I’m kind of pissed that Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act today. I wish he would have followed through with his veto threat. He issued a signing statement that said he found several provisions “minimally acceptable” and would work to repeal other elements. He asserted his executive authority to ignore part of the bill. I understand that he’s not planning on abusing the power he has been handed, but it would be better if he wasn’t creating a law he thinks needs, in part, to be repealed. After all, what if he is unsuccessful?
Obama initially had threatened to veto the legislation. In a signing statement released by the White House on Saturday, Obama said he still does not agree with everything contained in the legislation. But with military funding due to expire Monday, Obama said he signed the bill after Congress made last-minute revisions at the request of the White House before approving it two weeks ago.
In several cases, the president called those changes “minimally acceptable” and vowed to use discretion when applying the provisions.
“I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists,” Obama said. “I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation.”
The president said his administration would seek to repeal any provisions that are inconsistent with his values and added that he would “reject any approach that would mandate military custody where law enforcement provides the best method of incapacitating a terrorist threat.”
Kind of a crappy New Year’s present, dontcha think?
Occupy the Capitol is on Jan 17. Getting the indefinite detention provisions repealed is one of the many issues being discussed with members of Congress.
The fundamental issue being the reluctance of Congress to talk to their constituents in a way that their constituents are treated as the boss instead of the servant. This goes back to the 40-year emphasis by Congressional staffs on message control. Which essentially makes the Member of Congress unaccountable to his constituents between elections. It is an issue that affects both parties and across the ideological spectrum.
Correction: The event is called Occupy Congress and it occurs both in Washington and in towns with Congressional District offices as a set of coordinated autonomous actions. This can range from setting appointments with staff or members of Congress to protest to direct actions. And need not be confined to one event at each location.
The emphasis is on getting as many diverse people involved as possible on one day doing what they feel is necessary or what they are ethically motivated to do.
The message: Congress listens to us, not big money. (Yeah, yeah, that’s a hope, a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you will)
Having a Republican in the White House really sucks.
You say Obama will not abuse the power and I believe that may be true. But he certainly has “enshrined” that power for all future presidents.
Obama has caved so much he oughtta be called the spelunker president.
For once, I have no rebuttal.
Good on ya!!!
Yer gettin’ there.
Don’t stop now.
(I knew you had it in you!)
see,i heard from someone that it was all lies about the NDAA. Exaggerations.
And you heard something else from someone else.
And that seems to be the limit of your ability to think about the issue. “Someone said this, and then someone else said that. I think I’ll make this statement repeatedly!”
i’m referring to booman, dumbass.
Too many Democrats are entirely comfortable with the national security state and the steady erosion of civil liberties. Obama telegraphed this back when he changed his mind on the FISA/wiretapping mess so I’m no longer surprised by his disregard for civil liberties.
Civil liberties thru FISA glasses.
I made this when that happened.
On the other hand, my slow-smoked beef brisket came out perfectly and is delicious.
good to hear. I was going to ask.
So what kind of smoker? The cylindrical kind, fed charcoal? I got one of those at a garage sale and still haven’t tried it.
Weak, Booman.
Very weak.
Very fucking weak.
And yet you still support him.
It’s dawning on you though, isn’t it?
You been had.
I wish you a Happy New Year. I really do.
But until you start listening to your conscience it ain’t gonna be.
Not really.
Just forced “Ho ho hos” and a whole lotta “Uh ohs!”
Bet on it.
NDAA? You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
Wait’ll the Iran thing gets good ‘n hot.
You know he’s gonna run it, don’tcha. Yes he is. Especially if he’s getting some serious heat from whichever chimp survives the RatPub Death March that’s now just about ready to really begin.
Uh oh!
What if they try to block the Straits of Hormuz? Sink a few ships in strategic spots. Mine the joint.
Uh oh!
What’s Obama gonna do? Send a coupla kill teams and some drones out after Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei?
It ain’t gonna be that simple.
UH OH!!!
You been had.
Bet on it.
P.S. Barack Obama…”a smooth Harvard lawyer with impeccable credentials and vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal politics.” Dr. Adolph Reed Jr., 1996
He pinned it. 15 years ago.
