Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Month’s Theme: Whatever Janus the two-faced god suggests to you.
Link of the Month: via BBC, Five ways the digital camera changed us. They even link to Fenton! And if you haven’t seen Fenton, here’s the link. Note – severely POed dog owner and cursing involved.
AndiF’s Janus
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Doubled Frost Flower
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Doubled Fern
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Doubled Dogs
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olivia’s Janus.
Using the transitions definition, these are all taken at the same spot over the course of the four seasons.
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Next Theme (Friday February 10, 2012): What is it? This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
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Love the window. And Andi’s double dog dare.
On the last one I like the infinite structural patterns and the infinite shades from light to dark, and particularly the spaces between the rocks in the narrow stripes of light.
Near as I can figure in that first one you caught a Banshee peering out the window, and in broad daylight yet!
The mushroom looks like it’s been candied. That’s a thought eh, a candied mushroom. Hmmm… generates thoughts of yesteryear.
Nice set Jim. Especially like the last one in relation to the theme. 🙂
There’s a ghostly lady looking out the window!
That window looks suspiciously familiar ~ the wraith, not so much. Nice shot! Love the light/dark river pebbles too.
(The same one I posted a few weeks ago, only with more wings now.)
And now, a few masks I`m shooting, part of an extensive collection, including many Ming Dynasty stone ware teapots.
These first two are wood carved & the third fired clay, all quite old.
Those masks are really fascinating. And the shadowing is a really great touch.
I put the masks on a piece of white cardboard flat on the driveway, in the sun, & shot them from overhead.
I’m with AndiF, those masks can stand a lot of examination and not get tiring. And the remainder are a pretty eclectic bunch. That we can count on you to provide!
Your photos always make me jealous – I wish I had your skill. Great shots, as always!
Those masks are fabulous, especially the one at the bottom.
That`s my favorite also.
It looks like a death mask of a real person.
I`ve photographed quite a bit of the collection so far, & hope to get more masks or busts in the next shipment.
I`ve already shot a portion of the set of teapots.
I`ll go download some to Flickr & post some shortly.
These are called Yi Hsing teapots.
These are no more than 4″/5 ” across.
They all have different hallmarks one of which is posted.
The area they are from is significant for the colors of the local clay, & its leathery texture & kilns were in the Yi Hsing area since before the Ming dynasty.
These are very collectable & collectors pay big dollars for them.
The ones I have & pictured range from $125.00 to upwards of $800.00
Really wonderful — especially the top pot.
Beautiful! I love that 3rd one down. It’s amazing how precise these are.
Great set, as always. Especially like the masks. The last one seems unusually detailed, with the addition of all the hair braids. I’ve never seen one like that. I get a feeling of peace from the facial expression.
I like to make my own.
Hey NDD,
Nice shots from desolation row.
I like the bread cube, especially that it`s home grown.
Stay warm.
Thanks. Warm we got, just stuff another log into the wood stove. And outdoors jumped from -10F to +10F, so even that was tolerable this afternoon.
Love that top shot … and would love to be getting a taste of that bottom one.
I’ll drop you an email on the bread ETA next time. Can you get here in 3 hrs travel time via your Lear Jet?
Going from last to first on yours;
Looks like you and Jim are in for a Two Dog Night. They’re sure close to a mirror image of each other.
As I’ve mentioned before, I like the way you find and capture images with the fern casting it’s shadow unto the other leaf a great example of that.
And the frost flowers, I’m just fascinated by them, particularly since we don’t have them here. Are they thin and fragile? How long do they last? How about a time lapse so we can see how they’re formed?
They are very thin and fragile and they are usually gone by 10 or 11 a.m., even if it is still below freezing. I’m not sure at what time they actually start to “bloom” — I’ve always suspected it’s some time not long after sunrise. I’ll have to check out that next November/December to see if I’m right.
I am a little bit in love with that middle shot.
I didn’t know you were a bread man! Homemade bread is one of my favorite things to make. I made a caraway rye a couple of days ago that was simply delicious – recipe straight out of the bread machine book, though I just use the machine for kneading purposes and bake in the oven.
Love how the clouds are moving in that second photo. In the first photo, are those more clouds or sun rays coming through at the bottom of the clouds? And that bread looks delicious.
It looked to me like it as sun rays coming through, with some clouds behind those rays too.
I liked your four seasons shots, and was thinking how nice they’d all look framed and on the same wall.
Ah, warm bread from the oven to welcome you back in from that chilly outdoors. The bread looks delicious!
Due to the unusually early reminder I got this month about the FFF (cough AndiF) I`d overlooked the theme.
Can anyone figure how this was done?
Wait … you’re complaining because I gave you an extra day’s notice about the theme?
Hah, AndiF,
I`m used to working on real short deadlines.
Thanks for that link, not just great photos but some great Leon Russell too.
