I will not post anything else about this Iowa contest until the results are sure. Following is my last word on the matter until the final verdict is in.
Watch this video. Enjoy. Or suffer. Whatever floats your boat. But watch it.
And think, goddamnit!!!
If Ron Paul gets his ass kicked in Iowa…which I seriously doubt…but if he does, I believe that the U.S. is through. Unrescuable. The game is already over.
Bless you all.
Even the fools.
And…as I have said over and over again both here and elsewhere:
A little cogitation instead of gobbling (
Peaked too early!
It’s the sharp downward turn that’s worrisome for Tuesday’s result, although Ron Paul will score higher that polls indicate due to excellent groundwork and sufficient funds. He may drop to 3rd place end result.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
If anything, Ron Paul’s vision is most achievable at that point where the US would be considered “through”. Still, I hope he wins even though his poll numbers have sagged a bit in Iowa as people have become more exposed to his baggage.
You’ve said Ron Paul’s ideas have never been tried before and if only we tried them that would lead to better outcomes for all. Obviously, I’m talking about his economic ideas.. discussion of which you have ducked all throughout the last few weeks. Because there’s really nothing you can say to convince “progressives” that Paul’s economic ideas won’t expand the distance between the 99% and the 1% and reduce our standard of living.
“You never know what is in someone’s heart or when they might have a change of heart. It’s not that Ron Paul necessarily has any antipathy for black people. It’s that he’s managed to become the figurehead for neo-confederates, and leave the strong impression that he is a fellow-traveler with Klansmen, Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and white nationalists of all stripes. He never disavows their support. He always gives them just enough of a wink and a nod to keep them onboard.
While there are plenty of things that Ron Paul says that I agree with, you cannot lie down with a dog and not get fleas.”
I call this character assassination by association. One thing is for sure, racism and bigotry is infested in American culture through genocide of Indians, slavery, property ownership, Confederacy, so-called religious right of all faiths. The basis of Ron Paul’s political career has been the Constitution, anti-taxation and IRS, property and equal rights. All fringe elements of both parties, the Tea Party loyalists and the wide-bag of “liberitarians” contain racism and express their support for Ron Paul. On the other end, there are plenty of Afro-americans who are vocal about their candidate as Republican nominee for President. Ron Paul did not write the racist articles of the so-called Newsletters as I have documented before. Various articles came from a great number of ghost writers who gave Ron Paul financial support to make another run for the Senate. In 1996 Ron Paul had already made many enemies in the Republican establishment: Newt Gingrich and George H. Bush. Indeed, he had support from a Pat Buchanan and Jesse Helms’s fundraising machine. Ron Paul has distanced himself on many occasions from any and all racist writings in the Newsletters. If that isn’t sufficient and no one has come forward with a direct quotation from his political speeches since 2001, what can he be accused of? I disagree fundamental ly on the economic stance of his liberitarian views. A close associate of Ron Paul made this statement about him:
“I know Ron personally, and have for nearly 30 years. He served on our board of trustees in the 1980s. I can vouch for what Julie says here. There is not an ounce of racism, sexism or any other invalid, reprehensible or inappropriate “ism” in the man. He maintains the highest standards of character and integrity.” — Lawrence W. Reed, president, Foundation for Economic Education.
Another interesting take on Lawrence Reed and political history on the Constitution and Equal Rights parties …
Presidents Martin van Buuren and later Calvin Coolidge incorporated the ideas of Equal Rights.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."