Ron Paul is doing a lousy job of handling the spotlight into the racist writings of his old newsletters. By walking off the set of CNN he made a molehill into a mountain. Paul needs to understand that you can’t run for President and then try to control the media by telling them what they can and can’t ask questions about.
The more Paul looks angry at the media for asking questions about the racist rantings in his old newsletters, the more it looks like he has something to hide regarding the sorts of racists he appeals to.
For a long time, Ron Paul got a free pass from the media. He was the cool, quirky guy who had the guts and independence to stand up against the war and a lot of other Republican sacred cows. But he got a free ride because no one thought he had a chance of winning the nomination. Now that he’s first or second in the polls, reporters are doing their jobs. And a part of that job is looking at a candidate’s record and that includes a record of mailing openly racist and anti-Semitic newsletters with your name on them and profiting from that sort of filth.
Paul plays the quirky curmudgeon on TV debates and his followers love that, but if he really wants to capitalize on his newfound success in the polls he’s going to have to learn how to answer questions from the media. Even questions he doesn’t like.
Paul could learn from John McCain. McCain had a problem with the Keating Five scandal in his past. He solved it by answering every single question from reporters and by talking about it and apologizing for hour after hour after hour until reporters were sick of hearing about it. That’s how you put a scandal to rest.
And of course here are scans of 50 Ron Paul newsletters. This is about as close to definitive as you’re going to get. Paul’s apologists can dissemble all they want, and they probably will.
We are at the “fight” stage. Been through the other shit. Suspend your disbelief in the media? Paul loses and so do you. Wake the fuck up. Please. When the media unite, the truth is always the loser. Every time.
I don’t need to suspend my belief in the media to read what was in Paul’s newsletters, observe that he’s been unable or unwilling to come up with a convincing or even consistent defense, and then correlate it with his bizarre and extreme positions on civil rights and immigration. Either he’s deeply racist himself. or is willing to use racism as a tool for furthering his own agenda. The first would indicate that he’s a world-class moron and bigot, and the second is so cynical that it would leave Mitt Romney speechless.
Either way, it proves him completely unfit for the office he’s seeking.
Is this Ron Paul’s Swift Boating event?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
You write:
And then you post a video where he absolutely, positively denies any sort of racism whatsoever.
Swift Boating event refers to GOP right-wing and MSM attempt to derail RP’s campaign by a sequence of lies.
Surprise, surprise when you are looking for RP’s racist rant, you find out he’s no racist. No one will take the time to watch a video with a headline: “Ron Paul says he’s no racist.”
Sometimes I just hate politics, stash of campaign cash to pull the wool over voters’ eyes. I’ll take a time-out and make a donation to Booman.
Bet on it!
PS: For once I succeeded in puzzling AG, that makes the score 1-99 in his favor.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thank you.
You have no idea how much I enjoy being fooled.
It’s like coming up out of the subway headed in the wrong direction on the street. Suddenly for a minute or two everything is new again.
Like dat.
Thanks again…
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."