We’ve all been had. Some more than others, though.
Happy New Year anyway.
you need to relax.
Our president is flawed. He’s a good man who is doing a very good job in a very fucked up system.
The bill is a dangerous precedent. He shouldn’t have signed it. It could have nasty consequences. But it’s also not as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be.
What you ought to do is get down on your knees each morning and thank your gods that Barack Obama ran and won the presidency, because we’d be fucked if he hadn’t.
Could we be fucked anyway?
Yeah, that’s a distinct possibility, but not because the president is a bad man.
Now, now, Booman, those contradictions just don’t heighten themselves, you know…
What you and a whole lot of other so-called “Progressives oughta do is get on up offa your knees and start looking around for a true anti-war, anti-surveillance state, anti-Blood For Oil economic imperialism, Anti-PermaGov president, because you most certainly do not have one now.
You have a capitulator. Nothing more and nothing less.
Have you read Alexander Cockburn’s article summing up the year over at Counterpoint? You should.
Here are some Obomber related excepts.
Lest we forget:
Don’t laugh.
It hurts too much.
We already know who the Rabbit has been.
Who’s gonna be the Dragon?
Could be…
that is some of the most boring anti-American swill imaginable.
As a musician, you should be embarrassed. It’s like serving up Menudo as Tito Fuentes.
That’s Tito Puente, Booman. Your accuracy in reporting is generally lacking these days. Tito Fuentes was a Cuban-born 2nd baseman for the SF Giants. That’s like serving up mambo as merengue. Kid keeping you up? Wait’ll he’s real trouble. You cannot imagine.
At the stroke of midnight…not by any planning whatsoever, it’s just the way things worked out…I finished harmonizing a piece of music that I first started writing about 40 years ago. It took me that long for my head to catch up with my soul. I do keep trying. You should too.
I am neither “boring” nor anti-American, Booman. I am simply anti-murder and anti-theft and I do not care who is running the game. I have roots in this country that go back to the mid-1600s on my father’s side of the family, and that means roughly about 20 generations of his family plus several more on my Irish immigrant side…say 24 generations total…have lived and died here. 20 generations plus 4 generations equals more than 65,500 families of blood relatives on a 2 times 2 progression, and 65,500 families is a whole lotta people buried. I care deeply for this country and I do not want to see it slide into a Roman-like decline. But that is precisely where we are headed on any number of levels.
It’s the fucking auto-spelling. It fills in for you when you make a typo and if you don’t see it, you’re publishing the wrong word.
Yeah, I know.
And it’s the fucking auto-media that is propelling you right into a cul-de-sac.
Turn ’em both off.
Check out the Glenn Greenwald article on Salon about which I posted below.
I’m not alone, baby.
Not by a long shot.
But you’re gonna be.
The contradictions between Obama’s repeated actions and his rhetoric are simply too massive to ignore. And Paul is now getting coverage. Why? Because he’s right, that’s why. He can no longer be ignored.
Forget the polls, too. You want a poll? An omen of things to come? OK, here’s one. That singer who tweeted some kind of Paul appreciation a couple of days ago? Whatsername? Kelly Clarkson? (She’s pure schlock, by the way. Packaged supermarket salami on white bread. With mayo and a heavy helping of auto-tune.) Check it out:
What does this mean?
It means that the youngish white bread voters are speaking out. They are not heavily “polled,” not really. They’re the mobile phone generation. Not like the settled, older middle class. Even if they are called by a polling organization, many of them will look at the caller info and then simply ignore it. But they are out there and they are supporting Ron Paul. My bet? Whatever poll numbers Ron Paul has on the day before the caucus? He’ll get 10 percentage points higher once the caucus votes are counted. Maybe even more. Watch.
Booman –
I don’t know if you all have had the fair use discussion over here but I’ve seen it on a few other sites. Some of AG’s posts might be crossing the line and I would hate to see this site go down because of it.
Just thought I’d bring it up, I don’t know what your thoughts are.
So would I. I can find no cogent definition of “fair use.” “Brief excerpt” is about as good as it seems to get. No word number, no percentage number. Please tell me…which specific sites have actually “gone down” to this amorphous rule? (It sounds more like a meme, actually. Like “fair trade,” whatever the fuck that means.)
