Sigh. It is officially Tantrum Day in Chez Cabin. The terrible twos have arrived in earnest. At this point my nerves are shot. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable to argue that Oreos must come after dinner, do you? You’d think we were imposing a fascist regime. Maybe if I look hard enough, I’ll find my second wind. Did you see what that shithead James O’Keefe is up to now? They’ll do anything they can to disenfranchise blacks. It’s depressing to me.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
NPR: What’s Behind A Temper Tantrum? Scientists Deconstruct The Screams
Not that wanting Oreos before dinner is out of the ordinary for someone his age lol.
Hell, I still like ’em as an amuse bouche.
And it just so happens that we have them in that size.
Ah, I can remember those days. Just not very well, since it is 19 years since my twins were 2.
Several things that do work:
Good luck, Boo and CG
Yes, the parking lot is a bad thing. My twoer fell out as we exited a store in the mall. I caught her before her head hit the ground, but she went stiff on me. Had to carry a stiff screaming child to the car. Ever try to put a stiff screaming child in a car seat? It was not fun. This child continued to screamed for at least 10 min. before she passed out from exhaustion.
I used to laugh that all three of my kids could have taught Advanced Civil Disobedience–they could go from stiff as a board to complete slithery, no-bones-slide-through-your-arms and back again in a nanosecond.
I have tried many times to put a stiff, screaming child in a car seat many times. I can laugh about it now but for a while there I think I had post traumatic tantrum disorder!
No decent liberal objects to election boards having the tools they need to keep track of deaths in the days and weeks before an election, to prevent someone voting in a dead person’s name — even though it would be extraordinarily difficult to steal an election that way. (Are enough people going to die in the month before an election to provide the margin of victory for a losing candidate who sends out fakes to vote in the names of the deceased? Really, that’s what they think our election-stealing plan is?)
Not to mention, that one of their hacks got caught when the election clerk knew the deceased, which is precisely why it is not worth the risk.
No one ever said O’Keefe was that bright. Is the asshole still in probation for the Senator Landrieu phone tapping thing?
that naturally develop in a maturing brain. At least with the enfant terrible, you know up front they are not rational. They may (or many not) be right, but they are not rational. As you well know, adults are much more difficult and pernicious, e.g., bill kristol is basically a human barnacle that cannot be pried from the hull without exxxtraordinary effort, if at all.
We definitely need adults in the room in trying times, for sures.
The word no in a loud voice over and over until Finn is 3.
Don’t have any Oreos cookies in the house. Weak point, you like them too!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
This probably won’t help, but my middle son was a “challenge” at times. I remember when he was about three and he asked for a cookie a while before lunch. I said, “No, but you may have one after lunch.”
Ten minutes later, he asked again, and I repeated my answer. And ten minutes later…you get the picture.
I gave him lunch, and a little while after, he asked again if he could have a cookie. I said, “Yes, now you may have a cookie.”
He raised his nose in the air and said, “I don’t want one.”
Little shit. But now he’s 22, living in Charlotte, NC, and working for Habitat for Humanity, so he turned out okay. Hang in there!
So I see Sarah “starburst” has called for Romney to release his tax reports and listing from Bain to prove his “100,000” job creations at Bain.
So are the knives gonna come out against Palin like they did for Gingrich?
A REAL progressive would just give ‘im the damn cookie!
i feel ya, BooMan.
wait until the Monday comes that everything he used to love to eat on Saturday, he won’t put in his mouth anymore.
Lucky you, rikyrah. At least you got a 48 hour window on the “I hate that!” food change cycle. (Ours sometimes flipped within the same day….)
Right On! Rage against the machine young Finn!
Don’t trust anyone older than 5!
If Finn isn’t as bad as this little guy, you’re probably going to be ok. We survived our kids’ terrible twos without being emotionally scarred too badly;-)
Some suggestions from a parent of two now-grown children:
Every little bit helps!
All good, but I really like your first one. Who wants to hear a reflexive “no” all the time? And the child understanding the power of “no” a bit now, is going to try to employ it too. The child is learning more about controlling his/her social environment.
We a avoid “the no”. Sometimes a distraction into alternative topics is possible. But we’re also into reverse psychology on some occasions. At times when I feel the need to move the bedtime ritual forward, I just say something like, “I want you to listen to me very carefully. What ever you do, DON’T brush your teeth tonight!”
The results are amazing.
At two it’s indeed a test of nerves. As parent you have already received a positive impuls from crying babies …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."