I’m awake wondering what to do about my remaining Christmas shopping…and the Etsy order I placed 2 weeks ago, paid for through Paypal, and never received. I sent an email to the Etsy seller (who has fulfilled previous orders made by friends), have heard nothing back, and now their Etsy shop is down. Moreover, people are commenting on the seller’s Facebook page that they are having the same issue…
Can I work with Paypal to get my money back, at least?
On a happier note, I have some cute Finny footage from our Princeton outing last week; I’ll try to post it later this morning.
How is everyone else? Happy Hanukah (Chanukah?) to those who celebrate it!
Looks like we’re finally going to get some blue skies as a Christmas (eve) gift. That will be nice for us as we like to go hike in the park on Christmas Day … when we can pretty much have the park all to ourselves.
We finally have some sun this morning too – it almost looks strange after days and days of darkness. I’m sure you will have the park to yourselves; I used to love to go for a hike with the dogs after the CBs left for their Dad’s on Christmas, it was so nice and quiet.
I am dashing out to finish my Christmas shopping (sans Finny – OMG!)this morning. Then it’s back to work…I hope we close early tomorrow. I am SO ready for the break.
No park time for us on Sunday. We’ll be on the road much of the day between family and a dinner visit with old friends. May get to sleep in a little in the am, though.
Good morning!
Still trying to shake a nasty cold. Probably picked up during the flight here last Saturday, where I was surrounded by sneezers. Fever gone, but my head still feels too big and a bad cough and sneezing remains.
Now it looks like curly has caught it…
Aha – maybe that’s the problem. I don’t know how to make them and she’s been too busy with a lot of stuff (work, elderly mother, etc.). Maybe today.
You’ve had your share of them already?
Excellent — and even if they don’t cure the cold, you’ll feel better just for having eaten such goodness.
I confess that I cheated and made potato kugel instead. Almost as good and doesn’t require lengthy standing over a skillet (I was cooking for 14) or multiple oil burns.
I guess before everybody gets jealous that I’ve met you, we should mention that you made it from my recipe (and all the “oh yeahs, I forgot to tell you …” follow-ups. 🙂
Reminds me of my days as a bread sales guy in Miami, many years ago. Used to get lots of complaints from the retired NYers that they just couldn’t get decent hard rolls in Florida. Maybe its the humidity;-)
Happy day to everyone, safe travels to those who are traveling, and loads of patience to those entertaining out of town guests.
I’ll have all four of my kids and two of their spouses, a nephew just back from Afghanistan and the mother of my granddaughter due in May. It’s a Dollar Store Christmas but we’re all healthy and together, and, really, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Thanks, SN – alas, the cold has simply moved from the head to the lungs. Coughing as if I am back on a pack++ a day habit (I quit 9 years ago).
curly seems to be fine – false alarm the other day and we hope it stays that way.
We’ll take it easy today, only some minor food shopping remains. My kids will come over tomorrow.
Merry Christmas everyone!
curly and I went to see Judy Collins at the Metropolitan Museum last night. She’s turned 71, but what a voice! And what a great sense of humor – lots of funny anecdotes.
Let me offer a saying or two of the Yiddish Buddha (a neighbor slipped a print under the door):
Wherever you go, there you are. Your luggage is another story.
The Tao does not speak. The Tao does not blame. The Tao does not take sides. The Tao has no expectations. The Tao demands nothing of others. The Tao is not Jewish.
OK, one more:
Be aware of your body. Be aware of your perceptions. Keep in mind that not every physical sensation is a symptom of a terminal illness.
Wow ~ Judy Collins! Thanks for the Yiddish Buddha wisdom. I’m passing along to a Yoga instructor friend who we will be spending a portion of tomorrow with. Have a good holiday home.
So all the Christmas gift shopping got done a couple weeks ago (Madame simply wisely chose not to await my work schedule to lighten up), and we got the food shopping done yesterday so as to avoid the insanity on the roads today. The grocery store we frequent was already a madhouse as it was. Whew! So today we chill, and tomorrow open gifts.
Well, we did manage to forget an item, and I did have to make it to a grocery store just minutes before closing time to get it, so there may be hope for me yet. 🙂
It did give me an excuse to pick up a bottle of Pinot Noir on the way back from that little adventure.