I would really like to know. I have been quoting extensively…always with a link and always with many parts left out…for nearly 8 years online and so far none of the sites on which I have posted have ever been taken down or even in any way threatened with such action.
P.S. By the way…exactly who or what would be the taker downer? The F.B.I? The Federal Bureau of the Internet? Please. Not for another year or so at least. Too much money being made on the net. Bet on it. After the crash? Maybe, if the Feds aren’t too busy shipping dissidents to their friendly local Guantanamos to be redumacated.
I can see a right-wing American version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution coming down the pike.
The Cultural Resolution. Accept our take on how things ought to be or die.
An Abu Ghraib of opinion.
Could happen…
I see hints of it in the media. Talking head after talking head spouting whatever PermaGov talking points are the rule of the day.
Like dat.
Disagree at your own risk even now. Soon? It could get worse. Much worse. Bet on that as well.
the lawyers I’ve discussed it with seem to indicate a couple paragraphs at the most, you’re copying and pasting large sections of articles
It’s dangerous
the people who would take it down wouldn’t be some entity it would be lawsuits from the owners of the intellectual property
What lawyers?
Have they actually done anything about it?
Has anyone done anything about it?
Please cite some actions, not just a few unnamed lawyers. There are lawyer’s shingles up on almost every street in America, IL JimP. Most of them are as incompetent as are our politicians, medical practitioners, economists and weathermen.
You sound to me like so many other Americans, hyped into paranoia about freedom of speech by the wholly owned media of a financial establishment that wants to keep us quiet while they steal our lives away.
Stand up, goddamnit!!!
you’re going to do whatever you want regardless of facts anyway so what’s the point
keep stealing other people’s intellectual property at will, I’m sure it’s going to be fine
I am “stealing” nothing. If I do not profit from it in some way, how is it stealing?
I am sharing what I consider to be vital information about the state of the country with others. I link to the sites from which I have taken information…sites that are themselves free of charge. Where is the “theft?”
Again…instead of simply plonking down empty ideas, please link to some sites that will actually back those ideas up.
Or not, as you must.
Thank you and good day.
I was going to read this, and then I realized that your constant Paul propaganda has made me utterly not care.
A comment that size is a cry for help, not an entry to discussion.
Too much information.
Is this Twitter?
Sorry to stress your mind.
Wake the fuck up.
Have you ever considered that when you woke up you were still in a dream and everyone had their eyes closed and refused to listen to your great insights?
You seem to be stuck on a dream level, hope you get to the next one soon.
Maybe after you wake up two or 3 times more you have arrived in actual reality.Or is it?
Yusuf: Is this the dream? Or the dream within the dream?
Dominic Cobb: I don’t know. Just keep shooting.
Think about it.
Don`t get stuck man.
Relax, its all a bad dream.
Better get to bad reality.
You wont feel better, but others will.
Bet on it.
You actually quote South Park in a comment about dream, reality and awakening? Unmotherfuckingbelievable. Get real, bazzz. Too much TV time for you…since grade school, probably. Wake the fuck up and smell the napalm.
One of my New Years Resolution is to hope they find some treatment to whatever you seem to have.
Dead serious here.
In the meantime, I think what will help you is to realize there is no Moonbat Messiah that’s going to deliver America unto the “promise land”. And Ron Paul sure as hell isn’t it.
Whatever your mental affliction has got you thinking about Obama, Ron Paul is far worse.
Believe it.
For my own “affliction?” Independent intelligence and a lifelong refusal to kowtow to bullshit?
They’ve had it for years.
I ain’t going easy, though.
Bet on it.
Here’s your hero for you. This bill was introduced by Ron Paul in 2001:
We can only assume this would have included, among others, al-Qaeda member Anwar al-Awlaki, and who knows how many innocent victims would have been caught in the crossfire — or accidentally assassinated in Ron Paul’s plan.
