As a typical egotistical, arrogant, columnist/blogger, I usually think I can express my viewpoints better than anyone else. But when it comes to summing up the Ron Paul situation, the conservative blogger Erick Erikson says everything anyone needs to know.
This is from Erick’s column today in
“Let me get this straight.
Twenty years ago someone put some crazy, racist stuff in newsletters bearing Ron Paul’s name and written in the first person as if they were from Ron Paul.
Ron Paul never read them.
Ten years ago, when confronted with some of the crazy stuff (I’m trying really hard not to use “crazy s**t” here), Ron Paul says he wrote them, but they must be taken in their whole context to understand them.
Fast forward to the present and Ron Paul never wrote them, does not know who wrote them, cannot recall the names of anyone who worked for him who might have written them, is shocked to learn he made big money off them, and people think this guy has the qualifications to be President of the United States?
Letting someone write bat crap crazy stuff under your name, not knowing who they are or what they are doing, profiting from them, then taking responsibility before denying responsibility is credible?!
If we’re to take Ron Paul at his word, maybe we need to get him an Alzheimer’s test. he is old. Hell, if pigs did fly and he did get elected President, he’d be 81 at the end of his first term.”
Eric may normally be wrong about, well, everything, but he sure nails this perfectly
Back up and further define the statements that you are supporting, please. Erickson doesn’t sufficiently back up any of them as far as I am concerned. The gist of his article is based entirely on hearsay, innuendo and an obvious politically founded set of motives.
1-Link to some evidence. Make it good, too…no crackpot sites, please. And stay away from the purely politics-driven or rabidly pro-Israel sites as well.
2- You include “…some of the crazy stuff…”
Which so-called “crazy stuff?” So many people have said so much shit about the so-called “craziness” of Ron Paul that it is almost impossible to focus in on any one area of his ideas when looking at hare-brained terms like “crazy stuff.” Some think that his approach to foreign affairs is “crazy.” Some agree with that but think that his small government ideas are “crazy.” Or his anti-Fed bank ideas. Or his disdain for the Civil Rights bill. (Not for civil rights themselves. He has been oh so clear on that point for 30+ years.) Etc., etc., etc., etc.
You also write:
You mean he agrees with you this time so he’s right?
Dr. Paul was confronted about the letters in 1996. He used his standard defense. “I’m not racist, talk to my neighbors. Don’t take me out of context.”
Did he deny writing the pieces?
Did he justify making any of these statements?
But now he says he not only didn’t write those things, but he doesn’t know who did. And he now refuses to justify them.
C’mon, Booman…I ask again:
Does stuff in a Dallas (!!!) newspaper (Always remember what went down in Dallas after JFK’s murder. I will. As crooked a town as ever existed in the world. Bet on it.) “prove” that Ron Paul wrote or even knew about those things? I don’t think so. They go against everything that he has ever publicly stated and they go against his voting record (and his statements in support of that record) as well.
And this shit?
Did I not make myself clear enough here? (And demolish that particular out-of-context mini-meme while I was at it?) Or didn’t you read it?
Either way, here it is again.
I repeat…at the very least, do not be a willing part of this dumbshow.
Not for partisan reaons, and not for any reasons.
The PermaGov Ratpubs are after him.
The Dems…naturally…are after him.
And the whole AIPAC-funded crew is after him as well.
Beware any and every mass media gang action, Booman. When the whole gang acts almost as one it is a sure sign of disinfo. Bet on it.
Always remember the runup to the invasion of Iraq after 9/11. There it was, naked and plain as day. And here it is again. Bet on that as well. During the post-WWII period in the U.S.S.R. every Russian with even a semblance of intelligence knew that Pravda (“Truth” in Russian) was a total disinfo rag and that to get to the truth of the matter all one had to do way go the other way.
Our own “Pravda?”
The mass media.
Watch and learn, sir.
You are being had, and not even in the missionary position.
Had from the left, had from the right, and had from the back and front as well.
Media gang rape.
Do not lay back and enjoy it!
Fight, goddamnit!
P.S. Mini Meme says:
Booman are you believing this sh** put in the Dallas Media by the likes of Gingrich in a smear campaign?
Read my earlier comments about the Newsletters and Ron Paul- Slate On the Origin Of Ron Paul’s Newsletters
- Ron Paul and Racist Rant Caught on Tape
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Who won?
Dassit, Booman.
Ron Paul won.
