I think the whole Americans Elect idea is stupid, but I acknowledge that there is an honest desire to move beyond the gridlock in Washington DC. If the Republican and Democratic parties were a married couple, any sane person would tell them to forget about counseling because the rot in their relationship is too deep for reconciliation. The only solution is divorce.
I can’t really keep this analogy going, but it’s a mistake to think that the politicians who have shown the most inclination to play nice with the other side are better people than the partisans, or that they’d be better leaders, or that they’d produce better policies. The problem in Washington isn’t that there aren’t enough Joe Liebermans or Bob Kerreys. And there’s a reason that people who pay attention to politics do not like Chuck Hagel or Lamar Alexander or Ben Nelson. The best you can say for these folks is that they (very rarely) say something true that other politicians are unwilling to concede.
Let me try to put this another way. The reason that Joe Lieberman is popular with Republicans and has a reputation for centrism is because he is so aggressively wrong on foreign policy. His dishonest cheerleading of the neo-conservatives is what got him kicked out of the Democratic Party. Unless you think we need to return to neo-conservative foreign policies, Joe Lieberman’s centrism is not only worthless, but incredibly dangerous.
It’s unclear how Ben Nelson, Chuck Hagel, or Lamar Alexanders’ aversion to tax increases make them any different from the radical Republicans who traded a budget surplus for a $15 trillion debt.
I’m not saying the Democrats are right about everything, but the middle ground between the GOP and the Dems is already a dangerously delusional place that has been proven wrong about just about everything.
Perhaps most depressingly, that middle ground determines all legislative outcomes, which means you don’t really need a Lierberman-Hagel ticket to wind up with the outcomes they desire. It still matters a great deal who controls the White House and Congress, but that’s mainly for non-legislative reasons or because controlling the congressional calendar can limit the damage done by the other side. If President Lieberman and Vice-President Hagel had sat down to do health care reform in 2009. they probably would have produced something indistinguishable from the Affordable Care Act. That’s not to take credit away from President Obama and Vice-President Biden, it’s just to make clear that the “centrists” in Congress exercise effective veto power already. They don’t need more power.
I’d be more interested in a campaign to ask why we still have a House of Lords, and why our House of Lords requires 60% to do anything. Without that little snag, we wouldn’t need the parties to cooperate.
Our House of Lords for centuries didn’t require 60% to do anything. Bob Dole found it a useful tool for obstruction after Clinton won, and McConnell took it even further after Obama won. It has very little to do with arcane senate rules, and everything to do with the mutation of the modern GOP into a parliamentary style party. I don’t really see a way out of this conundrum in the short-term, although I’m in favor of making senate reform and senate obstruction a major issue, rather than just sitting around and hoping that the GOP reverts to normal after losing a few more elections.
As for Americas Elect, follow the money. It’s essentially a well-branded group of billionaires who are essentially holding a gun to the head of each parties making sure that neither party advocates for a departure from the status quo. On the slight chance the GOP nominates a crazy like santorum or gingrich, Americas Elect runs someone from the center-right to split the vote and ensure Obama’s victory. Likewise, if Obama runs as a true populist, they’ll run someone who pulls votes from Obama, guaranteeing a win for Romney. If the contest is Obama v. Romney, I don’t think Americas Elect is going to be much of a factor- in fact, its very likely they won’t run anybody of significance.
So, you’re not interested in hedge-fund liberation?
It’s essentially a well-branded group of billionaires who are essentially holding a gun to the head of each parties making sure that neither party advocates for a departure from the status quo.
They have to find a viable candidate first. And that’s not going to happen. So their threats are hollow. Not even HolyJoe would run under their banner.
they aren’t finding a candidate because its going to be romney vs. obama, and Obama’s brand of “populism” that he’s running on is really just a defense of the status quo that the Congressional GOP is threatening. New incentives would arise if Obama started running on, I don’t know, ending the carried interest and special tax privileges of hedge fund and PE billionaires. Or even raising the capital gains tax a few points so kids in disadvantaged communities can have a shot at a decent education. In a way, Americas Elect, of which elites and political insiders are keenly aware, has already won by altering the incentive structures of the candidates for the top two parties.