The moral bankruptcy of Libertarianism has never been more starkly on display. Paul reintroduced that bill in 2007. By the way, the only US Congressional Representative to vote against the Afghan war was Barbara Lee. Paul voted for it. Lee is black, female and a supporter of President Obama so she fails the moral purity test, I guess. Part of Paul’s appeal for the fake-left must be his steadfast commitment to making symbolic moral stands that don’t mean anything, but always voting with the GOP when needed – that and his convenient moral flexibility.
Like I said, he’s not your messiah.
I am open to interesting and beievable oppositions to Ron Paul’s positions. This one looks good. Now that the mass media is not trying to make him a non-person, I am sure that this problem will soon be presented to him by the vast powers that presently oppose him. I will be very interested to see how he responds.
Very interested indeed.
Thank you…
So this evolved into outsourcing the US Army and we got the likes of Blackwater/XE …- Let Privateers Troll for Bin Laden
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thank you, Oui. Of the literally hundreds of things that I have read and heard from Ron Paul, this is one of the few that seems to me to be opposable on a common sense level, and that only in hindsight. The whole “contractor” thing got way out of hand during the Iraq War. Was that problem foreseeable when Paul proposed this bill? I dunno. I certainly distrust mercenaries much more than I do most members of the American armed forces if only because they operate in an unenforceable grey area outside of the law. But then I distrust “the law” as it stands now because it has been thoroughly subverted by super-mercenary forces like international corporatism.
I am actually at my wits’ end regarding the whole politico-economic situation. Maybe we are at an end point, truly defeated by forces even larger and more powerful than “The United States.” Could be…
Is a puzzlement.
When I hear Ron Paul refer to “Perot’s troops” on that video I get cold chills down my spine. What’s next? GE’s troops? Microsoft’s troops? Scary.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Yeah. Like dat. How convenient.
A semi-private spook inside Iran “led” a “mob” that broke into a prison and rescued two Americans. Then he retired…living OH so quietly somewhere in Texas, not doing much of anything except scamming about $9 million off of a stock sale. (And of course whatever other things he has done over 30 years about which no accusations have yet surfaced.)
Lemme see…what if a Cuban “led a mob” that rescued a couple of alleged-but-never-convicted-because-they-don’t-get-trials so-called terrorists out of Guantanamo, got them back to wherever they came from and then “retired” to some Islamic country and tried to live peacefully? HOO boy!!! One eye on the drone-filled skies and another on whoever was standing behind him every day of his life. Bet on it.
This private thing is a slippery slope, ain’t it? Ya slips up towards great wealth if you’re on “our” side and ya slips down into the grave if you’re on “their” side. Yet another reason to avoid foreign entanglements of all sorts.
Private or public.
Trade with people and carry a big, big stick.
The essence of what Ron Paul is saying.
Bet on it.
Disturbing (because it’s accurate) and succinct summary of 2011 by Cockburn.
Can’t wait to see what 2012 brings!
Holy macrel. Ran goddam Paul is one flavour of the month right now because he’s not Mitt Romney and hes one of the few NOT ROMNEY candidates left. They’ve gone through every other goddam candidate before getting to him and even now they are surging to Rick Santorum. Paul is just getting a bounce as Santorum is almost as crazy as he is and the ABR crowd don’t know which to turn to.
And you are celebrating becasue yoru candidate randomly is getting an ABR (anybody but Romney) boost. If he was such a brilliant candidate how come they didn’t gravitate to him first time? Hell they went to NEWT GINGRITCH before him!
And the thing is once your goddamn candidate crashes and burns AGAIN, you will blame “all the forces against him,” rather than the fact that Paul, for all his likability and I like the guy as a person, is a crazy asswipe propped up by legions of fanatical followers such as you.
Seriously, you need serious help. You used to be tiresome but now you are both vulgar and totally unreadable. Not to mention totally paranoid and so far up your high horse’s ass you are talking out its mouth
Paul is going to crash and burn, either now or against Obama in the general. It’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that he could win the primaries due to the ABR effect, but if he does Obama will shred him. Paul has way too much self inflicted baggage going back 30 years to survive.
The first question at the next GOP debate should be….Where in the constitutions does is provide for the military detention of Americans on American soil? I just can’t decide who they should ask first.
You can ask political candidates of either party unscripted questions? Is this new?
yer “kinda pissed?”
