Mark Perry is way off base blaming Israel’s Mossad in support of Jundallah terror inside Iran. His story just doen’t add up, as most facts show it was Paul Wolfowitz and other Pentagon hirees who funded terror groups operating from Iraq (MEK) and Pakistan’s Baluchostan’s province (Jundallah). A history of Mossad ‘false flag’ operations.
Iranian Intelligence Captures Anti-Tehran Baloch Sunni Leader plus an Update
In a despatch dated February 23, 2010, from Tehran, the State-owned Xinhua news agency of China has reported as follows: “Abdolmalek Rigi, the leader of the Pakistan-based Iranian Sunni rebel group Jundallah (also spelled as Jondollah), has been captured, Iran’s English-language satellite channel Press TV reported. Rigi was reportedly captured on a flight from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, to Kyrgyzstan. Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar was quoted by Press TV as saying that Rigi was arrested outside the country as he was preparing for a new act of sabotage and was consequently transferred to Iran.
According to the official IRNA news agency, Najjar said Rigi was arrested during an operation with the cooperation of military, security and Information Ministry forces. The detention of Rigi followed several months of extensive works of the forces, which were determined to arrest him alive, Najjar said. Rigi was an agent of foreign countries and operated their plans and conspiracies, he added. Jundallah, or People’s Resistant Movement of Iran, is an insurgent Sunni Islamic organization based in Balochistan of Pakistan that claims to fight for the rights of Sunni Muslims in Iran. The group was founded by and had been under the command of Rigi since 2003. It has been identified as a terrorist organization by Iran and Pakistan and has been behind numerous acts of terror, kidnapping and smuggling narcotics.
WARNING: Graphic images on video …
In August, Abdolhamid Rigi, the brother of Abdolmalek Rigi, told reporters in Zahedan, the capital city of Iran’s south eastern province of Sistan- Balouchestan, that the United States had a supporting role in launching terrorist plots inside Iran.
More below the fold …
Jundallah claims deadly Iran blasts
(al-Jazeera) July 16, 2010 – A Sunni Muslim rebel group has claimed responsibility for the two explosions at a mosque in southeastern Iran that killed at least 22 people, a Dubai-based television channel has said. In an email to the Al-Arabiya station, the group Jundallah (Soldiers of God) said the attacks were a response to the recent execution of one of its leaders and threatened more such attacks.
The blasts targeted Shia Muslim worshippers and Revolutionary Guards members in the predominantly Sunni city of Zahedan in Sistan-Baluchestan province, the Fars news agency quoted Iran’s deputy interior minister as saying.
Hossein Ali Shahriari, a Zahedan member of parliament, told Fars that there were two suicide attacks one after another, with the first one carried out by a bomber dressed as a woman.
“The attacker, dressed in women’s clothing, was trying to get in the mosque, but was prevented” when the first blast took place. When people came to rescue those hit in that blast, another bomber blew himself up. Three to four have been killed at least in the first attack.”Jundallah has previously carried out several deadly attacks in Sistan-Baluchestan – including on the elite Revolutionary Guardscorps.
My diary in 2008 – Bush’s Crusaders Join Forces with Soldiers of Allah in Terror Against Iran
- Front page story by Steven D – Is Iran the Most Dangerous Nation on Earth?
Bush regime secretly funded terror Group Jundallah
Iran now has in custody Abdolamalek Rigi, the leader of the Sunni insurgent terrorist group Jundullah. This is big news as the US government has secretly funded Jundullah for years in an effort to destabilize Ahmedinijad’s controversial regime.
In 2007, President George W. Bush requested and received funding of $400 million to (illegally) work with Jundullah after he made a secret appeal to Congressional leaders. Seymour Hersh, reporting in the New Yorker, claimed that the appeal for funds `was focused on undermining Iran’s nuclear ambitions and trying to undermine the government through regime change’.
The intelligence minister, Moslehi, also said that Rigi had been at a US military base 24 hours before being captured and had carried an Afghan passport supplied by the CIA.
Speaking to Al Jazeera, Mahjoob Zweiri from Qatar University, said: “He [Rigi] was accused of being responsible of operations which basically annoyed the government in Iran… The Iranians look at him as a tool in different hands, sometimes in American hands, sometimes in Pakistani hands, sometimes in Israeli hands.”
Iran hangs Sunni group leader responsible for 154 Iranian deaths
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Your sourcing on this is somewhat weak. For instance, the Bush funding article in the Telegraph does not mention Jundallah at all and several of the links are to people who blog about Bush being responsible.
It’s probable that they funded MEK as seen by the efforts to take MEK off of the list of terrorist organizations.
Just saying that saying this story http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/01/13/false_flag may not necessarily be true but that does mean you are right either. Not sure why you cannot qualify your theories. It as reasonable to believe Israel was behind Jundallah as Bush/CIA. Maybe they both were behind it.
Under Carter and Reagan these same ‘folks’ were on our side, we armed them and provided $ millions in funding. The Sunni Arabs were considered freedom fighters or mujahideen liberating a Muslim nation from the evil communists. In a VOA interview, Abdel malik Regi was called a freedom fighter. The MEK was placed on the US terror list under Clinton and Bush and placed under quartaine in an encampment.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
A very interesting article, has Mark Perry become a shill reporter for specific CIA leaks to white-wash their covert operations in Iran?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Looking for an argument in postponing critical joint exercises with Israel, Juan Cole searches Israel censored media for answers. Very odd to me! My take on the cancellation: the real attack is well prepared for implementation in coming months.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."