One more piece of evidence, in case you needed any, that Newt Gingrich’s campaign was never intended to be serious: he forgot to buy his own domain name.
Go ahead. Click on Do it again. Try it a couple more times. I’ll wait.
That, ladies and gentleman, is not the campaign of your next President of the United States. Or even the next nominee of the lunatic-run asylum that is the Republican Party.
I stand by my prediction almost a month ago that Mitt Romney is your 2012 Republican nominee. Nothing in Herman Cain’s self-kneecapping, Newt’s rise and now slide, or Ron Paul’s current momentum changes the essential equation. Romney and Paul are the only ones with enough money and ground game to make it a race. Perry has money but no support. Newt has support but no money or organization. And Paul faces the militant opposition of both the party’s establishment and the Christianist Tea Party base.
Romney wins by virtue of having the fewest people who despise him (“only” about two-thirds of the party) and by having the party elite and its money firmly in his pocket. There may be a year, very soon, when the party base is strong enough to overthrow the choice of its leadership, but that requires a candidate for it to rally behind. That hasn’t happened so far in this race, and it’s not going to.
P.S. In case you haven’t done so yet, donate to Booman. You know you want to.
that’s a nice prank they pulled on Newt.
Whoever they are, I salute them! BTW, who are they?
There may be a year, very soon, when the party base is strong enough to overthrow the choice of its leadership, but that requires a candidate for it to rally behind.
What holds them back, since they’ve already taken over state parties?
If I remember correctly from Rick Perlstein’s (excellent) “Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus”, the early 1960s Republican right wing basically organized a campaign, and then went to Barry Goldwater and persuaded him to run. They understood the party rules better than Rockefeller and his people, took over a bunch of state organizations and won the nomination before the Eastern Establishment wing of the party knew what was happening.
That’s harder to do today because the primary system is harder to organize behind the scenes than the caucus system was. For example, the right wing can take over the Republican Party in, say, Florida, but that doesn’t guarantee their candidate a victory in the presidential primary they way it would if a vote of the state party convention determined who won the state’s delegates.
Despite that, I imagine potential candidates like Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio and any number of new Republican governors are putting themselves into position to run in 4 or 8 years as the candidate of the “party base”. (Not unlike Ronald Reagan did as governor of California….)
Lord, that’s funny.
I think that Gingrich’s campaign started out as a fake-campaign PR stunt, like Sarah Palin’s and Donald Trump’s, but at a certain point his ego took over. He couldn’t stand losing, even a race he didn’t intend to win, and the faux-campaign morphed into a real one.
Newt has support but no money or organization. This is true, at the moment. However, he has the connections from his Speaker and NOTlobbyist days to get both.
The woman sure knows how to dress up snow footwear.
Ah yes but then there’s the announcement by Trump today that he is quittin the Rep party and now formally counting himself as an Independent.
Well dang, the link now takes you to one of several sites; Washington Post,, Think Progress, Intrade. Was just getting ready to post that funny link and it’s now re-routing away from the original site.
Oh well.
Don’t forget Tiffany’s!
That’s the whole point of the prank – it randomly directly you to any of about a half-dozen other sites that, um, reflect poorly on The Newt. It rewards repeat clicks. Collect them all…
whenever I tell people I’ll be off the site, someone decides to fuck with it.
Santorum, Bachmann, Huntsman, and Perry all failed to make the ballot in Virginia lol.
With the possible exception of Perry, they’ll all be out of the race by early March (the date of the VA primary) anyway. This just suggests that they know it.
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