Not that it matters what I think. Greenwald and Bowers devoured the so-called liberals in this country. And they left nothing for the dog. Not a scrap.
I suppose it’s time to quote Jon Chait, or whomever, on something. Andrew Sullivan? Maybe Big Tent has something circular that can be stuffed into the square hole. I know, I know, I conflate way too many, one swell foop…
That’s the nature of bad judgment, sweep ’em up, things related and not.
I do wish you all a year of minimal pain, even happiness where it’s found; it seems as soon as one makes their splash, one’s job is to think about the arriving splashes, and we are well into that.
Urgent wishes, all around.
to belatedly celebrate the recent New Year…
I want to link to something I just found online, a wonderfully trenchant article by Glenn Greenwald in Salon..a decidedly liberal website/magazine….titled Progressives and the Ron Paul fallacies.
Man, does he pin it!
I’ll write more tomorrow, but here is an excerpt.
I’m not alone in my perceptions, folks.
Check yourselves out, knee-jerk Paul haters, and ask yourselves this simple question.
“If my knee is jerking, who is holding the reflex hammer?”
And…wake the fuck up.
The rest of the country seems to be doing so. Now it’s your turn.
Bet on it.
“Kind of pissed”? Really? “Kind of pissed” at yet another straight-on assault by Obama against civil rights in the “land of the free”?
In less than three years Obama has managed to do more to undermine civil rights than Bush did in eight, and you are “kind of pissed”.
Hope that Kool-Aid is tasty.
In less than three years Obama has managed to do more to undermine civil rights than Bush did in eight
You mean by ending the use of military detention for terrorism suspects?
Because in three years, Obama has not put a single terrorism suspect into military detention, ending the practice that Bush began.
I love people who are so incredibly concerned about military detention that it doesn’t actually matter to them whether or not people are being put into military detention.
US Drone strike statistics Bush vs. Obama years. [pdf]
Saves the burden of transport, sorting into a category, bad PR, etc. … don’t mention the Bagram secret.
Obama’s Xmas gift for Pakistan followed by New Year tidings.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Hey, look, movable goal posts! I’ll take that as your acknowledgment that, yes, I’m correct, and Barack Obama actually has ended the practice of putting terrorism suspects into military detention.
It’s very easy to tell who actually gives a crap about military detention and who does not: the people who do care manage to bestir themselves to acknowledge that it is a good thing that Obama has ended the practice. Unlike you.
Now, to boot the ball through your newly-installed goal posts: drone strikes are carried out in areas where our ground forces are not able to operate – places like the Pakistani tribal areas, or those in Yemen. None of the people killed in these strikes would have been captured, because they aren’t available for capture. The air strikes haven’t replaced military detention. They’ve replaced doing nothing.
Blowing them up is much easier. So, yes, he has “ended the practice.” LOL
You’re an idiot.
Want a better law? THEN GET A BETTER CONGRESS.
fuckin DURR.
Was Carl Levin lying when he said that the President asked his committee to put the language in the bill?
Carl Levin didn’t say that.
You, and a lot of other people, got fooled by some James O’Keefe-style editing.
Quite a change of heart from May 24, 2011 …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
he signaled weeks ago that he wasn’t going to veto it.
and I thought it wasn’t so bad, wasn’t that your stance? I heard from a pretty reliable source, for example, that people like glenn greenwald weren’t telling the truth about the detention provisions. Is that statement no longer operative?
unless the provisions are repealed, Obama just handed the next president -perhaps even one of the maniacs in the Republican party- a very powerful New Year’s present.
I’ve heard several people refer to the Occupiers are “terrorists”, for example. what happens to them?
Yeah. And the Bush administration heard from some “pretty reliable sources” that Saddam Hussein was stocking up on WMDs. C’mon. Gimme a break. Who’s your source, the housewife next door whose brother-in -law runs a coffe shop in downtown Langley?
C’mon Arthur. Your ability to detect sarcasm can’t be that limited.
What part of that sounds like “sarcasm” to you hz? Its syntax is almost that of an illiterate, which usually means that the writer is incapable of any kind of subtlety.
Show me.