We’re enjoying a bit of lounging and blog time while Finn naps. We had dinner and gifts with my mom last night (our tradition) and then opened up Santa and family gifts this morning, followed by French toast casserole and sausage and a bit of hnging out and playing choo-choos before the older boys went to thir dad’s for the rest of the day. I’m going to take a much-needed nap as soon as I play my next word in my online scrabble game with BooMan.
What are you all up to? Some crazy fool neighbor seems to be playing with their chainsaw….
Just got home from a nice quiet dinner with friends. Earlier we were at #1 son’s house with about 10,000 relatives, small children & even my ex. Amazingly, there was cheer & friendliness all around, despite much chaos involving present opening. One of the neighbors a mile or so down the road must have received a shotgun and seemed to be having a great time testing it. Life in the country…
Not having anything holiday-related today (We celebrate Hanukah.), the b2 boy and I did a major house cleaning. I now have a pile of stuff for Goodwill. Good thing I’m off tomorrow.
It was a beautiful day but we decided not to go to the park since it was so muddy. Instead we gave the dogs a Christmas present and took a 3 1/2 hour walk here (thank you Happy Hollow Camp for your many trails).
How was everyone’s X-mas? We had a very nice one here with the exception that it rained almost the entire day. Plenty of food to where everyone was carrying home left overs. My sister made sure of that. 🙂
George and I are doing pretty good. We’ve been in the travel trailer for about two months now, and we’re slowly getting used to feeling homey about the place. My biggest problem so far is the picking and choosing of what will go into the very limited space I have at the trailer. Plus I’m having to get very well organized so I can get the stuff I want to keep in there. My sil and niece both told me that what I decided to leave at FMom’s house that they would do a garage sale for me. I told me to knock themselves out with it. Actually I’ve already given away or loaned most of my stuff to my brothers and sister.
Well I’ve got a couple of other place to drop by and then it more moving. Everyone take care and have a good New Year.
Good morning Family Man! We had a lovely, totally clear Christmas day, but now its snowing briskly. Glad to hear you’re doing ok and hope things are more settled for you soon.
Glad to hear you’re getting settled in, and that you had a nice X-mas.
We’re having a torrential downpour now, so our decision to spend yesterday at the zoo seems to have been a good one. I’m also glad I got out for my morning walk with Finny before it began to rain (BooMan had to come rescue us about a quarter-mile from home, though).
And now the little man is waking up- gotta run for the moment.
With a nice new cafe to celebrate in!
I’m awake wondering what to do about my remaining Christmas shopping…and the Etsy order I placed 2 weeks ago, paid for through Paypal, and never received. I sent an email to the Etsy seller (who has fulfilled previous orders made by friends), have heard nothing back, and now their Etsy shop is down. Moreover, people are commenting on the seller’s Facebook page that they are having the same issue…
Can I work with Paypal to get my money back, at least?
On a happier note, I have some cute Finny footage from our Princeton outing last week; I’ll try to post it later this morning.
How is everyone else? Happy Hanukah (Chanukah?) to those who celebrate it!
Bummer on the Etsy problem. Hope it gets resolved soon.
You can pick you favorite spelling from Jim’s list in the old cafe but my family’s spelling of choice is Hanukkah. I have no idea why.
Definitely contact Paypal. They’ve resolved issues for me in the past.
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Two scenic photos from our locale this morning! There’s more blue in those photos than outdoors here today, I might add. Thanks Andi and CabinGirl!
Looks like we’re finally going to get some blue skies as a Christmas (eve) gift. That will be nice for us as we like to go hike in the park on Christmas Day … when we can pretty much have the park all to ourselves.
We finally have some sun this morning too – it almost looks strange after days and days of darkness. I’m sure you will have the park to yourselves; I used to love to go for a hike with the dogs after the CBs left for their Dad’s on Christmas, it was so nice and quiet.
I am dashing out to finish my Christmas shopping (sans Finny – OMG!)this morning. Then it’s back to work…I hope we close early tomorrow. I am SO ready for the break.
No park time for us on Sunday. We’ll be on the road much of the day between family and a dinner visit with old friends. May get to sleep in a little in the am, though.
We do Christmas with Jim’s family over in Cincy but they do their celebration on Christmas eve, leaving Christmas day open for us.
No sun here until Saturday and more rain. But the temps are mild.
Happy shoppping.
That is a mighty fine picture there.
50s again here in the Hudson Valley. It’s almost September weather. Off to court.
