Betty Cracker makes a funny.
Another Iranian nuclear scientist got blown up in Teheran. Iran blames Israel and the U.S.
You may not have noticed but Bill Daley announced his resignation as the president’s chief-of-staff. That means it is time to demonize his replacement.
Could or should the Republicans close the NH primary to independents? Not really, and no.
Drone strikes have resumed in Pakistan.
It should be remembered that our elections are still nowhere near secure.
What’s on your mind?
No need to demonize anyone – Jacob Lew Engaging with Palestinian Authority and perhaps another piece in Obama’s ME chess game.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
It’s shit like this that is turning me into the world’s biggest Patriots fan this weekend.
The assassination in Iran has Mossad written all over it.
My thoughts exactly.
Israel has a history of targeting scientists and technicians who are helping a hostile Middle Eastern power build weapons that Israel fears. Remember the guy who was helping Saddam’s government build a super-gun? Shot in the stairwell of his building.
The Mossad puts people into Palestinian territory to carry out assassinations all the time.
The post-Porter Goss CIA’s clandestine services probably don’t even have the capability of doing something like this these days.
The CIA has its hands full targeting al Qaeda and the Taliban.
The killing of senior al Qaeda figures by the US has typically involved drone strikes and Special Forces raids, not a quite guy with a backpack bomb or a pistol.
Now, the cyber-attacks on Iran: that looks like something that could be us.
this was a motorcycle assassin with a magnetic bomb that stuck to the car. Sophisticated but so easy to execute in city traffic. Plus, you have a ready excuse for wearing a helmet so your face won’t show up on surveillance tapes.
As with the 9/11 attacks, the hard part isn’t the physical process of carrying out the attack, but everything leading up to it.
You have to get someone trained up. You have to get him in position. He needs somewhere to come from, and somewhere to go. You probably need different people to build the bomb and deliver it. They need to be able to live and operate in the city for a while. You need to observe the target for a good period of time to formulate a plan.
All of this requires the ability to put someone into the location, who can operate and otherwise function there without attracting suspicion.
We’re not so good at that in places like Iran anymore, but the Israelis are.