Well, maybe I’m the one reading it wrong then, but weeks ago when NDAA became a big issue with what gets called “the left,” there were a number of comments here going on about the usual firebaggers whining professional left yada yada, no way was PBHO going to sign off on a piece of legislation like that, hey, he said he was going to veto it and he always keeps his word, dang whiny firebaggers blah blah.
I assumed Brendan was being tongue-in-cheek with his remark about “reliable sources” saying what was and wasn’t going to happen. Maybe I’m getting too cynical though.
Am I the only person on this blog aware that the portion of the bill Obama threated the veto over has been removed?
Do you know what that provision was, and why he threatened to veto it? And why sign into law something of which you claim you’ll parts of the bill?
The provision, formerly section 1032, required the use of military detention for people affiliated with al Qaeda. He threatened to veto it because he does not support using military detention for terror suspects – as the record shows, Obama and Holder support using the FBI, the federal courts, and the federal prisons for these people, just like Timothy McVeigh. They’ve been fighting with Congress, which wants such people sent to Gitmo, over this since they came into office.
Why sign the bill? Because it’s the National Defense Authorization Act, and it has to be passed or the government is not authorized to pay soldiers, run the military, buy bullets, or otherwise operate the Department of Defense. With large annual spending bills like this, Presidents always end up signing something that is the end product of negotiations, which include some elements they don’t like, and leave out other elements that wanted to include. It’s not like some free-standing bill on a discreet measure, that can be defeated or brought up again in the next Congress.
Not to mention, why announce this the afternoon of NYE? That just screams chickenshit to me.
The National Defense Authorization Act is a must-pass bill. Without it, it is illegal to pay soldiers their salaries. It is illegal to operate the military. A veto threat is always only a bluff to force changes, and there are limits to how many changes the President can compel Congress to accept. Obama managed to get the bill changed in such a way that Congress’ efforts to compel him to use military detention were thwarted, and he can continue his policy of not using military detention.
Casting Obama as the bad guy in this story is just delusional. Congress has been trying to force him to put terrorism suspects into military detention, rather than handle them through civilian law enforcement, since 2009. Obama and Holder have been fighting the good fight – they really stuck their necks out over the proposed New York trial of KSM, and got them chopped for their efforts. But they have succeeded, against the will of an overwhelming majority of Congress and an overwhelming majority of the American public, in pushing back. Zero Americans, zero people suspected of conducting or attempting terrorist attacks on the United States, have been put into military detention. Every single one of them has been put through the civilian courts (except for the Ft. Hood shooter, who was given a court martial because he was an Army officer). The reason this is the case, and the reason it will continue to be the case for the rest of this presidency, is because of the determination of Obama and Holder not to use military detention.
Obama is the good guy in this story, if you actually care about military detention.
Yeah. Right. “A veto threat is always only a bluff” in situations like this, eh?
1-If you are always bluffing, then eventually bluffs don’t work. Duh. Any half-assed poker player understands that concept.
2-Exactly who is being “bluffed?” Congress or the media-fed sheeple?
Either way, concept #1 eventually comes into play. The ongoing rise of Ron Paul is evidence of that. The people/sheeple just take longer than does Congress to smell out a bluffer. Obama has bluffed his way right into a corner. Watch.
He used to look like Superman.
Now he is beginning to look a lot more like the crooked dealer at an old west card table.
Bet on it.
Image wins elections in America. Bet on that as well. Since JFK beat Nixon on the strength of his style vs. Nixon’s bad shaving habits.
There is only one politician in the hunt for the presidency who has a “heroic image.”
Ron Paul.
It used to be that of an old crank.
That didn’t work too well because he is actually very well reasoned in his positions and defends himself exceedingly well against jive allegations from professional spinners on the take.
Then they disappeared his image as well as they could.
That didn’t work, either.
Increasingly…rapidly increasingly…he is being viewed as the last standing American hero.
Jesus, still looking for heroes…
Looking for heroes? No Booman…just looking for villains. The heroes present themselves automatically by doing the right thing.
And besides…what I am doing here is simply observing the American political process as it really works. Image is all, otherwise the candidates wouldn’t spend millions and millions of dollars on image-based advertising.
