It’s been a rough year. I almost had to shutter the Frog Pond at the end of the summer, but a lot of you came through with generous donations in September and saved the site. We’re still barely getting by, and we’d like to stick around at least through the presidential election next November. Recently, Geov Parrish rejoined front-page. And Steve M. of No More Mister Nice Blog has come on board. They’re really outstanding writers and they’re helping Steven D and me keep the site fresh with quality material and excellent conversations. I think it’s better to have a diversity of viewpoints rather than an echo chamber, and all of our front-pagers bring something original to the table. I hope you are enjoying it.
If you value what we do here, please consider making a contribution to the site during this holiday season. We really do depend on our readers to supplement the meager advertising revenue we get. The right has their think tanks and blanket radio coverage and the highest-rated cable news network. All we have is the shitty blogosphere, and half of it seems useless most of the time.
All contributions will be very appreciated. And I hope you and your families have an excellent end of the year, and hopefully some time off from work.
Happy Holidays!!
If you want to follow me on Twitter, just open this thread and you’ll have an opportunity to do so. You can Facebook-like the site by clicking in the top-left corner.
Thanks, again.
You’re wrong about everything (ie, I rarely agree), but goddamn it’s a good blog. Merry Hannukah. Keep it coming.
Thanks. I think.
I guess you’re not part of the Amen Chorus.
BooMan, any possibility of getting some female voices into the mix down the road?
Apologies for the wretched mixed metaphor there.
I’d love to. I always have my eye out.
Threw in a little for the holidays. Still in the hole after that year of unemployment, but it’s getting better. More regular contributions to come in a few months.
Aaaand we have total capitulation.
Double heh.
I’ll drink to that and drop a donation along with!
Just received another holiday gift!
That’s good news.
What’s the back story – why was he ineligible?
Short story ~ 7 counts of voter fraud, theft and perjury. Another case of IOIYAR, I suppose.
I think the criminal trial is now set for Jan. 30, having been delayed several times since the indictments early last March.
Very good news.
Is that orange I see in that smoldering pile of House leadership rubble? Burnt orange?
If you “Shutter” this blog I am going to be really pissed…
I need the Frog Pond…
I just donated…let us know if it’s not enough.
Contribution sent.
2012 looks to be another sheeetkicker in a variety of ways.
Sure hope you can maintain the roof over my internet “home”.
I think I donated, but then got Paypal login notice after not choosing it.
Thanks for you excellent and sane commentary. You are needed for the 2012 election since it is shaping up to be a doozy. Just sent a donation. Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays at your place Booman! The video of your budding soccer star made my day. May 2012 be the Pond’s breakout year, and the Dem’s too. Cheers and good health to your family.
I count on this blog to help me understand what is practical in politics.
I have 2 close family members very active in the Tea Party and conservative blogging. If you have heard of Dana Loesch, a conservative commentator on CNN and radio-talking bigot here in the midwest, then it’s members of her crowd to whom I am referring. Their pedantic arguments are hard for me to counter. I don’t write political opinions well (I’m a scientist, give me a break!), and I get really really mad when I have to put up with being told my house needs a gun because of Sharia Law or flash-mobs coming or something else bat-shit crazy.
At my Thanksgiving dinner table, thanks to this Frog Pond, I was equipped with scores of measurable accomplishments from the Obama Administration for which to be thankful and talk about. I was able to describe the process and the policies which, in my opinion, are stronger positions for argument than ideology.
Keep up the great work. Donation sent.