If Obama moved left, or the GOP moved right by nominating Santorum, the window for the center would open considerably. Obviously Holy Joe is irrelevant, but Bloomberg? I could see him running from the middle if either party flanked too far away from the center. Americas Elect, by raising billions and getting on all 50 state ballots, is already “running for president” and like all third parties, it never expects to win, but is ultimately judged by the way it affects the other candidates who actually do compete for the presidency. By those standards, its had a big effect already.
Santorum? Bloomberg? Come on, man. This is politics, not theoretical physics.
Because otherwise a minority faction of “self-loathing” whites can make common cause with black people and legislate against the white majority in this country.
And we can’t have that.
We’d have had universal health care in this country 40-60 years ago if it had been initially restrained to just white people, like social security was.
Where are you going with this?
Because “House of Lords” is the wrong framework. It goes beyond that. I wish the chamber merely existed to support the goals and desires of the capital classes.
The filibuster was invented to protect slavery. Then it persisted to protect segregation. That’s why it exists. To stymy efforts to have government work on behalf of minorities, for the most part, black people.
The “tyranny of the majority” is some of the most brilliant political con work of all time.
Ah, OK. I can get behind that.
Centrism is a bonum per se. It’s self-justifying. It doesn’t need to produce results, it just needs to be.
There you go, getting all ontological on the rest of us.
The voters in the Connecticut Democratic primary decided they’d rather have someone else run for “his” seat. The “kicked him out” storyline was Repub posturing on how “radical” and “uninclusive” Dems supposedly are.
Meanwhile, Lieberman s still a registered Democrat.
OT but I hope everyone saw this – I saw the headline somewhere last week but just tracked down the numbers.
Obama got 3 votes, max repubs were Romney and Huntsman with 2 each.
That’s right. You can’t. Why? because it is way off base. The two political parties are not a married couple, they are mostly a group of actors who are playing at being a married couple. They are actually a UniParty. The whole show is sponsored by the Corporate Government. It writes the lines; it coordinates the plots; it hires the actors and it decides who will be the winner and the loser in any given installment. After the show is over many of the actors go home and try to fool themselves into thinking that this isn’t so, but in their heart of hearts they damned well know and understand the truth of the matter. And the real winners? They aren’t in any way fooled by their roles. That’s why they are so good at what they do.
We don’t need a marriage counselor, we need a whole new show. We need different sponsors…the people…to write a different show and then hire (elect) the cast. Why do we not have this now? Because the American people have been so hornswoggled by the media over the past 60 years or so that they do not know the truth of the matter. You apparently don’t know it either, despite ample evidence of the truth of what I am saying here. George Butch II? Barack Obama? Just different actors playing the same role differently. Obama is a better actor than was Preznit Butch and the plot has been rewritten some, but the runup to the Iraq War and the current runup to a serious confrontation w/Iraq? It’s even the same damned storyline, just set in different ways, the tired old WMD-based plot that they used the first time. What horseshit!
Saaaay…I’ve got an idea!!! Since France has nukes and is quite obviously untrustworthy given the level of its pols and its oncoming economic crisis, why don’t we go in and knock their nuke program out, too? And Pakistan? Fuggedaboudit!!! How many times is proof needed of the rampant hostility to the U.S. that is in place in that country? Let’s get them bastids, too!!! And while we’re at it, how about North Korea? A bunch of crazy sumbitches. Let’s take them down while there’re in transition while we’re at it.
But…wait a minute!!! Pakistan, France and North Korea are not in a position to immediately endanger our(artificially inexpensive) oil supply, so who needs to mess with them? But Iran and the Straits of Hormuz? Hoo boy!!! Let’s get ’em!!!
Which is why I support the only producer who is proposing a whole new show, Ron Paul. He is saying…by every means at his disposal…that rather than running this same series of “Blood For Oil” and “The Empire Wins Again!!!” shows, why not start a whole new channel? The “Tighten Your Belts and Develop Your Own Resources” channel. And every time someone either makes believe (or actually believes) the smoke and mirrors act that is coming out of DC, I’m callin’ it.
Yeah. Right. The DemRats and RatPubs are married. Like that Kardashian Kreature and her sidekick/straightman, Kris “She Fooled Me!!!” Humphries. “Annulment” my ass!!!
Annul this, motherfuckers!!!
And this.
And this.
And this as well.
Nothing else will work.
Nothing else will do.
Bet on it.
“A married couple” indeed!!!
Like Lucky Luciano and Albert Anastasia.
Wake the fuck up.
Booman…if those pictures were of your kid, would you give up the fight against an invader?
I hope not.