Remember who won Ad Age’s Marketer Of The Year award in 2008 for the best ad campaign bar none? Not “political” ad campaign, just (basically) who ran an ad campaign that produced the most financial rewards for its advertisers? (In this case, the Democratic Party, of course. Not just Obama.)
Better than Apple, better than Coors. Winning in the image big leagues.
But…without constant high-level hype a weak, tasteless brew like Coors begins to taste pretty lame. Unless a marketer continuously produces a better product…not only better than it competitors but better than its own product from previous years…then hype is all it’s got. Real, heavy-duty hype like the Obama’s 2008 election campaign has not been sustained. A tactical error, probably, but if they did sustain something on that level it would be a first in American politics. Probably in politics anywhere on earth. Hitler did it, but I cannot think of anyone else. Not on that level.
Or…like Apple…continue to excel. Which he also has not done.
UH oh!!!
I’m not looking for heroes, Booman. Just handicapping the race. Looking for winners. Obama has a great advantage. He’s already in the catbird seat. But favorites can lose too. Outworked and out-hyped? It could happen. Especially with a better product.
I didn’t even skim your dreck. I never do anymore. Not worth it.
But was one thing right at the top that I wanted to clear up:
1-If you are always bluffing, then eventually bluffs don’t work. Duh. Any half-assed poker player understands that concept.
Which is probably why this President has not gone back on a single veto threat in his entire presidency, and why he doesn’t issue them as a matter of course, but relatively rarely.
Go ahead. Look away. When the shit hits the fan, you won’t even see it coming. You’ll feel it, though. Don’t say that you haven’t been warned.
Does it ever make a dent in your certainty that nothing you’ve predicted has ever actually come to pass?
I “predicted” that Obama would be an ineffectual president at best and at worst would repeatedly cave in to the Ratpublicans. That’s why I supported Hillary Clinton. Look around.
I “predicted” that John Edwards was full of shit and would crash and burn for any number of reason…his narcissism being the most plain one…and indeed he did.
I “predicted” that Ron Paul would be an increasingly strong candidate months and months ago, when the media was not even using his name. Right again.
Here’s my “prediction” for today. Despite the fervent hopes and desperate acts of:
1-The mass media and its wholly owned subsidiary, the polling industry
2-The Republican Party
3-The Democratic Party
4-And so-called “progressives” everywhere
I predict Ron Paul is going to have a very strong showing in Iowa tomorrow.
I further predict that he will show strong in New Hampshire.
If I’m wrong?
Sue me.But first sue all of the people who sad that he was a total non-candidate.
He has the best organization on the ground of all of the Republicans, Romney included, and his level of public hustle is as good if not better than was Obama’s when he won both the nomination and the election. Plus, he is the sole candidate to oppose war as a political and economic instrument. Tea Party and OWS supporters are going to vote for him, as are middle and working class people who are suffering enormous economic burdens and people who just like being told the truth for a change instead of being hustled. That is a lot of people, Joe. Bet on it.
Gawd, Boo. The vacillation continues unabated.
You’re “kind of pissed.”
Uh OH! You’re really mad now! We all better watch out!
You’ll vote and lobby for him anyhow, so why even go through the contortion of stating that you’re annoyed? That’s how Obama feels and thinks, and by reading this blog I learn so much from the faux-progressive community. Indefinite detention is more than a nuisance issue for me. But for a “Good American” such as yourself, it doesn’t bother you.
Just a few weeks ago–before your read the legislation–you rode in on your high horse and declared that everyone on “the left” was distorting NDAA for their own purposes. You hadn’t updated your position until now. I wonder why it took you so long to display your annoyance. No, I don’t really wonder. That was sarcasm.
You’re a-steppin’ and a-fetchin’ just like that minstrel in the WH. Birds of a feather….
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t see anything wrong with the statement or the reply as they are true. “Don’t look at that man behind the curtain!”
But let me get this straight: when Boo calls me a “leftist” and “stupid,” that’s not akin to an ad hominem attack? I know that two wrongs don’t make a right but c’mon! Get serious. Obama supporters never get charged with stepping over the line. Why is that? It’s too late for that phoney decorum nonsense. We don’t blow up innocent human beings in polite society either…at least on our shores.
And stop changing the subject.