The whole kaboodle.
Was that the beginning of another mini-meme?
A better one?
I certainly hope so.
As below, so above.
Could happen…
Like this, only bigger.
“People began to resent all these outsiders coming in, telling them how to vote.”
P.S. Thank you, Oui. Fool me once, err…ahhh…hem…haw…
There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — maybe everywhere else in this godforsaken country–that says, “Fool me once, shame on — shame on me. Fool me twice — I won’t get fooled again.” Or something like that.
We’ve been “fooled” for going on 60+ years.
Time we stopped it?
Could happen…
Wouldn’t that be special!!!
Yes it would…
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Actually, both parties are anti-democratic, anti opening the current system up to “outsiders”.
Prime example is Nader related to the 2000 POTUS election. The Illinois Democratic party fought to keep Nader off the state ballot there. Nader had to sue to make it happen, and he got on the ballot.
This is one more example where the “two” political parties are exactly alike- making the notion by many “progressives” in Bloggo world, i.e. the democratic party is significantly better/different than the repuglican party hard to defend.
Read this.
And think, fer chrissake. Don’t just Demtificate.
And now for something completely different but also very…interesting.
Very interesting.
Very interesting indeed.
Rachel Maddow’s take on her show a couple days ago, via YouTube. See Melissa Harris-Perry’s take during the last few minutes in particular. The very BEST one can end up saying about Ron Paul on this particular issue is that even if it could be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he didn’t author the newsletters (I’m still pretty skeptical about that, but whatevs), as a Congresscritter he sure seems to vote in a manner that supports white privilege. Granted that means he’s practically indistinguishable from the rest of the goons running for the GOP nomination as far as race goes.
As usual…back those statements up, please. Links? Quotes?
“White privilege?”
He is against any race-based privilege. You could look it up.
But…sigh…I’ll post it again, just in case you have mind enough left over after the hypnomedia cement hardened to actually change your mind.
Ron Paul on racism:
His statement that he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act had he been in Congress when it was passed?
Here are some of his statements:
You believe that he is a serial liar? Could be…but if he is, he is certainly the most consistent serial liar in the history of humankind. I kinda doubt it, myself.
Your results may differ. Being wrong is not a crime here in America. Not yet it isn’t, anyway.
The Civil Rights Acts clearly protected the individual rights of blacks who were being oppressed and persecuted by the state. His defense of white privilege and his vile characterizations of MLK Jr. tell me where his sympathies lie.
Where on earth do you people get this shit?
Prove it.
Here’s my proof.
Wake the fuck up.
The vile characterization of MLK Jr. came from the newsletters that, depending upon whom one reads or listens either Paul wrote himself or had ghostwritten under his name, and of which he either knew or did not know about. His own claims about his newsletters seemed to have shifted between the mid 1990s when the controversy first sprang up and the present. At one point he tended to take ownership of the position expressed in those newsletters. Today, he seems to disavow them altogether. To his true believers, it won’t matter. Regardless, one can always look at how he’s voted as a Congresscritter, and who he has endorsed for political offices. What’s his civil rights record look like? Why would he have once endorsed Pat Buchanan for one of Buchanan’s unsuccessful Presidential bids? Those might not tell us per se what is in his soul, but if nothing else those are tangible behaviors on record that he can be visibly tied to.
Please spare me the Ayn Rand inspired quotes about racism and collectivism. Any politician can spout off words or have words ghostwritten in his/her name, apparently with or without his/her knowledge. Ultimately, it comes down to deeds.
Yes. “Ultimately, it comes down to deeds.”
Obama’s record?
Read it and weep.
Read it and think, goddamnit!!!
I doubt I have ever excused Obama’s war record. If one were to go through my old blog around 2007 or 2008, one would find my statements about Obama to be nothing short of scathing. I probably threw my support – which for an obscure blogger means zip – Cynthia McKinney/Gloria LaRiva that year. And even then, I would have hardly considered McKinney to be above criticism (her thing for 9/11 truthers has annoyed the hell out of me forever, and I’ve been critical of the Green Party for a variety of reasons, even though I do have some things in common with the party’s platform). I guess that’s the thing – I don’t consider my preferred political candidates to be perfect, or saviors, nor do I expect that of them in the first place.
That, and it gets annoying being lumped in with Obama’s supporters simply because Ron Paul is not my particular flavor. That whole schtick is just getting beyond tedious.