The image on the left is a silhouette taken facing the right hand side of the figure, relative to the figures right side, then that image’s “negative” was flipped and photo shopped onto the image of the figure that had been previously taken from looking at it face to face.
Hah, not quite sure how ya twisted the frame to make it appear like it was supposed to be a mirror image… Maybe that was the easy part?
ha ha very tricky regardless of how ya “done” it.
From that garbled explanation, I`ve concluded that you are quite correct in all details.
It is two pictures; one in profile, then flipped & inserted onto another shot taken face-on.
I just selected the “mirror” one & “skewed” it a little just for effect. I also used the same selection & modified it to create a border which I then “filled” with the “gradient” tool. Idea= a micro second. Execution= under two mins.
“garbled” eh? Never felt more clarified than before orwell since… ’69 😉
I probably gazed at it in contemplation longer than it took you to do it, hah!
Was there a prize?
Being the only average bear to have figured it out should be enough of a prize, no?
I mean, you do also have the prize winning bread.

Just a few.

The last one is fantastic.
And Happy New Year to you & yours.
Maybe a few but a very good few. Love the doubled flower up top.
I think that first one has a great 3D life too it. That’s be great enlarged to an 8×10 or so.
Ooh, love all the colour. Feast for the eyes of those of us living in the land of brown/grey/white. 🙂
Love the color and also the somewhat haughty facial expression on #3.
Looks like that “spirit” just shape-shifted out of the darkness. Rather mesmerizing.
Agree – love the lighting.
I can imagine this spirit silently gliding through the deep hardwood forest here. Will keep an eye out.
(Carried over from a conversation in the cafe,) a lantern found in an “archeological dig” in my basement this afternoon.
Economy Electric Lantern Company Milwaukee
Made in the USA ( therefore must be a genuine antique)
Looks to be in pretty good shape. I may just polish it up one of these days, and I’m fairly certain it needs a six volt battery. I’ll probably rig something up out of 4 recycleable AAs, just for demonstation purposes. I never did care for those 6v batteries. Too expensive even back in the day for how long they lasted.
Read your posts in the cafe. Sure you have something down there that would work for next month’s ‘What is it?’ … 🙂
Well, the “reorganizing” project is not quite done yet, so I bet something will turn up that will work for next month.
Beginnings make me think of sunrises, and when it comes to sunrises, there is really only one that stands out to me from a photo standpoint.
Taken at Haleakala National Park on Maui, in 2009. The moon provides an audience for the sun’s awakening over a sea of clouds below.
Oooh … perfectly in sync with the theme. Nicely done. Gorgeous colours too.
What a great place to see the sun rise. And a great photo to record it.
And great to see you here in the Flog!
I remember some spectacular ocean sunrises from when I was living in Cuba. Thanks for the reminder.
Great doubling up.
I love the fern & the contrast in colors of the image.
Thanks. I’m grateful to the ferns that stay green through winter — it’s nice to have a little color.
I guess I should be gracious & not even mention my ferns.
Mention away — it’s not like it’s a secret that other places are a feast of color when those of us with real seasons are living on scraps. 🙂
Well, here are some dainty little Lilies that are just beginning to bloom, & what you referred to as phallic themed a month ago is still full of testosterone.
I think we’ve moved beyond phallic to full-fledged performance anxiety.
Good one AndiF.
Once the flower stalk grows, it starts blooming from the base & continues up till the whole stalk has bloomed.
I think I have five or six in bloom out of hundreds of these plants at my place.
They are constantly covered in bees.
Hmmm, Why did I come in here.
Dang, lemme see,
Oh right, ferns, but was too gracious to bring them up.
Well just a little taste maybe. Here`s a smidgin of fern, just below the little hummingbird taking drip gulps from the fountain.
What a great idea for a lovely woodland walk in all seasons.
To finish off the day at mi casa.
This taken at 5:15 this evening.
Nice one!!!
Perfect finish!
Late to the party this time.
“Sailor take warning”
Portal to the past
Anywhere the wind blows
I love the Snow Rolls.
The bridge is way too beautiful.
The balloons are exquisite.
I`ve been warned, red sky in the morning.
Those seeds keep getting caught in my beard.
What a wonderful set.
As are yours, KNUCKLEHEAD, way too numerous to mention. I love ’em all.
Very nice set (as always).
Where’s that covered bridge to be found?
Thanks Andi! Covered Bridge Road (strangely enough) leaves State Road 135 to the west just before Bean Blossom Overlook and rejoins 135 just past the Bean Blossom Animal Clinic. The bridge spans Bean Blossom Creek which formed at the southern edge of the glacier during the ice age.
Thanks. I’ll have to go check that out some time.
I’m guessing AndiF can use the hillbilly challenge, “I double-dog dare ya!” with plenty of credibility now that she’s posted the proof. Always enjoy seeing the frost flowers too.
olivia’s “path-for-all-seasons” looks inviting for a peaceful woodsy stroll.
I’ll have to work on my hillbilly accent before I try that.