually I was pretty struck by the fact that everyone seemed pretty toned down in their rhetoric for the most part, aside from the occasional Obama-hate. And it was practically a love-fest on that last question.
Here’s something that I noticed: when Mitt takes a question, he looks totally off-balanced, worried, ill-at-ease, what have you, but as soon as the question is over he shifts into that pseudo Reagan mode that he does, replete with an instantaneous facial expression and posture change. It was quite a thing to behold.
Yesterday morning I fully intended to make it to water aerobics, but Brady really wanted to go for a walk. Or maybe more appropriately an “amble”. But he enjoys it, at his own pace. Anyway, I captured a bit of it on video.