Ron Paul:
Closer analysis of these “freedom of speech rights are tied to property ownership” statements by Paul do IMHO indicate it’s about white privilege/dominance.
Again, read Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States”. You’ll readily see early in our nation’s history the right to serve in the U.S. Senate and to vote in elections was set up exclusively for property holders– wealthy white men.
Not only did women/minorites not participate in elections early in our nation’s history, neither did white men of no means (wealth).
Property comes from wealth, and wealth implies/gets you exclusive rights– access, and this includes access to government largesse (subsidies, tax breaks, etc. which reinforce support wealth in the hands of the few).
Paul is correct, not anyone can get on, get access to mainstream media– that is loosening a bit with Current TV, Olberman’s show where we can see/hear people like Jesse LaGreca of the OWS movement speak his mind. The powers that be would prefer LaGreca and others now questioning the legitimacy of the system not have a voice. The violent removal of the various OWS camps makes this clear.
Paul is not as clever as he thinks; he is not explicitly racist, he doesn’t have to be. What he and others like him do is this: he’s more or less stating “Hey, if you have something to say, get your OWN network/magazine/newspaper (“property”). You do have the right to do that. You cannot demand access to mainstream media because you do not own it.
Of course this is easier said than done on a large scale, because it takes a good deal of time and wealth to do what Ted Turner did with CNN, for example.
It’s also a rather facile/weak argument; sort of like comparing access to the airwaves with access to one’s personal home. It’s not the same thing. Much has already been written regarding the importance of free/open access to media to all– not just to those who own everything.
Bottom line: this quote by Jello Biafra I have to bring up regularly on the orange blog: “Don’t complain about the media, become the media!”
If only more people understood the power of this- and were willing to invest the time and money to make it happen.
I understand Libertarianism is a Bigger Tent than Liberalism and grants the individual most space for differing views. Read Libertarianism, Property Rights and Self-Ownership.
One reason to be sceptical about the views of Ron Paul is the company he keeps within the Libertarian movement. Don’t need to remind you of skirting Pat Buchanan and his bid to oppose George H. Bush in 1992. I expect they didn’t make many new friends in the Republican
partyestablishment.Big Tent Republicans
Especially for AG – Ron Paul Day Is Today
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
There are also libertarians from a distinctly left persuasion – I got to know quite a few of them back in the day when I hung out with a lot of anarcho-punks. Their views are distinctly anticapitalist and influenced as I understood it at the time by either some Marxian analysis, or by the writing of Proudhoun or Bakunin. That sort of libertarianism probably still has a minor influence on me. I think it’s the sort of libertarianism that influences Jello Biafra, whom someone quoted elsewhere on this thread, more deeply. It also is what gets thought of as anarchism (although that’s a label with a lot of baggage). These libertarians on the left would have an uncomfortable, at best, relationship with the US Libertarian Party – in fact the anarcho-punks I knew who had any awareness of its existence at the time seemed to really dislike what it was. Of course that was back in the 1980s. Maybe anarcho-punks, if there are any left, have a different spin on things now.
I also got to know quite a few folks who were more into the LP during my college days – and if I had a nickel for every time I heard one of them quote Ayn Rand as if she were some sort of prophet, I’d be well-off. Some of these folks seemed to take very seriously the idea that if you as an individual wanted a road, you built your own or built your own sewer, etc. A different flavor altogether, and probably folks more receptive to a Ron Paul or equivalent. What I observed then, and what I have read over the years, seemed to suggest that it was a perspective that might work well for the privileged few with the means to hire out subsistence labor to build their roads and sewers and hire out mercenaries to guard their possessions, but would not exactly help people who were in my particular situation. Personally, that wasn’t my trip.
Anyhoo, just a few thoughts.
I get it, but given the high level of xenophobia in our nation and the fact something as fundamental as social democracy has been twisted to mean something negative and horrible, it’s more or less impossible to discuss anarchism with the majority of the people out there.
I’m not anti-capitalist, I’m against monopoly capitalism aided/abetted by congress. The whole thing has become a sham.
Regarding Rand, objectivism, I view it as a romantic, simplistic approach which doesn’t work for large, complex systems. If the population of the U.S. were one million people, Rand’s approach might work, but we’re a nation of well over 300 million people. I don’t see how we run a nation this large and complex without some sort of government in place. We can argue our government is not as good/efficient as it could be, but the notion we can get rid of government altogether is fanciful at best.