Bonne chance, b2!
So far this winter is turning out to be much nicer than last year’s.
Hudson Valley…wow…
That phrase transports me to my childhood in Poughkeepsie…
What a great place to grow up.
Such nice photos to be treated to – winter skies look absolutely gorgeous.
Thanks (and thanks also for the compliment above).
I miss the leaves when they’re gone but it is nice to be able to the sunrises and sunsets here at the house.
And at this time of year, sunrise and sunset are so close together we geezers barely have time for a nap between them.
I’ll get there one day. Many years from now. 😉
Good morning!
Still trying to shake a nasty cold. Probably picked up during the flight here last Saturday, where I was surrounded by sneezers. Fever gone, but my head still feels too big and a bad cough and sneezing remains.
Now it looks like curly has caught it…
Did you and curly have latkes for Hanukkah because it’s my firm belief that a good crispy latke can cure anything. 🙂
Anyway, hope you both feel better very soon.
Aha – maybe that’s the problem. I don’t know how to make them and she’s been too busy with a lot of stuff (work, elderly mother, etc.). Maybe today.
You’ve had your share of them already?
OK – latkes confirmed for later today 🙂
Enjoy! Hope the sickness leaves speedily.
Excellent — and even if they don’t cure the cold, you’ll feel better just for having eaten such goodness.
I confess that I cheated and made potato kugel instead. Almost as good and doesn’t require lengthy standing over a skillet (I was cooking for 14) or multiple oil burns.
Andi’s potato kugel is excellent btw – I have had the gustatory pleasure.
I guess before everybody gets jealous that I’ve met you, we should mention that you made it from my recipe (and all the “oh yeahs, I forgot to tell you …” follow-ups. 🙂
True, but only when consumed with sour cream. Never apple sauce.
How about both?
Oh-oh, it’s one of those deep doctrinal divides. I suppose this means you also are for soft kneidlach.
Can we compromise on semi-soft? I mean, if Congress can compromise on the tax cut extension…
Reminds me of my days as a bread sales guy in Miami, many years ago. Used to get lots of complaints from the retired NYers that they just couldn’t get decent hard rolls in Florida. Maybe its the humidity;-)
Sorry, sometimes you just gotta stick with your principles (note: Mitt Romney not included).
Off in a bit to Cincy for the day for a Christmas celebration with Jim’s family.
Hope everybody has a fine Saturday/Hanukkah/Christmas Eve.
Safe trip, both of you!
Lovely day for travel ~ have a great time!
Happy day to everyone, safe travels to those who are traveling, and loads of patience to those entertaining out of town guests.
I’ll have all four of my kids and two of their spouses, a nephew just back from Afghanistan and the mother of my granddaughter due in May. It’s a Dollar Store Christmas but we’re all healthy and together, and, really, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Wow – I guess that qualifies as a full house…
Hope you all have a wonderful time together.
Thanks, ask. I hope you and curly are over your colds and can have a ton of fun while you’re stateside.
Thanks, SN – alas, the cold has simply moved from the head to the lungs. Coughing as if I am back on a pack++ a day habit (I quit 9 years ago).
curly seems to be fine – false alarm the other day and we hope it stays that way.
We’ll take it easy today, only some minor food shopping remains. My kids will come over tomorrow.
Isn’t it great to have friends and family there to hug & be hugged? We’re the travelers this year, so no house cleaning necessary! Whee!
Great that you have all the kids there plus the extended family. I hope you have a great Christmas tomorrow and a great birthday Monday.
Merry Christmas everyone!
curly and I went to see Judy Collins at the Metropolitan Museum last night. She’s turned 71, but what a voice! And what a great sense of humor – lots of funny anecdotes.
madame boran would be very jealous. Happy hoilidays ask! And get well soon. We’re off to return a Hanukah gift, believe it or not.
Hi boran – I believe you 😉
Let me offer a saying or two of the Yiddish Buddha (a neighbor slipped a print under the door):
Wherever you go, there you are. Your luggage is another story.
The Tao does not speak. The Tao does not blame. The Tao does not take sides. The Tao has no expectations. The Tao demands nothing of others. The Tao is not Jewish.
OK, one more:
Be aware of your body. Be aware of your perceptions. Keep in mind that not every physical sensation is a symptom of a terminal illness.
