Two Think Progress headlines that are related: Oops, He Did It Again: Perry Forgets The Three Federal Agencies He Wants To Abolish and BREAKING: Social Conservatives Officially Unite on Rick Santorum as Romney Alternative.
In a blow to Rick Perry’s barely detectable pulse, our country’s most extreme Protestant wingnuts have decided that he’s so stupid that they’d prefer to go all-in with a Catholic most famous for a frothy mix of lube and fecal matter.
Moments ago, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins announced on a conference call that social conservatives had officially settled on Rick Santorum as their preferred candidate for the Republican nomination. The decision was made today after three rounds of balloting at a meeting of more than 150 social conservative leaders and political activists held over the last two days in Brenham, Texas.
Double ‘Oops.’
He really ought to write this stuff on his hand like Sarah Palin does.
He can write, can’t he?
And poor Santorum. He doesn’t have a prayer of winning the nomination, but he does have some prayers.
Little Ricky is not poor. He will be charging $250,000 for every keynote speech he delivers after he drops out of the clown show.
It could hurt Romney if the anti-Mitt forces have to solidify against one certain candidate instead of being diffused among several. Latest word from SC though is that Santorum isn’t gaining any ground from this endorsement, and is in fact receding, as is Mitt. Gingrich may still pull off some sort of upset.
Any way it washes out, though, this is excellent news for John McCain.