Wow ~ Judy Collins! Thanks for the Yiddish Buddha wisdom. I’m passing along to a Yoga instructor friend who we will be spending a portion of tomorrow with. Have a good holiday home.
Thanks ID,
A couple more for your yoga instructor friend:
Zen is not easy. It takes effort to attain nothingness. And then what do you have? Bupkis.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Forget this and attaining Enlightenment will be the least of your problems.
And a correction to above post – Judy Collins is actually 72 (5/1/39). And she looks great.
They’re all great – and wow that Judy Collins is still performing!
So all the Christmas gift shopping got done a couple weeks ago (Madame simply wisely chose not to await my work schedule to lighten up), and we got the food shopping done yesterday so as to avoid the insanity on the roads today. The grocery store we frequent was already a madhouse as it was. Whew! So today we chill, and tomorrow open gifts.
You’ll never make it into Procrastinators Anonymous behaving that way. Have a great holiday!
Well, we did manage to forget an item, and I did have to make it to a grocery store just minutes before closing time to get it, so there may be hope for me yet. 🙂
It did give me an excuse to pick up a bottle of Pinot Noir on the way back from that little adventure.
Anyhoo, have a happy holiday too.
Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday to all. 🙂
Wishing the same to you … and to everybody else who celebrate holidays at this time of year.
Back atcha, DD!
We’re enjoying a bit of lounging and blog time while Finn naps. We had dinner and gifts with my mom last night (our tradition) and then opened up Santa and family gifts this morning, followed by French toast casserole and sausage and a bit of hnging out and playing choo-choos before the older boys went to thir dad’s for the rest of the day. I’m going to take a much-needed nap as soon as I play my next word in my online scrabble game with BooMan.
What are you all up to? Some crazy fool neighbor seems to be playing with their chainsaw….
Just got home from a nice quiet dinner with friends. Earlier we were at #1 son’s house with about 10,000 relatives, small children & even my ex. Amazingly, there was cheer & friendliness all around, despite much chaos involving present opening. One of the neighbors a mile or so down the road must have received a shotgun and seemed to be having a great time testing it. Life in the country…
Not having anything holiday-related today (We celebrate Hanukah.), the b2 boy and I did a major house cleaning. I now have a pile of stuff for Goodwill. Good thing I’m off tomorrow.
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Well done! I like how the reflection is isolated by the ice.
Thanks. It was also nice to have some bright color in what is pretty much a colorless time of year.
Lovely greens and blues in your photo. Were you able to get out to the park? What a great day to be outdoors!
It was a beautiful day but we decided not to go to the park since it was so muddy. Instead we gave the dogs a Christmas present and took a 3 1/2 hour walk here (thank you Happy Hollow Camp for your many trails).
… with one trip to Columbus.
Half the shots are Andi’s (the better half of course) and half are mine.
Lovely shots and they look quite familiar;-)
I’ll have to see them later when I’m not blocked.
Good morning everyone,
How was everyone’s X-mas? We had a very nice one here with the exception that it rained almost the entire day. Plenty of food to where everyone was carrying home left overs. My sister made sure of that. 🙂
George and I are doing pretty good. We’ve been in the travel trailer for about two months now, and we’re slowly getting used to feeling homey about the place. My biggest problem so far is the picking and choosing of what will go into the very limited space I have at the trailer. Plus I’m having to get very well organized so I can get the stuff I want to keep in there. My sil and niece both told me that what I decided to leave at FMom’s house that they would do a garage sale for me. I told me to knock themselves out with it. Actually I’ve already given away or loaned most of my stuff to my brothers and sister.
Well I’ve got a couple of other place to drop by and then it more moving. Everyone take care and have a good New Year.
Good morning Family Man! We had a lovely, totally clear Christmas day, but now its snowing briskly. Glad to hear you’re doing ok and hope things are more settled for you soon.
Glad to hear you’re getting settled in, and that you had a nice X-mas.
We’re having a torrential downpour now, so our decision to spend yesterday at the zoo seems to have been a good one. I’m also glad I got out for my morning walk with Finny before it began to rain (BooMan had to come rescue us about a quarter-mile from home, though).
And now the little man is waking up- gotta run for the moment.
I’m glad to hear that you’re getting settled in and doing well. But won’t the snakes miss you? 😉
Best gift of the year
Like the frost flower, neither this Hump Day nor 2011 will be around very long.
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